At this moment, Gong Mengxue's subsequent words made her fall into ecstasy again. It turned out that she knew everything, knew what she wanted, and what she had done for her.Is she caring about him?

"Uh..." Looking at her flustered eyes, he realized that he had actually asked what was in his heart just now.

Hearing his question, Gong Mengxue felt flustered. She was afraid that she would not be able to respond to his feelings, that she would sink him deeper and deeper, and that she would hurt him.Just as he was about to say negative words, he saw his expectant eyes, and he couldn't say anything against his will, so he could only nod his head slightly, and sure enough, he saw the ecstasy in his eyes.

She was also relieved, since she didn't know what would happen after leaving tonight, so why bother to make him sad, thinking of this, she couldn't help but smile slightly.

Suifeng was ecstatic when he saw her smile, while he was in a daze, Gong Mengxue had already walked to the door, and he hurriedly stopped her.

She looked at him puzzled, and before she opened her mouth, Suifeng said: "At this juncture, I don't worry about you going out. I just went to get back the price they offered. There are a total of fifteen flower houses bidding. You You don't need to go out. Although your lightness kungfu is excellent, but you don't know martial arts after all, I'm afraid something will happen to you."

"Suifeng, thank you..." Gong Mengxue watched him take out the stack of letters from his bosom, and his heart was filled with emotion. He really treated himself, even though he had poisoned him once.If the third lady treats her well, it is because she is Gong Mengxue; Wen'er treats her well because of the relationship between master and servant; Uncle Zhong treats her well because of the third wife; Gong Yi treats her well because of his brothers and sisters Feelings.And the person in front of him was only for her.If you have friends like this, look no further.

Seeing her staring at him obsessively, Suifeng couldn't help cheering in his heart, but in an instant he saw her reddened eye sockets, and hurriedly said, "Let's take it apart and see how much you, Mr. Langyue, are worth." ah?"

Only then did Gong Mengxue realize her gaffe, her pretty face blushed, and to cover up her embarrassment, she hurriedly took the letters from Sui Feng's hand, went to the table and opened them one by one.

"5000 taels."

"2 million taels."

"3 million taels."

"3 million taels."


"30 million taels."

"My God, this Spring Breeze Building is indeed the best flower building in the imperial capital, and it has paid such a large amount of capital just for a mere oiran." Gong Mengxue couldn't help exclaiming, "The thirteen flower buildings in front of me are the ones that sell the most flowers. It's only 10 taels, it seems that the matter of Yuniang may have something to do with this Chunfeng Tower."

But when the last envelope was opened, Gong Mengxue was completely shocked, not because of the high price offered by the other party, but because of this person's coincidence, and it was inevitable.These words were written on the letter:

"One or two more than the highest bidder."

"It seems that the Yanyu Tower is the most suspicious," Gong Mengxue thought, "Suifeng, you go out tomorrow and announce that the leader is the Yanyu Tower, and then help me see how the Yanyu Tower and Chunfeng Tower react. "

"Okay, I'll do it tomorrow, but it's not easy, you must be careful."

Seeing the worry on Suifeng's face, Gong Mengxue comforted her with a smile, "Don't worry, I have my own measure, and I will never put myself in danger."

Suifeng wanted to say something more, but seeing that she had turned to the letter in her hand, she had no choice but to leave quietly. She had already made up her mind that she would not listen to what she said, and all she could do now was to protect her she.

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