Chapter 21 Zhang Foye was shocked by this method
Zhang Foye tied the five people onto the big horse, but there were too many people, and they just fainted.

If this is transported to other places, it will inevitably run into trouble, and it will be difficult to deal with if someone discovers it.

You must know that this is the territory of the Huo family. I heard that they have sent many experts here.

"Lord Buddha, I think we can just use some turf to cover it," the adjutant said.

As they spoke, the two of them were busy for a while, but they still couldn't cover all five people.

"Just throw two or three of them under the cliff." Qi Tiezui said after looking at the trouble.

Buddha rolled his eyes at him. Chen Chu had said before that these people regard death as death. One more person will naturally bring more hope.

"Don't go to such trouble." Chen Chu couldn't stand it anymore.

Just before, I had taken out a biting bag that I thought was of little use. These people had already passed out, so I could just put it in.

Thinking of this, Chen Chu waved one hand and immediately took the five people in.

"People, where are people? Did we hit a ghost?"

Qi Tiezui was shocked when he saw the five people suddenly disappearing.

Zhang Foye and the adjutant were also a little surprised, but they could see that this was Chen Chu's method.

I was also shocked in my heart. I wonder how many tricks Chen Chu still has in mind?

"This is my master's magic weapon called the Bite Bag. You can release the contents with just a thought.

Of course, if these people wake up halfway, they will be automatically excluded. "

Chen Chu handed the bite bag to Chen Chu.

Zhang Foye grabbed the bite bag and found that it was just a ball smaller than an egg.

But this little ball actually has such power?Can a living person be put inside?

"Is it enough to move your mind?" Zhang Foye asked.

Just as he was talking, the five people had already fallen out of the capsule. Sure enough, all they had to do was just think about it.

Such a divine object shocked Zhang Foye even more.

His original name was Zhang Qishan, which is why he got the title of Big Buddha.

Just because he first came to Changsha to establish his prestige.

He made a bet with others and invited a giant Buddha outside Changsha City to his residence overnight, which made him famous.

Of course, the secret is just the use of some techniques to move mountains and reclaim seas.

But compared to Chen Chu, he felt that his ability to move mountains was simply insignificant.

"Brother Chen is so powerful!" Lord Zhang couldn't help but say.

With this biting bag in hand, naturally you don't have to worry about meeting other people on the way, even if you encounter the Huo family's secret whistle, you don't have to worry about it.

"That's OK! Brother Chen and the others will be entrusted to you to take care of them." Zhang Foye said to Chen Chu.

Chen Chu nodded and said, "Don't worry."

Zhang Foye did not continue to talk, got on his horse and disappeared into the mountain road.

Even though there are cliffs around him, it does not affect Zhang Dafo Ye's equestrian skills at all.

And Chen Chu also understood that when Zhang Foye asked these five people, he was not just asking, he must also be investigating other things.

It was just not convenient to move with them, so I made an excuse.

But he didn't care about this Chen Chu, as long as it wasn't directed at him, he was here to make a fortune.

"Let's go too." Chen Chu said to the adjutant and Qi Tiezui after watching Buddha walk away.

Qi Tiezui leaned against the big tree called Buddha. No one in Changsha City had dared to touch him over the years.

Now that Buddha is gone, he can only save his life by holding on to the adjutant's thigh, but obviously he has a better choice now.

"Brother Chen, you have to look at me. I have provoked the wrath of heaven." Qi Tiezui said while standing next to Chen Chu.

I just did a fortune telling and almost fell into this abyss.

Who knows what other disasters are waiting for him. What fortune tellers like them fear most is to reveal the secrets and suffer divine punishment.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I can't accept you." Chen Chu said helplessly.

This made Qi Tiezui feel relieved. Through the adjutant's map, they knew the mountain road leading to this station.You can reach a Dong village under the cliff, since people nearby heard the sound of blacksmithing.

That means that the railroad track is not far from here.

Although it was night, with Chen Chu leading the way, the two of them would not slip and fall into the abyss.

When it was broad daylight, they finally came down from the mountain road.

Sure enough, I saw a Dong village among the secrets under the cliff.

Dong village generally refers to this generation in western Hunan, which is just another village form besides Miao village.

The Miao Village is where the Miao people gather, and the Dong Village is naturally where the Dong people gather.

Dong villages are generally built close to mountains.

Dong villages are generally composed of wind and rain bridges, drum towers, pavilions, village gates, stilted buildings, etc.

This aspect has many similarities with the Miao Village, so many people cannot tell the difference between them.

However, the three of them didn't care about this and went straight into the village without a care in the world.

Although I am a little surprised by the combination of three people, one looks like a salesman, one looks like a fortune teller, and the other looks like a man running for his life.

Fortunately, all three of them spoke with northern accents, and they said that their hometowns had been taken over by the Japs, and they could only come to your place to seek a chance to survive.

Nowadays, the Japs are doing evil in the north, and there is also an army of Japs near Changsha City.

This can arouse a lot of sympathy, and there is not much rejection of the three people's intrusion into the Dong village.

After all, we are all one family, and we can still understand each other when facing a common enemy.

The three of them came to the mountain beside the well, and asked a woman for a bucket and a bottle of water. They fetched some water to wash away the dust on their bodies, which made them look more energetic.

"Brother Chen, look at all the people in these villages who are listless and look a little sad."

Qi Tiezui noticed something unusual and asked.

"Look at the white paper grilles on the doors and windows of these Dong villages. I'm afraid a lot of people have died in this village.

Maybe those corpse moths have come out to harm the local people. "

Chen Chu pointed at those houses and said to Qi Tiezui.

"Seriously, it seems that Buddha's worry is not unreasonable." Qi Tiezui was shocked.

Chen Chu said: "I think this matter is a bit strange, even if the corpse moth comes out, it must be nearby.

But there are no mines near Dong Village. I suspect there must be an underground passage leading to the incident site nearby. "

“I see that every house in this house has painted windows, indicating that these people were probably recruited in the same place.

The Dong people believe in many gods and often worship them. "

Qi Tiezui said to Chen Chu. When the two of them were talking, the adjutant didn't even say anything.

"Let me tell you, what do you want to express by opening your mouth and then shutting up?" Qi Tiezui looked at the adjutant angrily and said.

The adjutant pointed to a hilltop outside the Dong village and said, "Do you think that is a tower?"

"Tower? It's really a tower. Could it be that they got infected with corpse moth when they went to worship in the tower?" Qi Tiezui was a little surprised.

Chen Chu said: "Master Ba, you have a sweet mouth. Go find something to eat. We will go over and have a look later."

"Don't worry, take me to calculate a hexagram." Qi Tiezui said.

The adjutant said: "Didn't you say it can't be counted here?"

"Idiot, where is this? This is a Dong village. People in the village worship gods all year round, so they will definitely be protected."

Qi Tiezui said with a nonchalant expression.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Tiezui began to tell fortunes with a compass.

"No, the tower is in the wrong direction. Something big is going to happen. It looks like we have to go and see this tower."

Qi Tiezui said with an exclamation after calculating.

The three of them looked at the tower in the distance, but their first priority now was to eat.


(End of this chapter)

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