kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 233 The gods divided into 4 equal parts in the theater

Chapter 233 Theater - Quartered Gods ()

"Why did you regain your strength?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi's words stopped Aomura Yusuke, and Sakurai Kei and the three of them also cast their eyes on Aomura Yusuke.

"Yusuke's power can be restored. Is there a way to restore Hidetoshi's power?"

"Yes, Yusuke, how did you regain your strength?"

Yusuke Aomura turned around with a faint smile on his face.

"Actually, I haven't completely recovered, I just recovered a little bit."

"As for why it recovered, I don't know. It just recovered naturally."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi took two steps forward and looked up and down at Aomura Yusuke with burning eyes.

"I was robbed of my intelligence, so I couldn't use my brain to think."

Azuma Daozhang also reacted, holding the zombie belt buckle in his hand, pretending to insert it into the desire drive.

Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi, who lacked strength, were obviously no match for the demon disciples. Although they deliberately avoided direct conflict, they still had to fight.

"how come?"

"I am the Yusek No. 2! I appeared hundreds of thousands of years before you!"

"Without your wisdom, you can't even understand such a simple thing."

"The ability to steal Yingshou named Mera was made into a new belt buckle. Yusuke's ability probably had the same fate. How did it come back to you?"


"Why do you want to expose it? If I can help you protect this world, just think of me as Aomura Yusuke."

"How could the evil demon mimic me? The Dark Leopard's ID core was erased when my incarnation died!"

"Having the same strength, wisdom, and even his emotions, to you, am I not him?"

Aomura Yusuke listened to what the others said with a calm expression, and suddenly laughed.

"Do you think you are the only Usek II designed by Suel?"

The demon disciple Aomura Yusuke untied his black robe, let it fall to the ground, and walked towards Aomura Yusuke unhurriedly.

That was Yusuke Aomura's previous life - Yusek.

"First time we meet, my name is Aomura Yusuke."

The corners of the demon disciple Aomura Yusuke's mouth slightly raised, revealing his usual Aomura Yusuke smile.

"Not Yusuke!? It seems a bit hard to explain."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo yelled at Yusuke Aomura impatiently.

"Think about why Suel let you go for more than two thousand years?"

The face of the evil demon disciple Aomura Yusuke changed before his eyes, but it was still a familiar face.

Kurama Neon was shocked by Ukiyo Hidetoshi's words, and her eyes widened slightly.

Yusuke Aomura moved his steps back cautiously, ready to run away at any moment.

Yusuke Aomura, who had not run far, obviously found that there were fewer demons on the street and they were getting quieter.

"Yusuke is Yusuke! Not everyone can be Yusuke!"

"But, I can feel that you are not Yusuke."

Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo left the lounge one after another and teleported to the street.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you die."

Sakurai Keikazu also took a stance and stepped forward to stand side by side with Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

There are many evil demons running rampant on the streets, and fruits are still falling from the sky, causing the evil demons to sweep in all directions.

Aomura Yusuke was so frightened that he forgot to run away for a moment. Instead, he stood up straight and looked directly at the evil demon disciple Aomura Yusuke with a frown.

The mysterious man didn't show off, and lifted the hood on his head, revealing a face that surprised Yusuke Aomura.

The next second, a mysterious man in black robe walked out from the corner and stood in the middle of the street.

And it was such an inconspicuous battle that separated the two people and headed for different routes.

The evil demon Yusek stood in front of Aomura Yusuke, his eyes flashing strange dark green, and his angry look seemed to tear Yusuke Aomura apart with his hands.

"How do you think Suel came up with the design?"

"The mysterious person who took away Yusuke's ability has never appeared. Who are you?"

"certainly not!"

"I am the director of the Desire Grand Prix known as the tyrant! I should enjoy everything! Instead of being locked up in the Demonic Forest!"

"You again! Who are you? Why do you also have the power of death?"

It was Yusuke Aomura's face with strange patterns. Yusuke Aomura had seen the strange patterns on Isuzu Daichi's face. They were similar but not exactly the same.

"Indeed, from the beginning, I have felt a sense of disobedience from you. Yusuke doesn't like the attention of others, so the way he chooses to appear will not be high-profile like standing on a high place with his back to the sun."

Aomura Yusuke, who lacks wisdom, has not connected all the things even now, but he knows one thing.

"But you are a demon disciple, you cannot be Yusek No. 2."

Yusuke Aomura didn’t believe that Suel would create a Demon Disciple version of Yousek to become his tool. Although in his eyes, the Demon Disciple was indeed just a tool, it was obvious that the Demon Disciple was not worthy of becoming Yousek. .

The anger in the eyes of the demon disciple Yousek became even more intense. He reached out and grabbed Aomura Yusuke's neck and raised it into the air.

"Who do you think is the culprit of all this!"

"It's you!"

"It was your birth! Let Suel think that I am a defective product! A failure!"

"He thinks I'm not as good as you! You are Yusek! So!"

"He's going to get rid of me!"

Yusuke Aomura grabbed the hand of the evil disciple Yousek, trying to get some space to breathe easier.

"Well... this... has nothing to do with me... you go to... Suel..."

The demon disciple Yousek was caught up in his own emotions, ignored Aomura Yusuke's words, and continued on his own.

"But Suel never dreamed that I would be reborn with the help of the evil demon vine! Although I have the body of an evil demon disciple, my mind is still that of Yusek!"

After the evil disciple Yusek said this, he wanted to hear Aomura Yusuke's reaction, but Aomura Yusuke's face was now pale and blue from suppressing the pressure, and he had no way to pay attention to the evil disciple Yusek.

The demon disciple Yousek let go of his hand and let Aomura Yusuke fall to the ground. "With a weak body, is this what Suel calls being better than me? Haha."

