kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 79 The final battle with the evil leader

Chapter 79 The final battle with the evil leader
Everyone returned to the lounge.

Yusuke Aomura sat on the sofa and wiped the dust off his balls.

"Remember the way I fought just now. I need to develop props that suit me."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo sat next to him, stirring the teacup in his hand.

Sakurai Keikazu sat on another sofa and looked at the egg curiously.

"When will it hatch?"

Priest Azuma looked at the egg in his hand and asked.

"Can this really hatch props?"

Kurama Neon said suddenly excitedly.

"Ah! It's cracked!"

Sakurai Keihe hurriedly hugged his egg and moved closer.

"What!? Is it going to hatch?"

Priest Azuma also moved his gaze.

Aomura Yusuke raised his head and cast a curious look.


The eggshell shattered and a propeller buckle popped out.

"this is?"

Kurama Neone picked up the propeller buckle and asked.

"It looks like it's a propeller buckle."

Kiroli replied politely.

Kurama Neone was a little happy, "If it's a propeller, then I can fly~ It should be pretty awesome!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kurama Neon thought of something and said in frustration.

"No, the turbine buckle can also fly, and it's more powerful..."

Yusuke Aomura blinked his eyes, looking a little innocent. This is not my fault, right?
Sakurai Keikazu encouraged: "It's okay, Niyin, at least it will be a help to you."


The sound of breaking eggshells sounded again.

Sakurai Keiwa looked down at the egg in his hand and said excitedly.

"Are you coming out!?"

The eggshell broke open, and a spring buckle popped out.

Sakurai Keikazu asked curiously: "What kind of buckle is this?"

Kiroli promptly answered: "This is a spring buckle, which allows the hands and feet to expand and contract like springs, thereby gaining stronger strength and jumping ability."

Sakurai Kagewa said with bright eyes: "You look so awesome."

Priest Azuma was a little anxious when he saw that both Kurama Nione and Sakurai Keikazu had hatched props.

"Hey! Come out quickly!"

As he said that, he picked up the egg and knocked it on the table.

Kiroli felt distressed and said quickly.

"Please don't treat it so harshly."

Azuma Taoist priest retorted.

"How I want to cultivate it is my freedom."

After saying that, he knocked the egg on the table a few times.


There was the sound of eggshells cracking.

Then the egg exploded!
A belt buckle fell to the floor.

The sudden explosion startled Azuma Michichiro.

Bending down to pick up the belt buckle on the ground, Priest Azuma asked doubtfully.

"This is?"

"Here's the drill buckle, it might be helpful in destroying the can."

Kiroli replied politely, and after that, he began to clear away the eggshells on the sofa and table.

Priest Azuma said with a look of disbelief.

"Can I defeat the evil leader with this thing?"

Aomura Yusuke said softly.

"I've used it before. It's quite strong when used with propeller buckles or turbine buckles."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo added: "It should be useful if paired with a zombie belt buckle."

Azuma Michiko looked at Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo who were sitting on the sofa opposite.

"You two seem to be very leisurely. Are you not in a hurry? Your prop egg doesn't react at all."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi put down the tea cup in his hand and chuckled.

"My eggs are a late bloomer. I've never heard of children who love sleeping growing up faster."

Yusuke Aomura took out the turbine buckle and propeller buckle.

"Although I don't know what kind of buckle will hatch from the egg, just because I have two aces in my hand, I am confident that I will pass the game."

Except for Ukiyo Hidetoshi who still maintained a calm smile, the other three lowered their heads and stopped talking.

Everyone present could see how strong the turbine buckle and thruster buckle were, and everyone except Kurama Nene had experienced it personally.

Now that both buckles are in the hands of Yusuke Aomura, they really have no confidence that they can become the final god of desire.

Yusuke Aomura looked at the three people who were in a depressed state and said softly.

"What? Don't you plan to realize your wish?"

"Want to give up on the hedgehog so that he can never remember his dream?"

"Want to give up fighting against your family and stop looking for your destiny?"

"Want to give up on saving the world, regardless of whether the world is peaceful or not?"

"Is that all you have in determination?"

Azuma Daozhang was the first to be irritated. He stood up and said, "Are you kidding! I will be the winner in the end!"

Kurama Neone then said: "I won't give up. I finally got to the finals with great difficulty. If I just give up like this! What was the purpose of my previous efforts!"

Sakurai Keikazu clenched the spring buckle in his hand, "I will not give up, my determination to save the world is no less than yours!"

Aomura Yusuke looked at the three people who had regained their fighting spirit and stood up, "Then come on."

"Kiroli, it's getting late. I'm going back first. Please inform me of any news about the evil leader."

Kiroli nodded slightly and said politely: "Okay."

Yusuke Aomura left the lounge and returned home via teleportation.

This night, all the Kamen Riders had their own worries.

