kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 4 The first round of the game is over!

Chapter 4 The first round of the game is over!
Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo took out the ghost belt buckle and the magnum belt buckle, inserted them into the drive, and rushed towards the bandit demon.

"SET" x2 (Place x2)


Isuzu Daichi held his chin with one hand and looked at the people rushing in front, wondering what he was thinking.

Yamana Jin looked at the bandits and demons, then lowered his head to the ground, showing no intention of stepping forward to fight.

Akira Sakimori asked in confusion after seeing the buckles of Hidetoshi Ukiyo and Yusuke Aomura.

"Why do they have bigger buckles and look more powerful after transformation?"

Isuzu Daichi looked down at the war hammer buckle in his hand and said softly.

"Just like playing games, equipment has different strengths and weaknesses, and different levels."

Wada Ryoko ran forward and said, "Let's go up and help. If we lose, our wish will not come true."

Hearing this, Isuzu Daichi and Enokori Akira also stepped forward to fight.

Only Yamana Jin remained in place, making no move.

Yusuke Aomura danced the ghost sickle blade, hooked a bandit demon disciple, threw it to the other side, and hit another bandit demon disciple.

He raised his foot and kicked away an evil bandit that rushed from the left.

"Brother, why are your belt buckles different? Were they also distributed at the beginning?"

Akira Enomori came up and asked curiously.

"I don't know, just luck."

Yusuke Aomura glanced at Akira Enomori, said something casually, and then rushed towards the bandit leader, the evil demon.

Akira Sakimori followed closely, Hidetoshi Ukiyo shot back a bandit evil demon who was approaching him, and chuckled.

"Are you so anxious to win?"

"You are not slow in taking action."

Aomura Yusuke retorted without looking back, he was already in front of the leader of the bandits and demons.

The sickle and the broadsword collided together, creating sparks!

Yusuke Aomura took a step forward, the sickle blade crossed the blade, blocked the sword with the stick of the sickle, and kicked the leader of the bandits and demons at close range.

The bandit leader, the demon disciple, took two steps back, roared angrily, and slashed at Aomura Yusuke with his sword.


A bullet accurately hit the bandit leader Evil Demon, interrupting his movement.

At the same time, Akira Enomori came out at this time, holding a dagger in his hand, and stabbed the bandit leader, the evil demon disciple.

The bandit leader, the demon disciple, was so angry that he swung his knife. Even though Akira Enokori raised the dagger to block it in front of him, he was still knocked away.

The leader of the bandits, Evil Demon, was not satisfied with a single slash, so he rushed toward Akira Enokimori in a meteoric stride, wanting to continue the attack.

Yusuke Aomura stopped in front of the bandit leader, Evil Demon.

"The battle isn't over yet, where do you want to go?"

The bandit leader, Evil Demon, swung his knife in response.

Aomura Yusuke turned sideways to avoid the attack, turned around, and struck the bandit leader Evil Devil in the chest with a sickle.

Ma Yehang eliminated the bandits and demons over there and ran over, wanting to join the BOSS battle.

He touched his two fists on his chest and said in an arrogant tone.

"Come and fight me!"

After saying that, he punched the bandit leader Xie Mo Tu.


Ma Yehang's fist collided with the bandit leader's sword.

Sparks fly!

When one person and one evil demon were in a stalemate, Hidetoshi Ukiyo appeared.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi once again used his gun fighting skills and shot the bandit leader Evil Demon at close range.

Then he connected with a whip kick and defeated the bandit leader Xie Mo.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo and Yusuke Aomura beat the bandit leader Yamaki back and forth like a ball.

Ma Yehang is like a troublesome third party, constantly inserting himself into it, attacking the bandit leader evil demon.

After Akira Enokori was knocked out, she was still frightened and clutched her chest, not daring to step forward to fight the BOSS again.

The other few people did not step forward to intervene, but dealt with other bandits and demons.

Aomura Yusuke was about to step forward to attack the bandit leader, Evil Demon, but was pushed away by Maano Ko.

"Get out of the way, this guy is mine!"

Ma Yehang said arrogantly, and raised his fist to meet the bandit leader, the demon disciple.Hidetoshi Ukiyo put the Magnum Shooter 40X on his shoulders and chuckled.

"Yusuke, the prey has been robbed. It seems that the game cannot continue."

Aomura Yusuke looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi's expression of watching the excitement and said calmly.

"You'd better be prepared to lose to me again."

Yusuke Aomura reached out and pressed the sub-blade on the ghost sickle blade.


Dark purple energy covers the ghost sickle blade.

Yusuke Aomura played with the ghost sickle in his hand, leaving traces of light in the air.

Press the small scythe on the ghost's belt buckle again.


Like a ghost, Yusuke Aomura rushed behind the bandit leader Yamaki silently.

The ghost scythe carried dark purple energy and was swung down heavily.

The bandit leader, the Evil Demon, staggered forward for two steps. Behind him was a deep gash, stained with dark purple energy.

Aomura Yusuke turned around and put away the ghost sickle blade.


The bandit leader, the evil demon, exploded, turned into dust, and disappeared.

The unprepared explosion affected Ma Yehang, who was standing next to the bandit leader Demon.

After Ma Yehang stabilized his body, he walked towards Yusuke Aomura aggressively.

"You bastard!"

Aomura Yusuke said carelessly.

"Sorry, I'll leave it to you next time."

Ma Yehang became even more angry when he heard this and wanted to step forward and take action.

Zimli suddenly appeared and spoke righteously.

"Fighting between knights is not allowed. It is a violation and points will be deducted."

Ma Yehang glanced at Zimli, snorted unhappily, and turned his head to the side.

Aomura Yusuke didn't take Maano Hō to heart at all. Seeing that all the evil demons around him had been eliminated, he canceled the transformation.

"If you show up, it means the game is over."

Zimli nodded with a professional smile on her face.

"The first round is over~ Congratulations to everyone for successfully passing this round~ Thank you for your hard work~"

"When the evil demon appears again, the Desire Grand Prix will start again~"

"Until then, please take care of yourself~"

After Zimli finished speaking, she turned around and planned to leave.

"Well, I want to ask, if you win the game, can all your wishes come true?"

Yamana Jin, who had not participated in the battle, stopped Zimli and asked seriously.

Zimli stopped and smiled professionally.

"Of course, the God of Desire can realize his ideal world."

"You're a loser who doesn't even dare to fight, but you still want to be the God of Desire? The God of Desire must be my uncle!"

Ma Yehang pointed at himself with his thumb and said coldly.

Isuzu Dazhi raised the corners of his mouth slightly and looked at it with interest.

Wada Ryoko was thoughtful, and Akira Sakimori touched her chest. It was obvious that the blow just now really hurt her.

Aomura Yusuke ignored everyone and walked away from here.

Seeing this, Ukiyo Hidetoshi also left.

"I said, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Aomura Yusuke turned around, with some doubts and disgust in his eyes.

"Did you forget that you haven't done your homework yet?"

"Do you see what time it is?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi choked and did not reply. He parted ways with Aomura Yusuke and walked towards his home.

(End of this chapter)

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