kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 33 123 Wooden Man Game is over!

Chapter 33 One Two Three Wooden Man The game is over!

The cold sound of the machine echoed in the forest.

The fruit knife that Aomura Yusuke swung towards the evil demon's neck suddenly stopped.

The fruit knife was placed on the evil demon's shoulder.

Yusuke Aomura thought to himself.

This saves a lot of effort.

The demonic disciple lowered his eyes and glanced at the fruit knife on his neck.

'JYAMATO JYA' (The devil's language: If you want to be killed or chopped into pieces, please give me a good time!)

The devil is crying in his heart.jpg
It has been two rounds since the last time I called the wooden man.

In these two rounds, Aomura Yusuke defeated a total of...

Um, I forgot to count...

Anyway, the quantity is quite a lot, but only one piece of equipment popped out.

It's a bit buckle.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi didn't fare much better, only bursting out a war hammer buckle.

That's the way people are, and when you're down on your own luck, it can be frustrating.

But it's different when someone is as unlucky as you, and that person is your friend.

As a result, Aomura Yusuke accepted the fact that he was unlucky with peace of mind.

Of course, not everyone is unlucky.

Among the players Yusuke Aomura saw, one got a buckle he had never seen before.

The camera moved to the back, where a Kamen Rider wearing purple armor, holding a chainsaw-like sword in his hand, and whose hood looked like a rodent, slashed the sword on the evil demon's shoulder, and then stood still.

Kamen Rider the Hedgehog, Toru Imai.

The screen returns to a few minutes ago.

Toru Imai inserted the zombie belt buckle he got into the driver and transformed.


"ZOMBIE" (zombie)

"You look so strong!"

Imai Toru waved the Zombie Destroyer in his hand.

An evil demon rushed up and struck Imai Tohru with his sword.

Toru Imai raised the Zombie Destroyer and blocked it easily.

Then he pulled hard, and the Zombie Destroyer's sawtooth scratched the evil demon's body, causing considerable damage.

The demonic disciple staggered back two steps. Imai Toru took a step forward and kicked the demonic disciple in the abdomen with his right foot.

The screen returns to the present.


Hearing the sound of the machine, Yusuke Aomura immediately took action and stabbed the evil demon's neck.

Zombie belt buckle?
It looks like it's not bad.

So, where is my scythe?
It’s unlikely that these evil demon disciples don’t have my sickle on them.


Aomura Yusuke casually deflected the sword of another demon disciple and raised his right leg.

The energy gathered in the right foot to form the shape of a drill.

Drill Kick!
Yusuke Aomura kicked the evil demon in the heart.

Then he trampled the evil devil on the ground hard.

The energy drill continues to destroy the body of the evil demon.


The demon disciple under Yusuke Aomura's feet exploded, but no prop box exploded.


Why do you feel like the passwords are shouted faster and faster?
Aomura Yusuke frowned and ran forward two steps quickly.

A figure ran past him.

He is a Kamen Rider wearing a blue wolf head.

Even if it was only a few seconds, the wolf-headed Kamen Rider had already rushed several meters away.

The speed is really not slow.

Aomura Yusuke thought so and found a comfortable position to stand.

According to the time interval between shouting one, two, and three just now, it is almost time to call the wooden man.

The next second, the cold sound of the machine sounded.


When Yusuke Aomura saw the wolf-headed Kamen Rider not far away, he immediately stopped his rapidly moving legs, maintained his running movement, and stood still.

What a strong body control.

The Kamen Rider's name is displayed inside Yusuke Aomura's helmet.

Kamen Rider Wolf Soul, my Nahazai.


Aomura Yusuke ran forward quickly.

He doesn't plan to continue to explode equipment. The time intervals between passwords are getting shorter and shorter. The further you go, the shorter the time you can run, and it becomes more difficult to pass the level.It's definitely not because he hasn't released good equipment!
Yusuke Aomura moved quickly and nimbly dodged one evil demon disciple after another.


Yusuke Aomura hugged the evil demon disciple's neck, rotated 180 degrees in the air, and landed behind the evil demon disciple.

He held his neck and threw him over his shoulder, driving the evil demon into the ground.

His right foot touched the ground, and his body rushed out like an arrow.

My Na Baxi noticed something strange behind him and looked back.

Then he saw Yusuke Aomura flipping over a stone with great skill and doing a forward somersault to avoid the long sword swung by the evil demon.

In the blink of an eye, he came to my side.


A strange color flashed through my domineering eyes, and then my expression became extremely serious.

He stepped forward with his legs and ran hand in hand with Yusuke Aomura towards where the machine was.

Aomura Yusuke glanced at my Naha Sae, and his expression became more serious.

I won't lose to ordinary people.


The two stopped at the same time and took a posture ready to run.

An invisible aura surrounded the two of them.

Just like an athlete waiting for the starter to take the shot.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at the two people in front of him with interest.

'Yusuke, this guy's desire to win has been aroused. '


With the sound of the machine.

Yusuke Aomura and Sae Naha used their right feet at the same time and kicked the ground hard.

The weeds on the ground only felt a gust of wind blowing, and then they saw the brothers and sisters of the weeds next to them being stepped on the ground.

The demonic disciple took a step forward to block him. Aomura Yusuke and Gina Bazai ignored the demonic disciple who was blocking their way.


The two men ran past the evil demon disciple, bringing with them a gust of wind that blew the evil demon disciple's clothes.

It also stirred the sadness in the hearts of the evil devils.

"JYAMATO JAY" (The devil's language: I have no sense of existence...)

Aomura Yusuke and I Nahazai were equally fast and kept pace.


Yusuke Aomura is slightly ahead of Sae Naha.


Yusuke Aomura crossed the finish line and stood next to the machine.

I stopped, just one step away from crossing the finish line.

In this invisible contest, Yusuke Aomura won.

Yusuke Aomura turned around and looked at my domineering look with arrogance in his eyes.

Nothing was said, as if this was how it should be.

Then, he looked at Hidetoshi Ukiyo not far behind and patted the machine next to him.

"You, please eliminate that fox, this traitor."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled helplessly in his heart.

'Isn't this guy just not participating in the graduation trip? How about I come over now? '

Yusuke Aomura just said casually that the machine was not something he could control if he wanted to.

I glanced at the time displayed in the helmet and saw that it wasn't long until the three o'clock meeting time.

He spoke loudly into the air.

"Zimli, teleport me back."

Zimli, who was standing in the Hall of Desire, looked at the figure of Yusuke Aomura on the virtual projection and thought for a moment.

Then he looked at another picture on the virtual projection.

A man wearing a white mask and a black hood stands in the frame.

"Promise him."

After receiving the masked man's answer, Zimli replied to Aomura Yusuke.

"Master Aomura Yusuke has completed the first round of the game, you can come back and rest~"

"What I said was, teleport me to the place before I came to the Hall of Desire."

Aomura Yusuke spoke again.

Zimli nodded, "Okay."

The electronic data flow enveloped Aomura Yusuke and teleported him away.

The sound of the machine sounded again the next second.


(End of this chapter)

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