kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 44 Fighting the golden-clothed evil demon again

Chapter 44 Fighting the golden-clothed evil demon again
Zimli walked in with a tablet in her arms, her expression a little serious.

"Dear players, the evil demons are attacking again."

Everyone quickly got up and ran to the Hall of Desire.

Yusuke Aomura calmly picked up the drink and drank it in one gulp.

Then he followed the footsteps of the others and walked at the end of the team.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo was one in front of Yusuke Aomura and said in a relaxed tone.

"You are really relaxing."

"Aren't you the same?"

Aomura Yusuke asked rhetorically.

"There is no big buckle this round, so it will be a little difficult for you to fight."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo smiled confidently.

"It's not a big deal, I'm a wise man."

"It's true that you are being targeted. Be careful of capsizing in the gutter."

Yusuke Aomura had a contemptuous smile on his face, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Just the two of them?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi didn't speak anymore, just like his confidence in himself.

He also has absolute confidence in Aomura Yusuke.

Everyone was sent to the streets by electronic data streams.

Ordinary citizens on the streets were screaming and running away.

Somewhere on the street, Priest Azuma looked at the golden-robed evil demon in front of him in shock.

"What kind of monsters are these! I don't know where Toruya ran away!"

After saying that, he ran forward against the flow of people.

On the other side, a bearded and burly man was guiding ordinary citizens to escape.

"Come on! Come this way!"

"I'll hold the monster back!"

The camera returns to Aomura Yusuke and his friends.

Everyone took out their belt buckles and began to transform.

"SET" x6 (Place x6)

"HENSHIN" x6 (Transformation x6)



"ZOMBIE" (zombie)



Yusuke Aomura looked at the time displayed in the helmet.

It was almost time for his supper.

"End it early, don't delay my dinner."

The ghost scythe in Aomura Yusuke's hand swung and struck an evil demon disciple in gold clothes next to him.

The golden-clothed evil demon flew backwards and hit a golden-clothed evil demon behind him.

The two evil demon disciples in gold fell to the ground together and were about to stand up.

Aomura Yusuke rushed over, stepped on one of the golden-robed evil demon disciples, and struck the other golden-robed evil demon disciple hard with his ghost sickle blade.

Then he raised his foot and kicked hard on the waist of the golden-robed evil demon at his feet.

The evil demon in gold clothes clung to the ground and hit a telephone pole nearby.

Aomura Yusuke rushed forward again.

On the other side, Hidetoshi Ukiyo pressed the buckle of the war hammer.


Ukiyo Hidetoshi hit the ground with a heavy hammer, and the energy spread along the ground and rushed towards the surrounding evil demons in gold clothes.

The energy exploded, blowing up several golden-clothed evil demons at once.

In a scene, Ukiyo Hidetoshi grabbed an evil demon in gold and hit it against the wall. He swung the warhammer continuously and hit the evil demon in gold on the face.

Behind him, an evil demon in gold swung his sword towards Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo moved forward and dodged the attack, revealing the evil demon in gold who was pinned to the wall by him.

The evil demon in golden clothes looked at the sword getting closer and closer to him. In this 0.01 second, the evil demon in golden clothes only wanted to say one thing.

"JYAMATO JYAMATO" (The language of evil demons: Don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but be afraid of teammates who are like pigs!)
The sharp sword struck the golden-clothed evil demon disciple, and the golden-clothed evil demon disciple gradually stopped moving and slowly disappeared.

The evil demon disciple in gold clothes holding a sharp sword was a little stunned and said doubtfully. "JYA" (evil language: Huh?)
Ukiyo Hidetoshi glanced at the car next to him and waved the war hammer in his hand.

The car crashed directly into the golden-clothed evil demon, knocking him into the wall.


A white prop box appeared at Ukiyo Hidetoshi's feet.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo took out his spider phone and took a look at the messages.

[Use props to defeat an evil demon]

in a room.

Casper saw Hidetoshi Ukiyo's performance on another screen and said doubtfully.

"Didn't you say you won't take action in this round of the game?"

Gene said with a smile.

"It's a bit too shabby to see Jihu reaching the finals with a small buckle."

"And magnum buckles are much cheaper than thruster buckles."

The two of them turned their attention to the screen in front of them again.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo bent down and opened the prop box, which contained a Magnum belt buckle.

Remove the Warhammer Buckle from the Desire Drive and replace it with the Magnum Buckle.


Hidetoshi Ukiyo raised the Magnum Shooter 40X in his hand and said calmly.

"Next, is my highlight moment!"

The Magnum Shooter 40X fired at the surrounding golden-clothed evil demons.

Kawashima Takao used his shield to block the attack of a golden-clothed evil demon, then pushed the golden-clothed evil demon and ran wildly.

Imai Toru swung the Zombie Destroyer across the waist of the golden-robed evil demon. Just when he was about to attack further, a huge force suddenly came from behind him.

Kawashima Takao bumped into Toru Imai's back against the evil demon in gold, interrupting Toru Imai's offensive.

The evil man in gold clothes who was repelled by Imai Toru took the opportunity to swing his sword at Imai Toru.

"What are you doing!"

Toru Imai hurriedly raised the Zombie Destroyer to fight back and shouted to Takao Kawashima.

Kawashima Takao apologized without sincerity: "Sorry, I didn't see you."

Yoneyama Hiroyuki held the propeller and flew over, passing by Imai Toru's side.

The strong wind pressure blew the golden-robed evil demon back two steps, just in time to avoid the zombie destroyer's chop.

"This propeller is too difficult to control. I'm sorry."

Yoneyama Hiroshi fell to the ground and apologized casually.

Imai Tooru also noticed something was wrong.

These two people seemed to have been hanging around him since the last round of the game.

Your current behavior is somewhat suspicious if you say it was not intentional.

Kawashima Takao and Yoneyama Hiroyuki looked at each other and nodded to each other.

Once again, he led several golden-clad evil demons to approach Imai Tohru.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Kawashima Takao shouted loudly and rushed towards Imai Tohru.

Toru Imai saw Takao Kawashima rushing over and hurriedly withdrew his strength.

The Zombie Destroyer, which had been launched, suddenly stopped.

Kawashima Takao passed Imai Tohru and ran over.

The evil demon in gold clothes took the opportunity to stab Imai Toru in the waist.

Yoneyama Hiroyuki waved the propeller vigorously, knocking back the evil demon in gold clothes several steps.

The evil demon in gold clothes came just behind Imai Toru and struck a sword at Imai Toru's back.

Toru Imai had just been stabbed by the evil demon in gold clothes. Before he could stabilize his body, he was attacked by the evil demon in gold clothes from behind.

He staggered two steps forward and planted the Zombie Destroyer on the ground to steady his body.

There is definitely something wrong with these two!
Kawashima Takao and Yoneyama Hiroyuki laughed triumphantly.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry."

"I'm so sorry, hahaha."

 small theater:

  The last mission that Gene released was completed by Yusuke Aomura, which caused him to spend money, but the props did not reach Hidetoshi Ukiyo, which made Gene very hurt.

  In particular, Casper is very rich. Every round of the game, he issues tasks to Yusuke Aomura. In order to better support Hidetoshi Ukiyo, Gene starts to work harder to move bricks, make more money, and even works for Casper. .

(End of this chapter)

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