Obtain eight magical skills at the beginning and dominate the nine gates

Chapter 15 Ancestor of the Qi family, fake corpse?

Chapter 15 Ancestor of the Qi family, fake corpse?
Listening to Qi Tiezui's meaning, this corpse is actually a senior of the Qi family?

This made Chen Chu and Lord Fo a little surprised.

I heard that Qi Tiezui's ancestor was not named Qi, but was a bannerman who was one of the nobles of the Eight Banners. His surname was Qi.

This was once a very large family, and later Qi Tiezui's family came to Changsha to make a living.

"How can Master Ba conclude that this person is from your Qi family?" Master Fo asked with some confusion.

Qi Tiezui said: "He is the master who hangs the bronze mirror, and those who use the bronze mirror to report the news are all real masters.

I wasn't sure at first that it was from our Qi family, but come and take a look at this. "

As he spoke, Qi Tiezui completely pulled off the corpse's clothes.

“He didn’t die because of corpse moths, but hanged himself, and you can see that he didn’t have that tattoo on his back.

The toes are also not bent, so I can conclude that he is not a kid, and I conclude that his identity is because of these nails on his body. "

Qi Tiezui explained to the two of them after pulling off the clothes of the corpse.

I saw that this corpse was covered with countless coffin nails.

It reminded them of the nails driven around the coffin.

In fact, they are all exactly the same, and there are some strange runes written around these nail wounds.

At this moment, the corpse's eyes suddenly opened.

Chen Chu and Zhang Foye were so frightened that they thought it was a fake corpse.

"It's a fake corpse!" Upon seeing this, the adjutant immediately took out his gun.

Qi Tiezui said angrily: "What do you think of Bichi? You don't know how to raise a body even if it's already dead."

Hearing this, these people were secretly relieved, but they couldn't blame them for this.

If a dead person suddenly opens his eyes and looks at you, anyone would be a little frightened.

Moreover, the dead man's eyes were very small, only the size of soybeans, but the eyeballs were already extremely cloudy.

What's even more weird is that this man's eyes have been staring at Chen Chu.

Even if Chen Chu deliberately walked around to the other side, his eyes and head also followed suit.

"Why does he keep looking at me?" Chen Chu was a little dumbfounded.

Fortunately, he knew that this person was dead and his body had not been recovered, otherwise Chen Chu would have taken action directly.

"That's why I'm sure he is the senior of our Qi family. Look at these nails, no more than 27."

Qi Tiezui pointed at the nails on the body and said.

"Eighth Master, please tell me clearly what this is. This makes me a little scared."

Chen Chu felt a little weird when he saw these soybean-sized eyes staring at him.

"Yes, Master Ba, just hurry up and say it." the adjutant said.

Qi Tiezui looked at Lord Fo and the adjutant and said, "That shouldn't be the case, aren't you guys from the Northeast?

Please God, you don’t understand?Just invite the Gray Immortal, the Willow Immortal and so on. You don’t understand the Four Immortals? "

The adjutant and Lord Fo looked at each other. Naturally, they had heard of this matter and even seen it.

"This invitation to the gods can only last for an hour at most. If you want to keep these gods on your body, there is only one way.

Only our Qi family knows this method, but the result of this method is death. "

Qi Tiezui explained to the three of them.

"Eighth Master, please explain it clearly. I still feel a little confused." Chen Chu said.

Only then did Qi Tiezui tell Chen Chu and the others exactly what he had discovered.

Judging from what he discovered, this senior of the Qi family probably encountered this strange train by chance.

Or maybe he has cooperation matters with these people.

But when he knew the danger involved, he naturally looked for a way to solve it.Therefore, he could only ask God to take action, but he estimated that this matter was too dangerous, and the expert should have been severely injured in the first place.

He hung a bronze mirror on his head and drove the train to the train station. This was what he did.

He probably knew that the person who could solve this problem was in Changsha.

This was how he notified Changsha's masters for help.

So he asked God to hammer him with 27 nails, so that God would stay with him forever.

At least it can be guaranteed that he can safely send these questions to Changsha City.

And now this god is in this expert's body, so he keeps staring at Chen Chu.

"You mean to say that the master of your family thinks that Brother Chen is the key person to solve the problem?"

Buddha understood and asked.

"This is why I asked you to invite Brother Chen over. Now it seems that my seniors really like Brother Chen."

Qi Tiezui looked at Chen Chu and said.

"Are you attracted to me? Damn, I'm not a woman either. Don't look at me." Chen Chu said.

Qi Tiezui said angrily: "What are you thinking? He sees you and wants you to help him."

"Help him? How can I help?" Chen Chu was even more speechless.

Qi Tiezui said: "These 27 nails have been sealed in his body for too long, and I'm afraid the god inside has become angry.

Once the hostility is too strong, the evil nature will be too high, and it will definitely harm others. He wants you to help look after the god in the body.

Of course this may be just a wild guess on my part. "

As he spoke, Qi Tiezui immediately pulled out a nail from the corpse.

"Brother Chen, I'm not sure what kind of god this is, but looking at his eyes, I guess it's some kind of weasel or rat.

If he is on my body, then ask him as soon as possible if you have to ask him. If he doesn’t want to leave after asking, he will be reluctant to leave.

Please hit me in the throat with this nail. "

Qi Tiezui said seriously.

After finishing speaking, Qi Tiezui untied his clothes and drew a rune on his chest that was exactly the same as the corpse.

"Lord Buddha, Lieutenant, could you please pull out all these nails?" Qi Tiezui said.

After hearing this, Lord Fo and his lieutenant pulled out all the nails according to Qi Tiezui's instructions.


After the nails were pulled out, I saw that the corpse was farting continuously, and the smell was extremely stinky.

You don't need to ask to know that this must be the weasel you invited. This fart is so stinky.

Moreover, the corpse shriveled up quickly, and in the end, only a white skeleton was left.

This shows how dangerous it is to invite God and then nail Him to your body.

How terrifying is the ability of this senior of the Qi family, that he dares to sacrifice himself like this just to send a message?
And Qi Tiezui is from the Qi family, does that mean he also has this ability?

Just as he was thinking about it, Qi Tiezui suddenly shouted loudly: "It has no upper body, don't run away!"

Chen Chu was stunned when he saw another corpse actually standing up.

Although I have come to the world of tomb robbers, this corpse is not in the tomb either?Why was the corpse raised?

"Brother Chen, don't be stunned, use that nail to nail it quickly, don't let it escape." Qi Tiezui shouted hurriedly.

Chen Chu was so shocked by the seniors of the Qi Tiezui family that he didn't react for a while.

As soon as he heard Qi Tiezui's words, he immediately took action with his fingers and dragon claws.


(End of this chapter)

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