kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 74 You Can't Survive Without Fighting

Chapter 74 You Can't Survive Without Fighting
"According to the rankings, players Baili and Cat Bear will be eliminated~"

Zimli announced loudly.

"After the bully players drew lots, Mr. Yusuke Aomura conducted the draw."

"First I drew Pang Xiong and fought with his partner."

"Then I drew Taili again and became the final combination now."

Zimli explained to everyone why the combination had changed.

"Too bullying!"

Koganaya Moriyu's voice suddenly sounded.

"You are an old player, so you can change your partner at will just because you have more wish coins!?"

Aomura Yusuke chuckled.

"So what? Don't you only care about victory and not about means?"

"How does it feel to be hit between the eyebrows by a bullet you fired?"

Koganaya Moriyu threatened angrily.

"You guys, be careful! Next time I meet you! I won't show mercy!"

Yusuke Aomura raised his head slightly and looked at Koganaya Moriyu with an arrogant expression.

"Next time, you will end up like this, if you have a next time."

Kurama Nione shrank behind Ukiyo Hidetoshi with some fear.

"What's going on with this uncle? He's so scary."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo said calmly.

"Don't worry, there won't be a next time for you."

A cold smile appeared on Sumida Soutou's face.

"Oh, only one person can become the God of Desire in the end. I look forward to seeing you being eliminated one by one."


The desire drives of Koganaya Moriyu and Sumida Soutou glowed, and the ID cores symbolizing the identities of Bail and Panda disappeared into electronic data streams.

The two of them were then covered in electronic data streams and teleported away.

Koganaya Moriyu wanted to put down his harsh words, but disappeared before he could say anything.

Zimli walked over and picked up two desire drives from the ground.

"Contestant Koganaya Moriyu and Sumida Kanto are no longer qualified to become Kamen Riders."

Zimli turned to look at everyone and said with a professional smile.

"You will be notified when the next round of the game starts, please take care."

After saying that, he bowed slightly, turned around and left here.

Also leaving together was Pang Xiong.

Sakurai Keikazu scratched his hair and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's finally over, I'm exhausted."

Yusuke Aomura stretched and said, "Let's relax. Go home and rest."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said quietly: "I still have an announcement to go."

Priest Azuma put her hands in her pockets and said calmly: "I also have to go to work."

Kurama Nione said with a smile: "I want to continue running away from home~"

Sakurai Keikazu said distressedly after hearing what everyone said.

"I haven't found a job yet, so I have to continue to work on my resume."


The camera turned and came to a monitoring room.

Among the countless virtual projections, a new virtual projection appeared, showing Zimli's picture.

"The current Desire God is about to be born."

"This world is about to end."

The hoarse voice of the masked man sounded.

Zimli looked solemn and nodded.

"Yes, we have now observed the terrifyingly powerful evil leader."

The masked man said slowly.

"Can you protect this world?"

"Fellow Kamen Riders!"


The once-a-week weekend is here!
For Yusuke Aomura, today is a rare weekend.

It's strange, how can it be a rare weekend when you stay at home tomorrow?

Because today, I am going to another district to spend the weekend, which is the district and county where the Qingcun couple are located.

There is always one or two weekends a month when Yusuke Aomura will go back.

The mother was a little dissatisfied that her son chose to stay in another district or county for his final job.

Especially knowing that Aomura Yusuke obviously works from home, but he doesn't want to go home.

Youlan Qingcun said that she was very sad. As her son grew older, he began to dislike his mother and was unwilling to go home to see her.

Balabala, complained a lot.

Yusuke Aomura saw that his mother was acting, and she was pretending to cry, so she managed to squeeze out a few tears.

So Yusuke Aomura has no acting talent, but he inherited it from Yuran Aomura.

But even if he saw Yuran Aomura acting, Yusuke Aomura had nothing to do.

It was impossible to expose him, so his mother could only coax him.

So we made a promise to go home for at least one weekend in the next month.

Yusuke Aomura changed his clothes, took a mobile phone and went out.

After a while, Aomura Yusuke returned and put on the backpack placed on the sofa.

It’s better to bring it with you, what if the game suddenly starts?
Sitting on the tram, Yusuke Aomura saw a missing person news being broadcast on the TV.

And this person is also known to Yusuke Aomura.

I met it when I participated in the Desire Grand Prix for the first time.

