The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 104 Akatsuki organization recruits, targeting the Red Sand Scorpion!

Chapter 104 Akatsuki organization recruits, targeting the Red Sand Scorpion!

Chapter 1: Recruitment by the Akatsuki organization, targeting the Red Sand Scorpion!

Lan Feng's rhetorical question stunned Xie Wen.

He had seen Lanfeng heading to Shayin Village before, and he had also been secretly observing for a while.

Lanfeng's strength is no longer at a level that normal people can achieve.

Let alone the two of them joining forces, even one of them would be tough enough for him to defeat.

Although he thought he couldn't defeat the two of them, Xia didn't show any cowardice.

On the contrary, he said with a fierce look: "Speak directly if you have something to say, I hate people who are verbose."

After hearing this, Lanfeng did not hide anything and directly stated the purpose of his visit.

"I wonder if you have heard of the Akatsuki organization."

"We are from the Akatsuki organization, and we are here to invite you to join us."

"And we will provide you with shelter and the resources you want. I don't know if you are interested."

Hearing this, Xie's eyes showed a look of disdain.

He had already heard about the Akatsuki organization.

After all, Black Zetsu has been publicizing it for nearly three years, and almost all rebel ninjas, big and small, have heard of it.

But he was very disdainful of this,
What kind of shelter can an unknown organization bring them?

The same goes for Scorpion, who showed an impatient look and said: "If it is such a boring thing, please leave and don't disturb my good mood."

Hearing this, Lan Feng's eyes showed a cold look.

"If I guess correctly, your good mood should be brought to you by me."

"If we can talk properly, it's an invitation. If we can't talk properly, then I have no choice but to take action."

Hearing this, Xie controlled Fei Liuhu to retreat back, his eyes full of vigilance.

He had clearly seen what Lanfeng did in Shayin Village through the puppet.

If you don't handle it carefully, you may suffer a loss.

Xie and Lanfeng looked at each other with their swords at war. Seeing this situation, Obito spread his hands and stepped back.

"I probably don't need to take action here."

Hearing this, Lanfeng glanced at Obito helplessly and said, "I didn't expect you either."

Before Lan Feng finished speaking, dozens of puppets suddenly emerged from the sand and flew towards Lan Feng.

Lan Feng used his hand to make a knife and instantly chopped one of the puppets to pieces.

But at this moment, the core of the puppet suddenly lit up!

Then there was a loud bang and an explosion?
Lanfeng quickly retreated, but he didn't expect that Xie, a guy, would actually put bombs in the core of each puppet.

As long as the puppet is damaged, it will explode. It is really childish and cruel.

However, Lan Feng would not back down because of this. The Mangekyou Sharingan opened and Amaterasu descended.

All the puppets were ignited with black flames.

In an instant, explosions occurred one after another.

In just a short moment, all the puppets were consumed. Seeing this, Xie showed a look of resentment in his eyes.

This guy actually turned the advantages he had created for the puppets into their fatal flaws.

To him, it was a humiliation.

Scorpio quickly mobilized chakra and moved all five fingers together?
Under the desert, nearly hundreds of puppets emerged again.

Attack towards Lan Feng.

Seeing this, Lan Feng's eyes showed a solemn look.As expected, it was the Scorpion of Red Sand, and the puppets it controlled were far more difficult to deal with than Chiyo.

Lanfeng did not use traditional methods to attack, but directly activated the ability of the Mangekyou Sharingan.

In an instant, a powerful force spread to all directions.

All the puppets collapsed from the inside out.

The whole thing turned into loess and scattered around.

Seeing this, Xie's eyes showed a look of fear, and his whole body trembled.

This was his Baiji puppet. He didn't expect it to be so easily turned into nothing by Lan Feng.

Is this ability really something humans can master?
Lanfeng immediately fell to the ground, his eyes were solemn, he looked at Xie and said: "How about it, now you can accept my invitation and join the Xiao organization."

Hearing Lan Feng's words, Xie Xie's heart did not waver. No matter how terrifying he was inside, he still seemed very peaceful on the outside.

"Don't be so arrogant. You just killed a few of my puppets and just wanted to make me surrender. You are dreaming!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xie directly controlled Fei Liuhu.

The tail behind Fei Liuhu attacked Lanfeng directly.

Faced with this ordinary attack, Lanfeng didn't even bother to use the Sharingan.

Concentrating chakra on his hand, he used his hand to make a knife and cut off Fei Liuhu's tail.

A simple move almost allowed Scorpion to break through his defense. Although this move was very ordinary, its attack power was enough to kill a shadow-level powerhouse.

Even when he surrendered Fei Liuhu, he was almost defeated by this simple move.

Xie quickly retreated. At this time, he no longer had any confidence to deal with Lan Feng.

Lan Feng walked forward slowly and came to Xie. With sharp eyes, he looked at Xie and said:
"Join the Akatsuki organization, I have a way to heal the scars in your heart!"

Hearing this, Xie couldn't help but sneer.

"What do you know? You are treating the scars in my heart without any shame."

After hearing this, Lanfeng looked serious and said seriously: "I didn't lie to you."

"Let me introduce myself to you first. My name is Senju Ranfeng. You can also call me Uchiha Madara."

Hearing this, Obito was speechless, and here comes the awkward introduction again.

Obito turned his head away, pretending not to recognize Lanfeng.

He can't afford to lose this man.

Xie was also a little confused by Lan Feng's way of introduction, and said with a solemn expression: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Hearing Xie's question, Lanfeng looked up at him and said, "Our Akatsuki organization was born with the purpose of bringing ultimate peace to the world."

"The plan we are currently completing is called the Moon Eye Project."

"The core of the Eye of the Moon Project is to help everyone and create a world of peace and no regrets."

Hearing this, Xie's eyes showed a solemn look, but it was obvious that he was already interested in this proposal.

Seeing this, Lanfeng continued: "We will create a world in the Eye of the Moon. In that world, you can reunite with any relatives and friends."

"There will be no more death and no more barriers, and everyone can live in happiness."

Hearing this, Scorpio's heart suddenly calmed down. If there really is such a plan, maybe...

Thinking of this, Xie's eyes showed another look of resentment.

He has been deceived by this kind of thing too many times, and his waiting has a limit.

Xie said in a low voice: "Do you think I will believe it? This kind of thing is impossible."

(End of this chapter)

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