The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 117 The walking tailed beast, Kisame Kisaki appears!

Chapter 117 The walking tailed beast, Kisame Kisaki appears!

Chapter 117: The walking tailed beast, Kisame Kisaki appears!
If he had been a step too late, his life might not have been saved.

Although Shuiyue's attack failed, it also bought Lanfeng time.

The Lanfeng Mangekyō Sharingan opened, and his eyes met with Kisame's eyes.

In an instant, Kisame Kisame felt as if ten thousand bats were biting him around him.

Immediately afterwards, he was pulled into the world of Tsukuyomi by Lan Feng. He had nothing to say to Kisame Kisame, and it was torture.

In just one second, Lan Feng tortured Inikiki Kisame in the Tsukuyomi world for nearly 50 years.

But Kisame's figure outside had not changed much, and his chakra was still growing vigorously.

As expected, it is a walking tailed beast, just resist.

Lanfeng showed no mercy, and it took 300 years to torture Inikisaki Kisame in the blink of an eye?
In the Tsukuyomi world, 300 years is still one second in reality.

The chakra around Kisame's body finally converged.

Showing his tiredness, Lanfeng did not continue to torture Mikigaki Kisame.

It would be a pity if it really destroyed his heart.

Lanfeng lifted Tsukuyomi's world, and Kisame Inigansaki knelt on the ground, Samehada fell to the side, gasping for air.

After a long time, he raised his head and said, "The Sharingan of the Uchiha clan is really as powerful as a demon."

After hearing this, Lan Feng walked forward without commenting.

Shuiyue suddenly stopped in front of Lanfeng and said, "Don't go there, this guy is very dangerous."

Hearing this, Lanfeng touched Shuiyue's hair and pushed it aside.

Soon he arrived in front of Inikisaki Kisame.

Open the Mangekyo Sharingan, look at the dried persimmon Kisame from top to bottom and say:

"I admire you very much, please join our Akatsuki organization."

Hearing this, there was a solemn look in the eyes of Mikigaki Kisame?
He had heard about the Akatsuki organization, which was a place willing to provide shelter to all rebellious ninjas.

It's a pity that he has no interest in being protected, so he refused directly: "I appreciate your kindness."

"That move just now gave me a taste of frustration that I haven't experienced in a long time. The next time we meet again, I won't fall for it."

Saying that, Gansaki Kisame stood up and wanted to leave, but as soon as he turned around, Lanfeng appeared in front of him again.

Kisame Kisaki looked back and saw that Lanfeng had blocked him using the clone technique.

Ganshi Kisame looked solemn, looked at Lan Feng's clone and said, "It seems that you are trying to force others to do something difficult."

After hearing this, Lanfeng didn't waste any time talking to Inikisaki Kisame and directly activated his Sharingan ability.

A purple chakra coat is placed on the body, which actually directly activates the Susanoo form.

Seeing this, Obito couldn't help but frown. He didn't expect that to deal with the guy in front of him, Lanfeng would use his ultimate move as soon as he came up.

As soon as Susanoo came out, he was almost above the super shadow level.

Although Kisame Akigaki does have this ability, it's all a bit too unbelievable.

Before Obito could figure it out, Lanfeng controlled the chakra coat and attacked with a sword in the direction of Kisame Gigangaki.

Kisame Kisaki didn't show any signs of weakness and showed a look of excitement.

Pick up the same shark on the ground and block it upward.

In an instant, the two faced each other, and a powerful wave struck all around.

The surrounding group of refugees had no time to escape and were directly crushed into a puddle of flesh and blood.

Even those who were lucky enough to escape were all seriously injured.Only some ninjas mixed in could finally escape the danger.

In the center of the battlefield, Obito Orochimaru and others all looked solemn and stepped back.

They couldn't believe it, were there really two humans fighting in front of them?

Obito used the Kamui Space to blur his body to avoid being affected later.

Orochimaru retreated quietly. After all, he had just been injured and did not want to get involved in this war.

However, there was a solemn look in the eyes of Scorpion, who had just been traumatized, but he also stepped back.

Lanfeng stood down and struck with his sword again.

But Mikigaki Kisame didn't want to retreat at all. The two faced each other again, with a solemn look in their eyes.

Lanfeng's eyes were cold, and he looked at Mikigaki Kisame and said, "I'll ask you again, if you want to join the Akatsuki organization."

After hearing this, the chakra suddenly gathered around Kisame's body, and he said with a look of excitement: "I will not leave Kirigakure Village. Only in this place can I truly feel the joy of killing."

Having said this, Gansaki Kisame looked up at Lanfeng's indifferent eyes, raised his lips slightly and said, "If you can defeat me and make me feel normal happiness, then I can consider it."

Hearing this, Lanfeng felt helpless, unable to torture Kisame into submission from a mental level.

It seems that the only way to physically surrender him is to physically surrender him.

Thinking of this, Lanfeng immediately opened his eyes, and the kaleidoscope immediately changed its shape.

Immediately afterwards, the chakra coat on Lan Feng's body was actually covered with a layer of blood red.

The big sword in his hand was also replaced by a knife.

This crimson Susanoo was so much stronger than the previous one that even Kisame Mikigaki felt frightened when he saw it.

Kisame Kisame immediately formed a seal, stepped back, spit out a huge water ball from his mouth, and attacked Lanfeng.

However, after the water ball burst in front of Lanfeng, Kisame Kisaki suddenly came out of it, and Samehada smashed towards Susanoo.

However, Kisame Kisaki is still somewhat underestimated.Susanoo's powerful defense.

With this strike, not only failed to break Susanoo's defense, but Kisaki Kisame's sword actually got stuck inside and was tightly held by Lanfeng's chakra.

Kisame's eyes were horrified, and at the next moment, Lanfeng's empty hand grabbed at Kisame.

Kisame Kisaki had no choice but to give up Samehada and instantly retreated.

At this time, Lanfeng's chakra sword slashed horizontally towards Kisame Kisaki again.

Kisame immediately used Water Release to create a layer of protection, but this was simply vulnerable to Susanoo's powerful chakra.

The water escape protection was immediately broken, and Kisame was slashed away with a knife, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

However, at this time, Kisame suddenly formed a seal and then sank into the ground.

Seeing this, Lanfeng frowned slightly, and then opened the Mangekyo Sharingan to survey the chakra underground.

He quickly found the location of the dried persimmon Kisame and slashed it with his sword.

Directly splitting a ravine into the ground.

But after the gully opened, only one fish fin appeared in the gully.

Lanfeng frowned slightly, it was just a fin, but it had such rich chakra.

Kisame's chakra storage is really amazing.

Lanfeng quickly looked around, trying to find the figure of Kisame Gigantaki.

(End of this chapter)

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