Cuckoo pigeon, Eno Mori Akira.

It's been almost three years, haven't her parents given up yet?

There must be many parents looking for their children like this...

After all, there have been so many Desire Grand Prix...

Yusuke Aomura turned to look at the scenery outside the window.

If there was no Desire Grand Prix in this world, there would be no evil demons threatening the world.

What will the world be like?
"We have arrived at the station. Passengers please get off the bus in an orderly manner."

The tram announcement sounded.

Yusuke Aomura was caught in the crowd and was taken off the train.

As soon as I got out of the station, I saw Yulan Qingmura standing at the entrance, looking at something.

The moment he saw Yusuke Aomura, his eyes gradually lit up with joy.

He waved his hand.

"Son! Here!"

Aomura Yusuke smiled softly and walked over.

"Mom, you don't actually need to pick me up. I can just take the bus there myself."

"Mom is fine at home. Let's go out for a walk."

Aomura Yuran took the backpack from Aomura Yusuke's shoulder as usual and put it in the back seat of the car.

Just like picking up Aomura Yusuke from school when he was a child.

The mother and son got into the car, and Aomura Yuran began to ask about Aomura Yusuke's current situation.

The two chatted wordlessly and soon returned home.

Daiichiro Aomura was placing tableware when he heard the door open and looked back.

"I'm home."

"Well, Dad, I'm back."

Aomura Yusuke smiled and agreed.

"Quickly, wash your hands. There is another dish that is your mother's specialty. I have to wait until your mother comes back to cook it herself. I don't dare to interfere."

Daiichiro Aomura joked with a smile.

"That's because what you make is not as delicious as what I make. My son likes to eat what I make."

Aomura Yulan said proudly.

Yusuke Aomura enjoys the atmosphere at home.

An atmosphere called happiness.

"Jingle Bell"

The spider phone made a sound from Yusuke Aomura's backpack.Yusuke Aomura picked up his backpack and walked into his room.

Looking at the summoning order displayed on Spider's phone.

His face turned cold.

"Why is it today? Isn't the interval between the rounds of this Desire Grand Prix too short?"

Yusuke Aomura put on his backpack and walked out of the room.

"Mom and Dad, I have something to do at the moment. You should eat first. You don't have to wait for me."

I silently added in my mind that I will definitely come back for lunch.

After that, he left home directly.

Aomura Yuran poked her head out of the kitchen and looked at the door. Aomura Yusuke had already closed the door and disappeared.

Aomura Yuran and Aomura Daiichiro looked at each other, their expressions suddenly a little lonely.

Daichiro Aomura suddenly smiled, "It's okay, let's eat first. As my son gets older, he will always be busier."

"Maybe my son is going to find a daughter-in-law for us."

Qingcun Youlan nodded and returned to the kitchen to continue cooking.

Aomura Daiichiro sighed after Aomura Yuran turned around and entered the kitchen.

Obviously those words just now were not only meant to comfort Qingcun Youlan, but also to comfort himself.



Yusuke Aomura was transported by the electronic data stream.

But instead of coming to the Hall of Desire, he appeared directly on the street.

In front of him was the scene of Azuma Daozhang fighting a little evil demon.

Um?Why is this transmission different?
Just when Aomura Yusuke was confused, Azuma Daozhang was beaten by the leader of the evil demons, flew out, and smashed into the wall.

Zimli's introduction reached everyone's helmets in a timely manner, as well as Aomura Yusuke's ears.

"Please don't underestimate the enemy! The opponent has the power to destroy the world! Please avoid direct confrontation with it!"

The leader of the evil demons yelled, and the big tree behind him stretched out countless tentacles, grabbing the surrounding humans into the tree.

Zimli continued to introduce the news about the leader of the evil demons.

"The leader evil disciple will capture the humans he finds and use their vitality to make himself huge. In the past Desire Grand Prix, this evil disciple has caused huge casualties."

"It has only one weakness! That's the jar at its feet!"

"Kicking the jar away will recapture the life force absorbed by the evil leader, causing it to become depleted of energy and eventually die!"

After everyone heard this, they rushed forward.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo hid behind a pillar and switched the Magnum Shooter 40X to rifle mode.

Aomura Yusuke said while transforming.

"In other words, the one who kicks the can down the road."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi continued.

