The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 111: Getting ready to set off, I met Orochimaru by chance!

Chapter 111: Getting ready to set off, I met Orochimaru by chance!

Chapter 111: Ready to set off, encounters Orochimaru!
Obito looked at the child in his arms, feeling inexplicably similar to what he had experienced.

Then he put it on his back.He said, "Then what are we going to do next."

"Now that the target has been found, we should be able to go back."

Hearing this, Lan Feng waved his hand and said with an evil smile: "Don't worry, there are still many goals, and it seems that an old friend is coming."

Hearing this, Obito was still confused, but Scorpio had already set up his formation.

The chakra cord in his hand was connected to the puppet underground and he was ready for battle.

However, at this moment, a slightly sharp voice sounded calmly.

"I didn't expect that someone would get there first when I came so early."

"I don't know which ninja village it is from. If possible, I would be willing to use anything to exchange that child with you."

Just as he was talking, a long-haired man with pale skin and a hemp rope tied around his waist appeared directly in front of everyone.

Seeing this, Obito and Xie both showed incredulous expressions.

In Obito's eyes, the Konoha Sannin are still relatively powerful beings.

And Orochimaru is one of the Three Ninjas of Konoha, a being that Konoha cannot get around.

Obito immediately activated the Mangekyō Sharingan and prepared for battle.

Scorpion even showed a solemn expression.

He and Orochimaru were old acquaintances.

Scorpion has been conducting ulterior experiments underground in the past few years.

There was a period of cooperation with Orochimaru.

But when the two met again today, it seemed very strange.

When Orochimaru saw Scorpion for the first time, he couldn't help but frown.

He licked the corners of his mouth, but instead of talking to Xia, he looked at Lan Feng and Obito.

When he saw Obito's Sharingan, the smile on Orochimaru's face gradually solidified.

And when it moved from Obito's face to Lanfeng's body, he was even more frightened.

This is a guy he will never forget until he dies, the crystallization of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan, Senju Ranfeng!
Orochimaru took a step back, his face frightened, and even his teeth were chattering.

"Qianju Lanfeng, why are you here!"

Hearing this, Lan Feng raised his head, his Sharingan facing Orochimaru.

Even if Orochimaru wanted to run away, there was nothing he could do.

Lanfeng showed a sneer and said coldly: "Long time no see Orochimaru, you seem to be able to use ninjutsu again now."

These words almost made Orochimaru break his guard, and his heart was pounding.

His knees kept bending, almost causing Lan Feng to kneel down.

But in the end Orochimaru endured it and gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, it's been a long time. I've always wanted to see you again after so many years."

"I heard that you single-handedly started the war between Sunagakure and Konoha. You are quite capable of it."

"Perhaps we can make a deal. You give me the child you are holding, and I can agree to your request unconditionally."

Hearing this, Lan Feng showed a disdainful smile.

Although Black Zetsu ranked Orochimaru first on the list.

But Lanfeng's expectations for Orochimaru were the worst.

He is obviously a villain, but he specializes in research.In the end, it was still clean.There is no villainous temperament at all.

Even if he were allowed to join the Akatsuki organization, he would still think about rebellion every day.

However, Orochimaru's research results are quite interesting.Thinking of this, Lanfeng directly activated the ability of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Orochimaru's body trembled as he trembled.

Facing that infinite and terrifying force.Orochimaru was eager and afraid.

Orochimaru was terrified in his heart, so Lanfeng said: "Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me?"

"I made it clear that I will not give this child to you."

"And I want you to join the Akatsuki organization and study the genes of corpse veins for me."

"If you dare to object, those refugees will be your fate."

Hearing this, Orochimaru gritted his teeth. He was also one of the Sannin of Konoha after all.

Over the years, he has built the Sound Ninja Village on his own, and has gained a great reputation.

To be so nakedly threatened by this remnant of thousands of hands.

And in front of acquaintances, it’s really abominable.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru sneered and said: "Kid, I didn't expect you to have the idea of ​​tapping the corpse's bone veins."

"But let me remind you, that power is very fierce."

"It's not something you can bear."

Hearing this, Lanfeng showed no mercy and directly penetrated Orochimaru's thoughts: "So you are thinking of inheriting this child's body directly, using it as a container, and then owning the blood-stained limits of the corpse veins, right? "

Hear this.Orochimaru was speechless, that was exactly what he thought.

But if we really want to study the genes of corpse bone veins, although it will take a lot of energy, it is not impossible.

But to listen to a brat and join their bullshit organization, Orochimaru couldn't tolerate it.

"After so many years, you may have become stronger, but I can't control it at will. If..."

Before Orochimaru finished speaking, Lan Feng turned into an afterimage and came directly behind him.

Use kunai to cut off the long hair behind Orochimaru.

The hair is scattered all over the ground, like catkins flying in the sky,
This happened almost instantly. Orochimaru's eyes were horrified and he couldn't help but said: "When..."

Orochimaru was speechless, and Lanfeng's Mangekyō Sharingan opened again, directly pulling Orochimaru into the world of Tsukuyomi.

Orochimaru didn't have any good memories, so Lanfeng took the initial approach.
In just one second, Orochimaru was tortured for nearly 30 years.

Orochimaru's body in reality was visibly thinner.

Two lines of bloody tears flowed from his eyes. He knelt on the ground and gasped for air. His eye sockets were sunken. He looked at Lanfeng and said, "Okay, I promise you to join the Xiao organization."

"But you have to promise me. After the genetic research on corpse bone veins is successful, give me the child's body to use as a container."

Hearing this, Lan Feng did not hesitate at all.He said, "Okay, no problem."

"But the premise is that the bone veins of a complete corpse must be cloned."

After hearing this, Orochimaru seemed to accept his fate and nodded.

Obito looked at Lanfeng in surprise, and then moved away from Lanfeng.

This guy had acted harmless before.

People's children all regard you as Bai Yueguang, but now you are doing this?
Maybe he will be stabbed in the back when he is no longer useful.

In short, this guy is too dangerous, he must find a way out for himself.

However, at this moment, Xiao Kimimaro slowly woke up.

He raised his head and looked at Lan Feng with a lazy expression.

Lanfeng calmly touched Kimimaro's little head and said, "You have nothing to do here, go to sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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