kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 57 Can you still work hard!

Chapter 57 Can you still work hard!
Yusuke Aomura opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

It’s the familiar ceiling, familiar room, familiar sunshine again…

Sure enough, every time the world is reshaped, I wake up from bed.

Can you try something new? ?

After Aomura Yusuke washed up, he walked to the dining table, picked up the toast on the table, and turned on the TV in the living room.

As soon as I turned on the TV, an advertisement for Ukiyo Hidetoshi was playing.

'World!The leader of all stars!Hidetoshi Ukiyo! '

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Yusuke Aomura just poured himself a glass of milk, and after taking a sip, he choked on the introduction in the advertisement.

"Didn't this guy Yingtou wish to be a big star? Why did he become a star among stars?"

The advertisements on TV are still going on, and some clips from TV series, movies, and magazines that Ukiyo Hidetoshi has never filmed are edited together, highlighting the gold content of Ukiyo Hidetoshi's star among stars.

Aomura Yusuke felt that Ukiyo Hidetoshi might really be sick.

I just told myself that I wished for a world where I could have enough food and clothing without having to work. This was to prevent me from losing my job.

On the back foot, he promised to become a star among stars, just based on his current fame and popularity.

Are you afraid that you will lose your job because of the Desire Grand Prix?
Are you lying?
If Hidetoshi Ukiyo knew what Yusuke Aomura thought, he would definitely feel wronged.

After all, Yusuke Aomura didn’t even ask him why he made this wish!
You should give me a chance to explain!

Yusuke Aomura picked up the remote control and changed the channel.

Out of sight, out of mind, I don’t want to see this narcissistic guy just yet!

"Ding Dong"

A message pops up on the phone.

Fox [I’ll treat you to a big dinner at noon, are you interested? 】

Yusuke Aomura looked at the message displayed on his phone and frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Do you think he is thinking about whether to go to dinner?
In fact, no, Yusuke Aomura was just thinking about how big a feast a star-in-a-star-in-a-star would call a feast!

The moment he saw the message, his fingers quickly typed a word and then pressed the send button.

【eat! 】

Ukiyo Hidetoshi saw the reply on his phone and showed a calm smile.

Everything is under his control, and it is too easy to control Yusuke Aomura.

When he was studying, everyone in the school was deceived by Yusuke Aomura's appearance.

What a gentle and lazy male god.

They're just greedy, lazy ocelots.

My fingers clicked on the phone a few times.

[The driver will come to pick you up downstairs at your house later, and I will send you a message in advance]

Greedy Leopard Cat【OK.jpg】


Sakurai Keihe woke up from his dream and muttered something to himself.

"What a strange dream."

"Eh? What did I dream about just now?"

Sakurai Keikazu scratched his head and tried to think back, but found that he couldn't remember anything.

I simply gave up thinking about it, it was just a dream anyway.

Walking out of the room, looking at the empty home, he said to himself.

"Sister is on duty this morning. If I am the only one having lunch, what should I eat?"

Sakurai Keikazu thought for a moment, then picked up the coat on the sofa and went out.

"Come on, Tanuki Soba, I kept you waiting."

The boss served Sakurai Keikazu a bowl of soba noodles and said enthusiastically.

"thank you boss."

Sakurai Kagewa said energetically.

“Of course I have to eat the world’s best soba noodles for lunch!”

"Hahaha, I can't be called number one in the world, but I am famous far and wide."

When the boss heard what Sakurai Keikazu said, he laughed heartily and looked very proud.

Sakurai Kagewa clasped his hands together and said softly.

"I'm gonna start now."

After saying that, he took out a pair of chopsticks from the chopstick holder on the table.

Just as he picked up a chopstick of soba noodles and was about to put it into his mouth.

A girl wearing black and white clothes walked up to him with a box in her hand.

"Bringing you good news~"

"After our strict review, you have been officially selected~"

"From today on, you are a Kamen Rider~" After hearing Zimli's words, Sakurai Keihe looked confused and raised his head, his clear eyes showing confusion.


Zimli just smiled, put down the box in her hand, turned and left the noodle shop.

Sakurai Keikazu put down the chopsticks in his hands and looked at the box curiously.

After opening the box, I saw two things inside. After much hesitation, I reached out and touched the ID core.

In an instant, his dream became clear.

"It was just..."

"It turns out...before...I wasn't dreaming..."

Sakurai Keikazu looked at the desire drive and ID core in the box in surprise.

The same scene happened in every corner of the city.


Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo took a limousine and arrived at a very high-end hotel.

He was surrounded by fans of Hidetoshi Ukiyo, and they screamed loudly when they saw Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

"Lord Hidetoshi!"

"It's Hidetoshi himself! So handsome!"

"very handsome!"

"Who is that next to Lord Hidetoshi?"

"Why can he be so close to Lord Hidetoshi!"

"But he's so handsome!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled and waved to the fans and walked into the hotel.

Yusuke Aomura looked at the crazy fans outside the hotel and said with emotion.

"It's not easy to be a big star."

"To correct you, it's a star within a star within a star."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said softly with a confident smile on his face.

"It's really narcissistic."

Aomura Yusuke shook his head helplessly.

Zimli appeared in front of the two of them, holding two boxes in her hands.

Just as he was about to say something, Yusuke Aomura beat him to it.

"It seems that the security is not good, but some of your fans still came in."

"Look, I've prepared gifts for you."

Zimli adjusted her state and planned to speak again.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi took a step forward and interrupted Zimli again.

"I know about this, I will accept your gift."

Zimli pouted, a little unhappy.

After being interrupted twice in a row, can I still work well?
After handing the two boxes to Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi respectively, Zimli left without looking back.

"Yingshou, she gave you the wrong box. This box is yours."

Yusuke Aomura opened the box and saw the ID core of Jihu inside.

After pretending to touch the ID core, he threw the box to Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

It could be seen that Zimli was really in a mood.

in a room.

Sakurai Keikazu opened the box and started assembling it according to the instructions inside.

"Put the ID core into the desire drive."


Sakurai Keikazu was startled, "Oh! It's really fake!"

"Then place the desire drive at your waist."

White light flashes!
Sakurai Keikazu appeared in the Hall of Desire.

"Here, where is it?"

There were many people standing around, also wondering where this place was and what was going on.

"what happened?"


"I'm still at work! Let me go back!"

Zimli appeared in the center of the Hall of Desire.

"Contestants, welcome to the Desire Grand Prix~"

(End of this chapter)

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