"Gonna win the game."

Aomura Yusuke wielded the ghost sickle and slashed at the leader of the evil demons.

Priest Azuma rushed forward holding the Zombie Destroyer.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi aimed his sight at the jar at the feet of the evil demon leader and fired a shot.

Kurama Nione and Sakurai Keikazu rushed over from the other side.

The leader of the evil demon picked up the jar on the ground, took a sip, and quickly grew in size.

He punched away the bullets shot by Azuma Michizhang and Ukiyo Hidetoshi, and then turned around and knocked away Kurama Neone and Sakurai Keikazu.

In the end, he crossed his hands to hold the ghost sickle blade struck by Aomura Yusuke, and used force to push Aomura Yusuke away.

He did a backflip and landed on Yusuke Aomura with both feet.

"JYA JYA" (evil language: fun, fun!)
The leader of the evil demons jumped happily on the spot and disappeared into a stream of electronic data.

Zimli looked at the picture on the virtual projection and said softly.

"But it doesn't stay in one place, it wanders around looking for humans."

"If everyone gets caught and the can is kicked..."

Speaking of this, Zimli paused, and then a somewhat desperate voice sounded.

"The game will be over."

Everyone released the transformation and returned to the lounge.

Yusuke Aomura returned directly to his parents' house and finished the lunch he had just interrupted.

Seeing their son coming back soon, Aomura Daiichiro and Aomura Yuran smiled again on their faces.

After lunch, Aomura Yusuke excused himself to go back to his room to sleep, locked the door, and teleported back to the lounge from the room.

In the lounge, the atmosphere was a bit solemn.

Everyone was sitting on the sofa, as if listening to Ukiyo Hidetoshi's story.

Sakurai Keikazu asked softly when he saw Aomura Yusuke coming back.

"Yusuke, Hidetoshi Ukiyo just said that this leader of the evil demons once wiped out all the Kamen Riders?"

Yusuke Aomura sat on the sofa.

"Well, I heard Kiroli talk about this before."

Kurama Neone and Sakurai Keikazu fell into silence, the sudden pressure was a bit difficult for them to accept.

If all the people in an area lost their lives, what kind of hell would that be?

Priest Azuma suddenly spoke.

"Taili, lend me the propeller buckle."


Sakurai Keikazu was still immersed in the story of the Kamen Riders' demise and didn't react for a while.

Priest Azuma repeated again.

"I said, lend me the thruster buckle."

Aomura Yusuke looked at Sakurai Keikazu in surprise.

"You got the thruster buckle again?"

Then he turned to look at Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

"Your ace has rebelled. Taili has won the propeller buckle more times than you in the Desire Grand Prix."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said quietly: "You also rebelled against your turbine buckle. You didn't get it even once this term."

in a room.

Gene and Casper looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

"What should I do? Our two support recipients have a disagreement."

Gene asked.

Casper glanced at Gene sympathetically, then smirked.

Gene felt bad when he saw Casper's smile.

"Why are you laughing? You...you grabbed the turbine belt buckle!?"

When Gene saw Casper take out the turbine belt buckle and wave it in front of his eyes, his heart became even more desolate.

"Jihu, it's not that I don't support you."

"These two guys are really too rich! They can't rob them!"

After Casper issued the mission, he put the turbine buckle into the prop box.

The electronic data flow passed by, and the prop box disappeared.

The camera returns to the lounge.

Sakurai Keikazu scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I sneak attacked an evil demon disciple and completed the hiding mission."

After saying that, he took out the propeller buckle and placed it on the table.

"If not, you can take it."

Yusuke Aomura stopped Azuma's outstretched hand and said softly.

"Wait a minute, let me tell you something first."

Priest Azuma glanced at Aomura Yusuke, obediently withdrew his hand and leaned on the back of the sofa.

"Taili, when I participated in the Desire Grand Prix for the first time, I met a contestant."

Yusuke Aomura slowly told about Inumaru - Jin Yamana.

"Like you, he was unwilling to fight. When he finally woke up, it was already too late."

"He lost his last chance to save his friend."

"What about you? Do you have to wait until it's too late to wake up?"

"Are you willing to fight only if something happens to your most important friends and family in front of you?"

"You can't survive here without fighting."

 Happy Mid-autumn Festival!Remember to eat mooncakes!

(End of this chapter)

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