37 Seaside BBQ
Just when Yusuke Aomura was lying on the deck chair, enjoying the sunbathing and closing his eyes to relax.

The leading teacher came over and clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

"Everyone, how about we have a beach barbecue for lunch?"

"Long live Mr. Ezaki!" xN
The students cheered one after another.

"Okay, come here a few boys and move things with me."

Esaki Ribei said loudly with a smile.

Nishikawa Domoto struck a pose, showed off his biceps, and said enthusiastically.

"Teacher, let me move things."

The boys around looked at the proud look of Nishikawa Domoto and couldn't help but cursed in their hearts.

'traitor! '

'Thieves! '

'Dog thief! '

'Such handsome muscles! '

'Um? '

All the boys turned their heads at the same time to look at the boy who said those heartfelt words.

'There's something wrong with you, kid! '

The boy had an ugly expression on his face.

'It's over, forget to quit the team! '

After the interlude, the boys followed Ribei Ezaki to move the barbecue grill, bamboo charcoal, and barbecue ingredients.

The girls didn't watch the show either, and helped carry drinks and prepare barbecue condiments.

He also thoughtfully handed ice water to the boy who helped carry things.

"Thank you~"

Hearing the girl's sweet voice, the boys all felt like they were getting blood.

Nishikawa Domoto showed off his muscles and said loudly.

"It's nothing. This little weight is nothing to me."

The boys started to speak out as a team again.

'This eye-catching bag! '

'Standing out again! '

'Suddenly I don't hate Qingcun anymore. '

'That's right, Qingcun at least never does these things intentionally! '

Yusuke Aomura, who was cueed, sneezed.

Holding a box of ingredients, he muttered in confusion.

"Who's talking about me?"

After all the preparations were completed, everyone looked at each other and fell silent for a while looking at the grill and ingredients.

I don't know who spoke first and broke the silence.

"So, which one of you knows how to barbecue?"

"This shouldn't be difficult, just put the ingredients on the grill."

"Then why don't you do it?"

"Let me look again! Look again!"

Esaki Ribei smiled and said loudly.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up, otherwise you guys will be hungry at noon."

After speaking, he turned and planned to leave.

"Eh? Teacher, aren't you coming with us?"

one girl asked in confusion.

A sincere smile appeared on Ezaki Ribei's face.

"I won't participate. The teachers will go to the barbecue restaurant to eat."

"Xu!" xN
The students all booed.

Amid the boos, Ribei Esaki left with a smile and cheerful steps.

The students watched Ribei Ezaki leave, looked at each other, picked up the ingredients, gathered around several barbecue grills, and tried to start grilling.

Yusuke Aomura took a bunch of chicken wings, stood at the corner of the barbecue grill, and tried to grill them.

Speaking of which, it seemed like it was his first time grilling something on a barbecue grill.

In the past, most of the time at home, I would bake something on an iron plate.

It should be about the same, they are all grilled things.

Aomura Yusuke silently turned over the chicken wings, still very confident in his craftsmanship.

BBQ is fun when there are people.

These students were all new to barbecue. After their first experience of being burned or undercooked, they gradually began to let themselves go.

Strings of ingredients were placed on the grill and then stuffed into different people's mouths.

Of course, some of them can only be put in the trash can.

It is suggested here that barbecue is also a technical activity. If you don’t know how to barbecue, please don’t waste food.

Cherishing food starts with you and me.

Yusuke Aomura took a bite of the beef skewer in his hand and nodded with satisfaction.My craftsmanship is really good.

Yusuke Aomura thumbs up.jpg
"Um, Aomura-san, do you want to try what I baked?"

A girl's face turned red and she shyly handed over a bunch of chicken wings.

Aomura Yusuke smiled softly.

"Thank you, but the chicken wings don't seem to be cooked yet, and the bones and joints are still red."

"Ah? Sorry, sorry."

The girl lowered her head, her face became even redder, and even her ears were dyed red.

The boys' team's voice started up again.

'This guy Qingcun!He actually refused Nina! '

'I'll eat the chicken wings Naicai gave me, not to mention half-cooked, but even whole! '

'You are still the best. '

'Why don't any girls bake it for me? '

Nishikawa Domoto cried crazily in his heart. He thought his popularity surpassed Yusuke Aomura's.

Now it seems that he thought too much.

The boys replied in unison among the team's voices.

'Should! '

With the first girl being rejected as a lesson learned, there are still girls who want to grill skewers for Aomura Yusuke, but they also have to check whether their own skewers are cooked, otherwise it will be too embarrassing.

Yusuke Aomura was quite satisfied with this situation. No one bothered him to bake something for himself.

As for what happened to the girl just now, he didn't mean it. The chicken wings were really undercooked, which affected the texture and taste.

There was a barbecue and everyone ate for a long time.

It's been so long that the spider phone has come to look for Aomura Yusuke, and the barbecue hasn't been finished yet.

Yusuke Aomura stuffed his spider phone into his coat and silently picked up the remaining skewers of beef on the grill.

Quietly retreat, intending to leave the beach.

"Eh? Qingcun, where are you going?"

Nishikawa Domoto's voice suddenly attracted the attention of others to Aomura Yusuke.


Aomura Yusuke stopped and blinked.

"I feel uncomfortable in my stomach. I need to go to the bathroom."

When you're done, turn around and run.

"Go to the bathroom, do you still want to get beef skewers?"

one boy asked.

"It seems that the direction Qingcun is going is not the toilet, right?"

another boy asked.

Of course Yusuke Aomura didn't run to the toilet.

The backpack is also stored at the beach storage area!


Yusuke Aomura wore a desire driver around his waist, holding a few skewers of beef skewers in his left hand, and a skewer of beef skewers in his right hand as he slowly walked into the hall of desire.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo walked over and took a skewer of beef from Yusuke Aomura's left hand.

"Grilled well."

Yusuke Aomura moved his left hand to the right, away from Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

"This is my lunch. I baked it myself. If you want to eat it, bake it yourself."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said softly with a smile on his face.

"I didn't expect you to be good at your craftsmanship."

Zimli waved her hand and said loudly.

"Everyone, we have detected traces of the evil demon disciples."

Electronic data streams flashed through, and people appeared on the street.

In front of him were the evil demon disciples who kept shouting.

Everyone took out their own buckles and inserted them into the drives.

"SET" x6 (Place x6)


"ZOMBIE" (zombie)



Don’t you think it’s wrong? It should be seven?
Yusuke Aomura took the beef skewers and ate them one bite at a time, in sharp contrast to the others around him.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and several others turned to look at Aomura Yusuke.

"Look what I'm doing. If you want to fight, go ahead and fight. I'll finish my meal first."

Yusuke Aomura took another bite of beef skewers and looked at the others with clear eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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