kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 69: Evil Demon: You are quite a nice person!

Chapter 69: Evil Demon: You are quite a nice person!


A login sound sounded, and Kamen Rider Pang Xiong appeared next to Koganaya Moriyu.

"Ah! I'm startled!"

Koganaya Moriyu was startled by the sudden appearance of Pang Xiong and said loudly.

"Hey! A knight suddenly appeared!"

Zimli explained with a smile.

"This staff member cannot show his face or speak. I hope you understand."

Then a virtual projection of the combination appeared in the air, and Zimli continued to introduce.

"Jihu and Namao combination"

"The combination of Mingbao and Taili"

"Ba Niu, Cat and Panda Combination"

"Baaili and Pangxiong combination"

"The teams have been formed!"

"In this round, each team will receive a treasure box, please share it in a friendly way~"

"Then the mission begins~"

A burst of electronic data flashed, and Yusuke Aomura and Keika Sakurai appeared on the overpass by the sea.

A prop box appeared not far ahead.

Sakurai Keikazu stepped forward, bent down to pick up the prop box, and opened it.

Inside lay a buckle he had not seen before.

"Yusuke, what is this?"

Aomura Yusuke looked at the turbine buckle in Sakurai Keihe's hand and said with some surprise.

"You're really lucky. This is a turbine buckle, which is as strong as the propeller buckle."

"Yeah, then give it to Yusuke. I'm not strong enough and can't help much, so I'll just be the support staff."

Sakurai Keikazu smiled cheerfully and handed the turbine belt buckle to Aomura Yusuke.

"You prescribed it, don't you want to use it yourself?"

Aomura Yusuke feels that Sakurai Keikazu's character is a bit too old-fashioned and nice.

"Since we are on the same team, we are partners fighting side by side. Your role is the same as mine."

Sakurai Keikazu smiled like a mascot.

Yusuke Aomura took the turbine buckle and said, "Okay, our team must be No. 1 this time."

"Well, let's go together."

Sakurai Keihe smiled happily.

"JYA" (evil language: burn!)
"JYA JYAMATO" (Language of evil demons: Purify everything with holy fire!)

Two playing card demons chased a group of ordinary citizens and appeared in front of Aomura Yusuke and Sakurai Keikazu.

"No! We have to save them!"

Sakurai Keikazu said hurriedly, put on the scissor belt buckle and ran out.

Yusuke Aomura inserted the ghost buckle and turbine buckle at the same time, keeping up with Sakurai Keikazu.


"DUAL" (dual-core driver)

"ARMED SCISSORS" (Armed Scissors)

in a room.

A frog statue spoke angrily.

"Sakurai Keikazu! You just gave away the turbine belt buckle like that!"

"That's for you! Hundan!"

Some people are sad, others are happy.

In another room.

Casper said happily.

"Although I didn't grab the turbine belt buckle, it still returned to its true owner."

Gene also had a smile on his face.

"Kekela is rich, so he probably won't care about this little money, and it's not the first time."

"It feels good to have someone spend money to support my idol on my behalf."

On the other side, Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Kurama Nione combined to create a hook buckle.

Azuma Michinaga and Sumida Soudou combined and opened a drill buckle.

Koganaya Moriyu and Pang Xiong combined and fired a meteor hammer buckle.

The camera returns to Yusuke Aomura.Yusuke Aomura brandished the ghost sickle blade, which collided with the spear in the hand of the evil poker man.

One person and one evil demon are divided at the touch of a finger.

Yusuke Aomura pushed his feet on the ground, exerted force on his waist, twisted his body in the air, and slashed out a sickle.

The Poker Evil Demon raised the spear in his hand to block it.

After landing, Yusuke Aomura jumped up again, spun his body in the air, and swung a sickle again.

The ghost sickle struck the Poker Demon's spear again and again, causing the Poker Demon to retreat continuously.

Finally, the spear came out of his hand and fell to the ground beside him.

Without the obstruction of the spear, the ghost sickle struck hard at the Poker Devil.

"JYA" (evil language: Ah!)
The Poker Devil fell to the ground, with a large number of playing cards appearing around him.

The playing cards then returned to the playing card demons.

At the same time, a translucent color appeared on the playing card devil's body.

It's spades.

The six of spades appears on the playing card evildoer.

Looking at the flashing colors and numbers of playing cards, Yusuke Aomura was thoughtful.

The name of the game is unmistakable, which means...

Aomura Yusuke looked at Sakurai Keikazu, "Taiko, what color is yours?"

Sakurai Keikazu was holding the scissors against the playing card demon, and turned around and said to Aomura Yusuke.


When Yusuke Aomura heard this, he knew that these two playing card demons could not provide points.

The Poker Devil who was knocked down by Yusuke Aomura stood up and picked up the spear that fell on the ground.

He jumped up and down in front of Yusuke Aomura arrogantly, as if he was laughing at Yusuke Aomura for not being able to do anything with it.

Yusuke Aomura stepped forward, hooked the ghost scythe around the neck of the Poker Demon, and kicked it down.

Just use the ghost scythe to drag the playing card demon disciples to find several other teams.

"Yusuke! Where are you going?"

Sakurai Kage asked aloud as he dragged the playing card demon disciple to other places just as he watched Aomura Yusuke dragging the body.

"I'm going to find other teams. These two can't be matched. You can come with me."

Aomura Yusuke stopped and called Sakurai Keiwa together.

The evil devil who dragged the playing cards on the ground struggled and shouted.

"JYA JAY" (evil language: Help! Help!)
Another playing card demon pushed Sakurai Keikazu away and ran towards Aomura Yusuke.

The spear in his hand was sent forward, but Aomura Yusuke sidestepped to avoid it.

Yusuke Aomura grabbed the spear, pulled it back hard, and at the same time kicked it out with his foot.

The Poker Demon fell to the ground without any surprise.

It hit the playing card demon who was dragged to the ground.

However, such a smash made the sickle loosen a little.

The two playing card demons stood up quickly, turned around and ran away.

The playing card demon who was dragged to the ground did not forget to pick up the spear it dropped.

"JYAMATO JYAMATO" (Evil Demon's language: What to do with my spear? It's still in that guy's hand!)

"JYA JAY JAY" (The devil's language: Forget it, I can't get it back, I'll give you half of my spear.)
"JYAMATO" (evil language: Is that still a spear?)

"JAY JYA" (Evilist language: Just use it as a short gun.)
Aomura Yusuke weighed the spear in his hand and threw it hard.

"JYA" (evil language: Ah!)
The Poker Demon screamed and bent down to pick up the spear thrown by Yusuke Aomura.

"JYA JAY" (In the language of evil demons: That man was kind enough and gave me the spear back.)
"JYA JYA" (evil language: go fast, go fast!)

The two playing card demons gradually left the sight of Aomura Yusuke and Sakurai Keikazu.

Sakurai Keikazu ran to Aomura Yusuke.

"Yusuke, why did it come back to life just now?"

Aomura Yusuke released his transformation and explained.

"It's just a special mechanism of this game."

"It's okay. If you have better luck in the next round, you will get points."

"And what if you're unlucky?"

Sakurai Kagewa released the transformation and asked curiously.

"Aren't you very lucky? It's up to you."

Aomura Yusuke smiled slightly and said.

"If I'm really unlucky, I will also create conditions to get points."

(End of this chapter)

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