Yusuke Aomura breathed heavily, his face gradually improved, and he was able to speak.

"But what does this have to do with me? You should still go to Suel!"

"I would rather stay in the Demonic Forest than dare to come out to resist Suel. I only dare to find myself, a quarter of a powerless Yusuke Aomura."

The evil demon Yusek looked down at Yusuke Aomura, with a familiar smile on his face again.

"It's all thanks to you."


Yusuke Aomura doesn’t understand and is full of doubts.jpg
"When Suel disposed of me in the Demonic Forest, I thought I was going to die."

"When I woke up, I found that the evil demon vine had swallowed up my body and used it as nourishment to create the body of an evil demon disciple."

"But my memory is incomplete. I don't know who I am or where I am. I just feel that the evil vines around me are so kind. They let me stay in the evil forest."

"I have been living in the Demonic Forest for a long time, until you came to the Demonic Forest."

"I felt a familiar aura from you, especially when you used the power of death, I completely woke up."

"I recalled most of my memories, and at the same time, I also awakened the power of death."

"Tell me, do I have to thank you for all this?"

Yusuke Aomura has recovered, stood up from the ground, and looked at the evil demon Yusek.

"Just thank me like that? Take away my strength, wisdom and luck?"

The demon disciple Yusek glanced at Aomura Yusuke suspiciously, "What nonsense are you talking about? How can you be lucky?"

"Hey! What are you talking about! Everyone is lucky to live long and long! I won't be lucky!!!"

Yusuke Aomura is anxious, he is very anxious!
The evil demon Yusek sneered, and his face turned into Yusuke Aomura's again.

"After recalling most of my memories, I left the Demonic Forest and returned to the city to investigate."

"I know what happened when you were the director of the Desire Grand Prix. I know the legend of your being aloof and majestic. I also know that you defeated Suel and completely rectified the Desire Grand Prix."

"These should all be mine!"

"I! It's Yousek!"

"I want to take back everything that belongs to me! Starting from this world!"

"I want you to watch with your own eyes as I take back what belongs to me bit by bit, and you can only watch helplessly, unable to do anything."

"It's just like when I was living in a daze in the Demonic Forest."

The evil demon disciple Aomura Yusuke opened his mouth, and countless vines stretched out and wrapped around Aomura Yusuke.

Aomura Yusuke turned into a ball of white light and was dragged into the mouth of the evil demon disciple Aomura Yusuke by vines.

The demon disciple Aomura Yusuke wiped his mouth, raised a smile like Aomura Yusuke's face, and walked away from here.


Demon disciple Aomura Yusuke just sneered when faced with Ukiyo Hidetoshi's shouting.

"Do you think that guy is the real Yusuke Aomura, not me who has mastered power, wisdom, and emotions?"

Sakurai Kei and the three of them inserted the buckle into the desire drive simultaneously.

"Yusuke is not Yusuke because of the emotions he has!"

"It is Yusuke who has wisdom, not Yusuke who has wisdom!"

"Strength has never been something that guy is proud of!"

"The reason why Yusuke is Yusuke is because he is Yusuke! Not because of the abilities he has!" x3
"This is why you can never become Yusuke!" x3
Demon disciple Aomura Yusuke put his tongue on his cheek, a dark green light flashed in his eyes, and his neck cracked.

"Since you don't want to pretend to be stupid and agree with me, then let's destroy this world together."

The vines stretched out from the back of the evil demon disciple Aomura Yusuke, waving in all directions with his teeth and claws. Dark green energy filled the whole body, and a circular pool was eroded from the ground.

The vines suddenly closed forward, wrapping the demon disciple Aomura Yusuke in them. A dark green claw stretched out from the pool, grabbed the cocoon formed by the vines, and crushed it to pieces.

Dark green energy spread out, revealing the body inside.

An evil demon disciple who looked like the alien Ming Leopard appeared in front of everyone.

Sakurai Kage and the three of them rushed forward waving their weapons, followed closely by Hidetoshi Ukiyo, who completed the transformation, raised his gun and started shooting.

On the platform not far away, Mera and Melo stood here, looking at the situation on Ukiyo Hidetoshi's side.

"Meira~ Why did you stop just now? That guy could tell at a glance that he was the one in black robe."

"Mello, my clearance record has been refreshed. Wouldn't it be better to watch another interesting show?"

Meera grinned widely.

During the strength competition, the demon disciple Aomura Yusuke told him what he wanted to do. Mera thought it was quite interesting and was willing to cooperate, so she put away her sword and turned around to leave.

It’s interesting to think about how, as Aomura Yusuke, he gained the trust of Ukiyo Hidetoshi and others, and after giving them the chance to save the world, he personally extinguished them. Still as his best partner and friend.

But now it seems that even the first step has not been completed.

"Meira, they are fighting."

Melo was leaning on the guardrail, filming with his cellphone in one hand.

The camera zooms in, back to the abandoned factory.

The injured people were no match for the evil demon Aomura Yusuke in his prime. With just a few vine whips, Ukiyo Hidetoshi and others lay back on the ground.

"That's it for now, let's say goodbye to this world."

The demon disciple Aomura Yusuke floated on the spot, releasing the power of death and creating a shadow in the sky.


Meera exclaimed in exaggeration, "Wow, this is really a bad plan."

The evil demon disciple Aomura Yusuke floating in the air held a huge energy bomb, like a dark green sun.

When he wanted to push it out with both hands, the demon disciple Aomura Yusuke found that his hands seemed to be frozen and refused to obey his control.


In the body of the demon disciple Aomura Yusuke, Aomura Yusuke made exactly the same movements and stopped his hands tightly.

"Stop it!"

(End of this chapter)

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