kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 62 A new game begins!

Chapter 62 A new game begins!
Sakurai Keikazu stood in the kitchen skillfully making breakfast.

Sara Sakurai sat on the sofa and looked at her phone.

Kurama Niyin's live broadcast was playing on her mobile phone.

"Ah, little Niyin is so cute!"

Sakurai Keikazu laughed and said while flipping the pan.

"Sister, this is too exaggerated."

"No way! Little Niyin is so cute!"

Sakurai Sara retorted.

Sakurai Keikazu smiled and walked to the dining table with a plate.

"Come and have breakfast. Don't be late for work."

"I'm coming."


Aomura Yusuke walked aimlessly on the street.

The sun is just right today, it's warm on your body, and it's perfect for a walk.

Noisy music came from the square in front, attracting Yusuke Aomura's attention.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi squatted on the ground and fiddled with his mobile phone.

Behind him, Kurama Nione hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

"Don't move, don't move! Huh?"

After seeing clearly that the person was Ukiyo Hidetoshi, Kurama Niyin was a little surprised.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi stood up, saw Aomura Yusuke, and waved.

"Yo, Yusuke."

Yusuke Aomura nodded and walked over.

"No work today?"

"Well, it's a rare day off."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo said with a smile.

Kurama Nione saw the barrage in the live broadcast room asking to see Hidetoshi Ukiyo, and asked tentatively.

"Well, can you appear in my live broadcast room and take a photo? My fans want to see you."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi nodded, walked to Kurama Neon, and naturally entered the mirror.

After thinking about it, he pulled Yusuke Aomura over.

"Let's come together. I think there are many people who want to see you."

Aomura Yusuke looked confused, "Huh?"

"Why do you want to see me?"

"Because I'm a star among stars."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo explained irrelevantly.

Yusuke Aomura understood the subtext and complained.

"What a narcissist."

In a classroom, students who were watching the live broadcast exclaimed.

"Look, look, look!"

"Ni Yin and Brother Yingshou are teaming up!"

"What a luxurious lineup! It's too strong!"

"Yes! Come and see, come and see! He's really handsome!"

"Is this Senior Aomura? It's the first time I've seen him move!"

"As expected of the twin stars who were as famous as Lord Hidetoshi back then! So handsome!"

"So, all handsome guys make friends with handsome guys!?"

"I'm so envious of the seniors back then. I was able to go to school with Senior Aomura and Master Hidetoshi!"

Sumida Souto was sitting alone by the classroom window.

There was no classmate around to talk to him, it was as if he didn't exist.

When Sumida Kanato heard the girls' compliments, he looked at them indifferently, with a trace of hatred in his eyes.

He looked down at the backpack in his arms and reached into the backpack to grasp the Magnum buckle tightly.

I will destroy you all!

Please feel my misfortune!


Inside a restaurant.

"You are running away from home during the live broadcast?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at Kurama Neon strangely.

"Yes, Ni Yin's full documentary!"

Kurama Neone happily showed the mobile phone page to Hidetoshi Ukiyo and Yusuke Aomura.

Aomura Yusuke gave him a flat look and said.

"Are you rebelling against your parents?"

Kurama Neon put down her phone, lowered her head and picked up a fork to cut the cake.

"Well, it is."

Kurama Nione took a bite of the cake, raised her head, and said with a smile.

"Mainly to express myself so that the destined person can understand me."

Aomura Yusuke's eyes were dazed for a moment.

He seemed to see Ryoko Wada who resisted the blind date back then.

The same family conditions, the same inability to control one's own destiny.Thinking of how Tada Ryoko lost herself because of her failure in the Desire Grand Prix and became a victim of family marriage.

Aomura Yusuke seemed to know the fate of the eldest lady of the Kurama family in front of him.

"Miss, please come home with us."

Ben and John suddenly appeared behind Kurama Neon and said seriously.

"Oops! It was discovered!"

Kurama Nene stood up and hid behind Ukiyo Hidetoshi's chair.

"Of course your position will be exposed if you do a live broadcast." x2
Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo said in unison.

