kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 30 Graduation Trip

Chapter 30 Graduation Trip
Yusuke Aomura was sitting at the dining table, eating a hearty breakfast.

The mobile phone on the right side kept making "ding dong" message notifications.

The screen is always on, showing how many messages there are.

Yusuke Aomura calmly took a bite of the sandwich in his hand and glanced at the mobile phone on his right.

【Where have you all been? 】

【I'm almost at school】

[I have arrived at school a long time ago and have already seen the school bus that picked us up]

[I didn’t expect that the last location would be Okinawa, it was really great! 】

[I brought a lot of snacks, so I can eat them while playing games at night]

[I brought board games, there are several kinds]

[I brought a game console, is there anyone I can play with? 】

[I brought my tablet so we can watch horror movies together at night]

This is a class group, and what everyone is chatting about now is their long-awaited graduation trip.

Today is the beginning of the graduation trip organized by the school to celebrate the students' successful graduation and wish them all the best in the future.

Yusuke Aomura finished the sandwich in his hand, picked up a bun with chopsticks, and continued eating.

He took a slow sip of milk.

Yusuke Aomura originally didn’t want to go on this graduation trip.

The Desire Grand Prix has begun. What if you start the game while traveling?
Even if you find an excuse to leave, you can't leave for a day.

However, this idea was ruthlessly rejected by the Qingcun couple.

Yusuke Aomura recalled in his mind the answers he gave to his parents on this matter.

"No, graduation trip is your last high school experience, it's indispensable."

This is what Aomura Yuran said.

"Son, you have to know that high school is incomplete without a graduation trip. Besides, you might just meet fate if you travel together."

This is what Daiichiro Aomura said.

The two also talked a lot, focusing on two points: incomplete high school life and starting a love relationship.

Yusuke Aomura couldn't resist them, so he had to agree to go on a graduation trip.

Anyway, he is not the only one who wants to participate in the Desire Grand Prix, but also Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

Thoughts are beautiful, facts are cruel.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi declined this graduation trip because of illness.

His acting skills of pretending to be sick actually fooled his parents!
Why does Aomura Yusuke know this?
Of course it was said by a certain fox who came to show off himself.

Yusuke Aomura placed the cup of milk he had finished drinking heavily on the table.

"This guy Yingtou is so cunning!"

With my mother's personality, when she heard that she was sick, she would immediately come to take care of her.

Pretending to be sick in front of his mother?
You don't need to think about it to know that it will definitely be exposed, and then there will be a lot of words saying that if you don't go on a graduation trip, your high school life will not be complete.

From this aspect, Hidetoshi Ukiyo is better than him.

Only acting is better than me.

Aomura Yusuke thought so.

Messages were still flashing on the phone, showing that the other students were different from Aomura Yusuke in their enthusiasm.

"I still have to go on the graduation trip."

Yusuke Aomura picked up his backpack on the sofa, picked up his suitcase and went out.


The bus is driving on the road.

The students in the car were singing happily under the leadership of the teacher.

Yusuke Aomura could only smile fakely, opening and closing his mouth in coordination.

"Qingcun, why do you just open your mouth and make no sound?"

The boy sitting next to Aomura Yusuke asked doubtfully.

"I'm tone-deaf, so I can't sing."

Yusuke Aomura explained with a fake smile.

The boy next to him seemed to have heard some great news, and his eyes suddenly lit up. "Oh, it's okay, it's okay."

Aomura Yusuke sighed helplessly.

I just didn't want to come on the graduation trip.

What should I do when the Desire Grand Prix starts at this time?
Jump out of the car window?
Fortunately, the journey was uneventful and the bus slowly arrived at the hotel.

After the leading teacher checked in at the front desk, he came over with a stack of room cards.

"Now we will allocate rooms to everyone. Two people can share a room. They can be combined freely. The remaining people who cannot be combined freely will be assigned by me."

Yusuke Aomura looked at the two groups of students who came forward to receive their room cards.

Quietly waiting for the teacher in charge to assign himself.

"Qingcun, you are the only boy left, how about you stay in a room by yourself?"

The leading teacher held a room card and said softly.

"There was originally a boy left alone in Class [-], but he got sick and didn't come to the graduation trip."

When Yusuke Aomura heard it, why did this template sound so familiar?

oh!Hidetoshi Ukiyo!

Yusuke Aomura took the room card and said politely: "It's okay, teacher, I'm used to being alone."

The teacher leading the group smiled and nodded, "Then you go up and put your luggage away first, and we will go to the aquarium to watch it later."

Yusuke Aomura nodded, "Okay, teacher."

Carrying the suitcase upstairs, Yusuke Aomura came to his room.

He took out his cell phone and sent a message to Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

[Thank you so much for not coming to the graduation trip!I have a room to myself. 】

Hidetoshi Ukiyo responded to the message instantly.

Fox [You’re welcome. 】

Through his mobile phone, Yusuke Aomura could imagine Hidetoshi Ukiyo's expression when he said these words.

Yusuke Aomura didn't have anything to take care of. He just put his suitcase away and went downstairs.

The backpack cannot be put down, as it contains the drive for your own desires.

Just in case the Desire Grand Prix suddenly starts.

The teacher leading the group counted the number of people and took everyone on the bus.

Arriving at the aquarium, the students suddenly became excited.

If the leading teacher hadn't been there, I'm afraid he would have run away long ago and disappeared without a trace.

"Jingle Bell"

As soon as he heard this voice, Aomura Yusuke knew it was over.

The Desire Grand Prix begins!

Yusuke Aomura grabbed the spider phone from his shoulder and watched it transform into a mobile phone form.

A summons order is displayed on the mobile phone page.

[Mr. Yusuke Aomura, please go to the Desire Hall to gather. 】

Aomura Yusuke casually put the Spider mobile phone into his pocket and approached the leading teacher.

"Teacher, my stomach feels a little uncomfortable. I want to go to the bathroom."

The teacher leading the group looked at the time and said, "Okay, I will let them have free time later. They will meet at three o'clock in the afternoon. The meeting place is right here."

Yusuke Aomura nodded and ran out with his bag on his back.

The leading teacher looked at Aomura Yusuke's back and murmured.

"Are you in such a hurry? But in which direction is the bathroom located?"

Yusuke Aomura found a corner, took out the Desire Drive from his backpack and put it on his waist.


The electronic data flow enveloped Aomura Yusuke and teleported away.

The leading teacher came over just at this time.

"It's strange. You were running this way just now. Did you run so fast? It's Qingcun as expected."

 Please give me a monthly vote~ I also hope everyone can comment more!
(End of this chapter)

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