The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 106: Disaster in Konoha Ninja Village, Danzo’s unreliable plan!

Chapter 106: Disaster in Konoha Ninja Village, Danzo’s unreliable plan!
Chapter 1: Disaster in Konoha Ninja Village, Danzo’s unreliable plan!
Sarutobi Hiruzen handed the scroll to the special jounin and told him that it must be handed over to the Yondaime Kazekage's hands.

"Please leave this matter to me. If you can create an opportunity to meet Feng Ying, you will be the first to do so."

Upon hearing this, the special jounin bowed directly.Then he retreated.

After the Jonin left, Hiruzen Sarutobi lay on the window, looking out at the Konoha Ninja Village that had been rebuilt with great difficulty, his eyes dim.

As expected, the position of Hokage is not that easy.

If he had given up his position to Danzo, he wouldn't have had to worry about these troubles.

Just as he was thinking about it, the door was pushed open again.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked back and saw that it was Danzo.

Seeing Danzo's face, Sandai felt inexplicably disgusted and said directly: "What are you doing here again? Do you still want to assassinate me like you did three years ago?"

Upon hearing this, Danzo took a deep breath and said, "I've heard about it."

"That guy Senju Ranfeng made a big fuss in Sand Hidden Village and almost massacred Sunagakure."

"And Ichibi Shukaku was also captured by him, and he turned the blame on us Konoha."

Before Danzo finished speaking, the Sandaime Hokage looked at him coldly and said, "Then what do you want."

"This matter is a foregone conclusion. The wrong decision made at the time led to the current result."

"I will apologize to the Konoha Ninja Village, but you have to remember that the position of Hokage will never be given to you."

Danzo took a breath when he heard this.

Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, he looked at the Sandaime Hokage firmly and said, "Don't be so decisive. I have a way to avoid this war."

The Sandaime Hokage raised his head and looked at Danzo.

Although he knew that Danzo was unreliable, if there was a way to avoid war, of course he still wanted to try it.

Thinking of this, the Sandaime Hokage lit the pipe again, took a deep breath and said, "Tell me your solution first."

"If this war can be effectively avoided, maybe I will consider it."

Hearing this, Danzo's lips slightly raised, his expression of joy undisguised.

It was his lifelong wish to be Hokage.

Even if there is only a very small hope, he must grasp it.

Thinking of this, a dark look appeared on Danzo's face again, and he said, "I have gathered almost all the information."

"This time Qianju Lanfeng and the unknown masked man are heading to the Hidden Sand Village."

"The transfer of Shukaku has caused chaos in Sunagakure Village and caused heavy damage."

"At this time, their defenses must be very weak."

"If it were up to me, I would assassinate the Yondaime Kazekage."

"And if you lead the ninjas to raid Sunagakure Village, I think it is possible to capture Sunagakure in one fell swoop."

"Wouldn't it indirectly avoid war then?"

The Sandaime Hokage was already troubled enough, but hearing this plan made him even more annoyed.

With a glance, he looked at Danzo coldly and said, "Besides assassination and sneak attacks, can't you think of some honest way?"

"It's your job to do this all day long."

"But if you put it on the bright side and solve the war for Konoha Village, it just won't work."

"Don't think about the position of Hokage anymore."

"I will draft a letter, report my name, and remove my position as the Third Hokage."

"The new Hokage can be anyone, but it's definitely not you, Danzo!"

Hearing this, Danzo felt as if he was struck by lightning. In his mind, this method was the most perfect.However, it was directly denied by the Sandaime Hokage.

Danzo gritted his teeth, opened his eyes and looked at the Sandaime and said, "I am indeed just the dark side of Konoha Village."

"But my dark side methods don't mean that I can't solve the problems on the bright side."

"Except for you, there is absolutely no one more suitable for the position of Hokage than me."

"There is no way that can bring the greatest benefit to Konoha than my method."

"If you are stubborn, then wait until Konoha Village is buried with you."

Hearing this, the Sandaime Hokage coughed while holding his chest.

"What do you mean by this? Are you so hungry that you can't choose what to eat?"

After hearing this, Danzo snorted coldly, looked out the door and said:

"That kid has been doing so many things lately, do you think it's just to provoke a war?"

"He is out for revenge, and all his goals are aimed at Konoha."

"He obviously had the ability to directly destroy Konoha, but he didn't."

"He wants to play us into applause."

"As long as that kid is alive for one day, there will be absolutely no peace in Konoha Ninja Village."

"Only if I become Hokage can I effectively restrain that guy."

"The policy of Konoha in the future must be to develop in the dark. The Sandaime must have heard my words clearly."

Hearing this, the Sandaime Hokage's hand holding the cigarette rod trembled slightly.

Although Danzo's words didn't make sense, there was a point in what he said.

To deal with a dark guy like Lan Feng, you need to use dark methods.

However, the Sandaime Hokage still cannot tolerate the existence of such distorted views.

Then he shook his head and said: "Don't think about this matter now. The current situation is how to solve this war."

After hearing this, Danzo looked solemnly, looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and said, "Then what do you think is the best way?"

Upon hearing Danzo's question, Sarutobi Hiruzen said directly: "I want to report this matter to the Daimyo."

"The Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Wind have endless interests. As long as they come forward, this war will not be fought."

After hearing this, Danzo shook his head helplessly and said with a cold expression: "You are too naive."

"The interests between people are still mixed with complicated relationships."

"The interests between countries are inextricably linked."

"Only monarchs have the right to judge whether war brings benefits or harms."

"Even if this matter is reported to the daimyo, the daimyo will make a judgment based on his own interests."

"If he had judged that the war would bring disaster, he might have prevented it."

"But if this war can bring him huge benefits, then they will push it forward unswervingly."

"The only way to resolve the war quickly is when the daimyo doesn't know about it yet."

"In order to ensure that the entire ninja world will not fall into the pain of war again."

Danzo's words ate away at the Sandaime Hokage's heart bit by bit.

He knew clearly that the method Danzo said could truly bring peace to Konoha.

But this really offends him. After all, they were so close to Shayin Village before.

(End of this chapter)

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