Kurama Neone blinked, looked at Aomura Yusuke, and then at Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

"You two have such a tacit understanding, you are indeed good friends."

Ben and John took out paper and pen and asked, "Sir Hidetoshi, please sign your name for us. Also, please give us the eldest lady."

"Ok, no problem."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo agreed, stood up, and signed autographs for the two of them.

Kurama Nione was about to ask whether Ukiyo Hidetoshi promised to sign or to hand over himself.

Aomura Yusuke turned to Kurama Nione and said.

"Run before now?"

Kurama Neon realized the meaning of Hidetoshi Ukiyo's actions, immediately packed up her suitcase and ran towards the door.

Ben and John subconsciously wanted to catch up.

Aomura Yusuke slowly said: "If I leave, I won't be able to get Hidetoshi's autograph. Maybe I'll have a chance to take a photo with him."

Ben and John immediately stopped moving, stood obediently, and asked softly.

"Can we really take a photo?"

"Jingle Bell"

The spider phones on Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi rang at the same time.

Yusuke Aomura took out his Spider phone and checked it, and a summons for the Desire Grand Prix appeared on the screen.

"Let's go, the game begins."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi nodded and signed Ben and John's names.

I took a group photo with Yusuke Aomura.

He sat back down slowly and finished his drink.

Then he said to Aomura Yusuke.

"Let's go."

Ben and John were still immersed in the joy of getting Hidetoshi Ukiyo's autograph and taking a photo with him.

It’s just that the other person in the photo is a bit annoying. I’ll delete him when I get back.



Everyone came to the Hall of Desire one after another.

Zimli showed a professional smile and stood in front of the virtual projection.

"A new evil demon has appeared again!"

"From now on, the second round of the Desire Grand Prix~"

"The zombie survival game has officially begun~"

Koganaya Moriyu couldn't believe his ears and said in surprise: "Zombie... zombie!"

Zimli ignored Koganaya Moriyu and continued the introduction.

"Now the zombie evil demon swarms are approaching the city from the suburbs!"

"Based on past experience, the zombie swarm will appear three times in total."

"That is, if after three waves, the zombies arrive in the city."

"A large number of citizens will be infected by the attack!"

"The consequences could be disastrous!"

Sumida Soutou said: "So, we have to eliminate all three waves of zombies that attack the city, right?"

"That's right~"

Zimli lowered her head and operated on the tablet. The virtual projection behind her changed its content and displayed various reward and punishment rules for points.

"In addition, this game is a points elimination system~"

"At the end of the game, the player with the lowest points will be forcibly eliminated~"

Yusuke Aomura and Michio Azuma looked at the rule at the bottom of the score sheet.

[Behavior that interferes with other players -1000 points]

This was an updated rule two years ago after the Toru Imai incident.

Priest Azuma's eyes darkened slightly, obviously thinking of bad memories.

But I soon thought that one of the two guys was eliminated and taken away by the evil demons on the spot, and the other was solved by the evil demons in a game.

Sakurai Keikazu said worriedly: "Um, is it possible that you are infected by zombies..."

"It will turn into a zombie, so please be careful."

Zimli said with a strange expression.

A smile appeared on the corner of Sumida Kanato's mouth, and he turned to look at Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

 small theater:

  Since Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi graduated, the legend of the two is still circulating in the school. However, since Ukiyo Hidetoshi debuted as a star, everyone has more opportunities to meet Ukiyo Hidetoshi, so Aomura Yusuke's popularity on the campus forum has become more Higher, of course. Where there is Aomura Yusuke, there is naturally Ukiyo Hidetoshi. The Ukiyo cult still exists on campus to this day. What's more, after Ukiyo Hidetoshi became a star within a star, We can still see the two of them traveling together from time to time, which strengthens the hearts of this cult.

  At the same time, because Aomura Yusuke often travels with Ukiyo Hidetoshi, many people know Aomura Yusuke. People with good looks and temperament particularly like Aomura Yusuke’s appearance and temperament. This is why many of what Ukiyo Hidetoshi said People want to meet Yusuke Aomura.

(End of this chapter)

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