Kurama Neone made her last live broadcast on her mobile phone, Azuma Michichiro was sitting in the park having a heart-to-heart talk with her friends, Sakurai Keikazu was enjoying the instant noodles cooked by her sister, and Ukiyo Hidetoshi was boxing on the rooftop.

And Yusuke Aomura, who was a little hungry at night, went out to a convenience store to buy a bento.

When Yusuke Aomura returned home after shopping, he saw broken eggshells and a brand new belt buckle on the table.

"Has it hatched? Is this... a music-related buckle?"

Yusuke Aomura picked up the new belt buckle, looked at it, and then put it aside.

"When I'm done eating, I'll try to see what kind of buckle you are."

Eventually, after testing, the name of the new buckle was Beat Buckle.

Aomura Yusuke looked at the armor on his body and the rhythm ax in his hand, and murmured.

"It doesn't seem to suit my fighting style. Could it be that the cultivation failed?"


Early the next morning, the evil leader appeared again.

Everyone was teleported to a factory park.

The five people stood in a row, in front of them were the demon disciples who were also standing in a row.

And behind the evil demon disciple is the huge leader evil demon disciple.

Aomura Yusuke took out the rhythm belt buckle and threw it to Kurama Neon.

"Namao, this is for you."

Kurama Neone hurriedly caught the beat belt buckle.

"Eh? This is?"

Yusuke Aomura explained: "The new belt buckle that was hatched from the egg last night, Beat, you are the only one here who doesn't have a big belt buckle, take it and use it."

Kurama Niyin thanked you: "Thank you, Mingbao."

Priest Azuma looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi and said, "Only your prop egg is left unhatched."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo said confidently and calmly: "It will hatch when it's time to hatch."

Yusuke Aomura took out the ghost belt buckle and turbine belt buckle and said loudly.

"Everyone, let's go to the final battle!"

"SET" x5 (Place x5)

"HENSHIN" x5 (Transformation x5)

"DUAL ON" x4 (dual-core driver x4)


"NINJA ARMED SPRING" (Ninja and Armed Spring)

Aomura Yusuke, the others, and the demon disciples took steps at the same time and rushed toward each other.

Melee is imminent!
Yusuke Aomura raised the ghost sickle and swung it forward, instantly knocking down a group of evil demons.The turbine at his knee rotated at high speed, and Yusuke Aomura kicked hard on the ground, jumping over the evil demon disciple who was knocked down by him on the ground.

He kicked an evil demon disciple in front of him hard, knocking all the evil demon disciples behind him to the ground.

Priest Azuma raised the drill and struck it on the evil demon disciple.

Several demon disciples immediately rushed around and hugged Priest Azuma tightly.

"Ah! Don't underestimate my power!"

Azuma Taoist priest shouted loudly, the zombie claws of his right foot dug on the ground, and he dragged a few evil demon followers and rushed forward.

Kurama Neone swung her rhythmic ax, slashing left and right.

But there were only a lot more evil demons surrounding them!

Kurama Niyin pressed the button on the rhythm ax and started playing.



A slash of flames was struck by Kurama Neon!
Instantly swallowed up the surrounding demon disciples.

Sakurai Keikazu's legs turned into springs, jumping back and forth among the demon disciples.

Every time it falls, it will chop down an evil demon disciple with its double ninja blades.

When the evil demon wanted to attack Sakurai Keikazu, Sakurai Keikazu jumped into the air and headed to the next place.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi used a whip kick to deal with the evil demons approaching him. The Magnum shooter fired 40X and knocked down a group of evil demons in front of him.

He glanced at the prop egg on his back.

"Aren't you awake yet? We're almost running out of time."

The leader of the evil demons sprayed countless energy missiles at several people on the ground.

Yusuke Aomura used the ghost sickle to pick up an evil demon and block it in front of him.

Priest Azuma was already surrounded by several demon disciples, so there was no need to dodge them.


Kurama Nene turned over the Desire Drive, held the propeller in her hand, and flew into the air.

Sakurai Keiwa made a big jump and jumped directly to the roof of the nearby factory.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi turned around, came to the back of a factory, and left the attack range.

The indiscriminate energy missiles sprayed by the leader of the evil demons actually wiped out many of the evil demons.

Seeing that all the evil demons were almost cleaned up, Priest Azuma pressed the drill buckle, and then turned the key of the zombie belt buckle.


Priest Azuma raised her right foot and stepped heavily on the ground.

Zombie hands stretched out from the ground, pushing Azuma Daozhang into the air.

Kurama Nene pressed the propeller buckle in the air, and then the rhythm buckle.

The propeller rotated rapidly, setting off a whirlwind of energy.

Sakurai Keikazu stood on the roof of the factory and pressed the ninja buckle and spring buckle.

Sakurai Keikazu suddenly fell down, and his legs that turned into springs continued to compress.

