kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 67 Settlement after the match

Chapter 67 Settlement after the match
Sakurai Keikazu looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi's figure and said happily.

"Great, mission accomplished!"

Priest Azuma glanced at Sakurai Keikazu and said softly.

"After being sold, you still count the money for others."

Sakurai Keiwa turned to look at Azuma Priest and tilted his head.


"call out!"

A hasty voice sounded!
The propeller buckle flew out of Ukiyo's desire drive.

Head-first into Sakurai Keikazu!
Sakurai Kagewa stretched out his hand to block it and fell to the ground.

"Why are you coming at me again!?"

"You should reflect on why you took out the propeller belt buckle again?"

Aomura Yusuke released his transformation and glanced helplessly at Sakurai Keikazu who fell to the ground.

He said to Ukiyo Hidetoshi who was walking slowly.

"People's children are innocent and kind, so you can't keep lying to them."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo glanced at Yusuke Aomura strangely.

"According to the information, he is now a senior, older than us."

Aomura Yusuke choked and said no more.

"Dear players, thank you for your hard work~"

Zimli suddenly appeared, looked at everyone with a smile, and said.

Everyone walked up to Zimli one after another, waiting for Zimli to announce the result.

Zimli glanced at everyone and showed a professional smile.

"The final rankings are now announced."

Zimli took out her tablet and operated it, and a ranking list appeared in the air.

From top to bottom, in order.

Extreme Fox——Ukiyo Hidetoshi

Dark Leopard——Aomura Yusuke

Bully - Taoist Priest Azuma

Tai Tanuki - Sakurai Keikazu

咩雳——Little Golden House Forest Fish
Namao - Kurama Niyin

Cat Bear——Souto Sumida

Goose Penguin——Ping Xiaoren
"The one with the lowest points is!"

"Contestant Taira Taira!"

Zimli announced loudly.


Sakurai Keikazu looked at Taira Takato, not knowing what to say.

"If you hadn't helped me rescue the citizens, Senior Ping's points would have been higher..."

Taira Takato patted Sakurai Keikazu's shoulder and comforted him with a smile.

"Didn't I tell you that after being eliminated, you can go home and take care of your son with peace of mind."

"This is my own choice. You have to work hard. The task of saving the world will be left to you."

Zimli walked up to Taira Takato, smiled professionally and said, "You will be eliminated in this round."

Taira Takato nodded and said to everyone: "Well, come on, everyone, I hope you can all realize your wishes."

"Mingbao, thank you again for saving me. If you have a chance, let's have dinner together. I'll treat you."

Aomura Yusuke nodded.

I hope you keep your original intentions and still love your children.

The electronic data flow enveloped Taira Takato and sent him away.


Zimli bent down to pick up the drive that fell on the ground, with a melancholy expression.

"It's a pity that he won't have the chance to become a Kamen Rider."

"What do you mean?"

Sakurai Keikazu asked hesitantly.

Zimli didn't answer, a professional smile appeared on her face again, and she turned to look at everyone.

"This round of competition is over~"

"Dear players~See you in the next round~"

After speaking, he turned and left.

Everyone was left standing where they were.

Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo stood side by side, and Michio Azuma stood a little behind and to the right of Yusuke Aomura.

A little behind and to the left is Sakurai Keikazu, and to Sakurai Keikazu's right and a little behind is Kurama Neon.

On the other half, stood Koganaya Moriyu and Sumida Soutou.

Koganaya Moriyu looked at the sky and kicked the stones from his feet out of boredom.Sumida Soudou stared at Aomura Yusuke, along with several people around him.

I will definitely let you experience the unfortunate life!

inside the hospital.

Ping Nao Ren sat on the hospital bed, looked at the sunshine outside the window, and asked with some longing.

"Mom, after I'm discharged from the hospital, can I go outside to play?"

Heibashi smiled softly.

"Of course you can, but you can't play for too long yet. We'll see what the doctor uncle says after the reexamination is over in a month."

"Then can I play with my friends? They said that when I get better, we can go play football together."

Hei Naoto turned his head and looked at Hei Bahui and asked expectantly.

"Okay, mom will prepare snacks for you then, and you can share them with your friends."

Heibachi touched Tairato's head and said with a smile.


The light in Pingzhiren's eyes is getting brighter and brighter, full of hope for the future.

"Mother, how long until father gets off work?"

Heibashi looked at the time on her phone and said softly.

"There's still more than half an hour left. Does Naoto miss dad?"

"Dad said he would bring new toys to see me today!"

The straight man grinned.

Heibashi looked at his son with a smile and said nothing.

Taira Takato, who was far away in the company, was immersed in processing documents.

"Minister, it's time to get off work, and you said you were going to the hospital to visit your son."

A clerk knocked on the door and stood at the door and said to Taira Takato.

"Well, I understand, you can get off work first."

Taira Takato said without raising his head.

The clerk nodded slightly, turned and left.

In a corner of the office, a toy box lay alone on the ground, seemingly forgotten.


Sumida Kanato dragged his injured body back home.

After entering the door, he went straight to his room upstairs.

"Xiao Dou, dinner will be ready soon, you first..."

Before Sumida Kanato's mother could finish speaking, she heard a slamming of the door upstairs.

Sumida Sakuto's parents looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

Ever since the car accident, Sumida Kanato seemed to be a different person and stopped talking to them.

I locked myself in my room every day and became more and more withdrawn.

Sumida Kanato's mother brought dinner upstairs and knocked on Sumida Kanato's door.

"Xiao Dou, dinner is served for you. Remember to eat it later."

After waiting for a few seconds, there was no reply from Sumida Kudo.

Sumida Kanato's mother could only put the dinner in front of the door and walked downstairs.

At the dining table, the couple ate their dinner quietly, and the silence was a bit heavy.

In the room, Sumida Souto was sitting at his desk, looking at the campus forum on his computer.

The photos of Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo keep scrolling.

"Next time, you must be buried with me!"

Sumida Sakuto held the Desire Drive tightly and said in a gloomy voice.

in a room.

A girl was sitting on the sofa, watching Sumida Sakuto's performance on the screen.

He casually took out a candy from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth.

"It seems like a good toy."

In a surveillance room.

The masked man looked at the picture of Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo on the screen.

"It's almost time for your decisive battle again."

The masked man waved his hand, and an image of Azuma Taoist Priest appeared.

"Will there be any changes this time?"

The camera shows the three people in the picture.

Yusuke Aomura was standing on the balcony of his house, looking at the night outside.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo stood on a rooftop somewhere, looking down at the coins in his hand.

Azuma had just left the construction site and looked back at the moon in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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