The three people rushed towards the leader of the evil demon at the same time!
The target is directly at the jar at the throat of the evil leader!
"I am the one who wins!" x3
The three said in unison.

Aomura Yusuke raised his head and looked at the three people who were marching forward bravely. The next second, the leader of the evil demons slapped him back to the ground like a fly.

The three of them, Azuma Daozhang, crawled out from a ruin that was smashed by them.

Some evil demons gathered around and looked at the three people on the ground with eager eyes.


The sound of the turbine fan sounds!
Yusuke Aomura flashed past these evil demon disciples, knocked them down instantly, and stood in front of Azuma and the three of them.

"Leave it to me next."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo also ran over and advised, "Don't continue fighting until my prop egg hatches."

Priest Azuma said stubbornly: "Shut up! I won't admit defeat!"

"I must get Toru's dream back for him!"

"Zombies are immortal!"

"No matter how many times I am knocked down! I will fight to the end!"

Azuma got up from the ground and turned over the desire drive.


Use the zombie buster to support your body and stand tall.

Kurama Nione and Sakurai Keikazu also climbed up from the ground with difficulty after hearing Azuma Michichiro's words.

Sakurai Keikazu, who was already injured, could barely stand at this time.

Aomura Yusuke was somewhat moved by Azuma Michichiro's insistence.

"I know, I won't stop you from fighting."

Yusuke Aomura turned around and looked at the leader of the evil demons walking towards them, and took out the propeller buckle.

"But the judgment of fate has come."

The leader of the evil demons sprayed energy missiles at Aomura Yusuke and others.

Yusuke Aomura unplugged the ghost belt buckle and inserted the thruster belt buckle.


"DUAL ON" (dual-core driver)

"BOOST GETS READY, TUBRO STARTS TO PRESSURIZE" (the thrusters are ready and the turbine starts to pressurize)
The energy missiles spewed out by the evil leader were blocked by Yusuke Aomura's transformation effects.



The turbines and engines roared one after another!

The camera looks from bottom to top, showing Yusuke Aomura's armor.

The air holes in the calf spurted out rapid gas, accompanied by wisps of imperceptible flames.

The turbine at the knee is constantly rotating, and you can see the flames flying in it!
The propeller at the wrist spurted out fierce flames, and the color of the flames was faintly blue.

The boss, the evil demon, seems to have no patience to continue playing and wants to end the game.

He took out a big sword from behind and struck directly at Aomura Yusuke and the others.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo rushed to Yusuke Aomura, holding the prop egg high in his hand.

"That's right! Never admit defeat!"

"It's time to wake up! Little lazy boy!"

The prop egg blocked the sword from the evil demon disciple!
But Ukiyo Hidetoshi simply couldn't support it with the upper body strength of the Magnum belt buckle.

Yusuke Aomura raised his right hand and punched the leader of the evil demon disciple's sword!

The prop egg in Ukiyo Hidetoshi's hand also emitted a dazzling light at this time, and together with Aomura Yusuke's fist, it repeled the big sword of the evil leader!
The light gradually dissipated, revealing the new buckle inside.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo removed the Magnum buckle and replaced it with a new one.

“Next comes the highlight moment!”



Aomura Yusuke rushed forward when Hidetoshi Ukiyo transformed.

Turn the handles of the propeller buckle and turbine buckle simultaneously.



The turbine belt buckle instantly turned to a red temperature state, and the fan was burning red.

The thruster buckles spurted blue flames, twisting the air around them.

Yusuke Aomura jumped into the air, followed by the propulsion vanguard and turbine aircraft.

Yusuke Aomura twisted the propeller buckle and turbine buckle again.

The propeller vanguard turned into a fireball, and the turbine aircraft turned into a ball of air.

The two flew out in front of Aomura Yusuke, colliding together during the flight, forming a huge energy cheetah burning with flames.

Yusuke Aomura assumes a knight kicking posture, with a leopard pattern appearing on the soles of his feet.

The energy cheetah hit the leader of the evil demons, and then Yusuke Aomura kicked the leader of the evil demons through the throat.


The evil leader had a huge explosion and disappeared.


Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at Aomura Yusuke who landed on the ground and said softly.

"Yusuke, jumping the gun is not allowed."

Yusuke Aomura turned to look at Hidetoshi Ukiyo and said with a smile.

"First come, first served."

"Whew!" x2
The propeller buckle and turbine buckle flew out of the Desire Drive at the same time.

This time it seemed that the load was too great, and the two buckles took off much earlier than before.

The flight speed slowed down a bit, swaying, smashing into the wall of the nearby factory, and flying into the air.

Sakurai Keikazu said happily: "You didn't hit me this time!"

Zimli announced happily in the Hall of Desire.

"This round of tasks is completed~"

"God of Desire! Come!"

 I went out with my family during the National Day. I thought I would come back in time, but I didn’t. I had to stay up late to make up for it. I’m extremely sorry.
(End of this chapter)

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