The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 126 Itachi’s decision to massacre Uchiha!

Chapter 126 Itachi’s decision to massacre Uchiha!

Chapter 126 Itachi’s decision to massacre Uchiha!
After hearing this, Danzo's mouth twitched and he gasped: "Cooperate with me, are you crazy? How could I rebel against Konoha with Uchiha!"

After hearing this, Itachi Uchiha looked up at Danzo and said, "You misunderstood, I want to work with you to get rid of Uchiha!"

As soon as these words came out, even Danzo couldn't believe it and sat down.

He couldn't understand what Itachi wanted to do at all.

But he couldn't see deception on Itachi's face, as if he really wanted to cooperate with him and eradicate the entire Uchiha clan.

If it is true, it can be said that there is no place to find it without trying to find it, and it takes no effort to get it.

But this matter was too involved, and he didn't dare to believe it rashly, so he asked directly: "Then what good will it do to you?"

"That's your tribe, you are related."

After hearing this, Uchiha Itachi slowly opened his eyes, pointed at his Sharingan and said: "The secret of the Uchiha clan's Sharingan must not be known to Lord Danzo yet."

"The Sharingan will evolve when stimulated by family affection. I urgently need a powerful Sharingan now."

This reason shocked Danzo.

He had also heard it from the Nidaime Hokage a long time ago.

The essence of Sharingan is pain, life is caused by pain, and death is caused by pain.

Uchiha Itachi's reason was reasonable, but he was still a little unsteady.

But at this time, Uchiha Itachi turned around and said, "I have one final request."

After hearing this, Danzo stood up slowly. He had decided to cooperate with Itachi to destroy the Uchiha clan and then capture the Sharingan.

"Just say it, no matter what the request is, I will try my best to agree to it."

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi turned around and said, "I don't allow you to hurt my brother, Uchiha Sasuke!"

With that said, Itachi disappeared from the spot, leaving only Danzo and a group of ANBU members who were controlled by the Sharingan and didn't know what was going on.

Danzo didn't react for a long time, a firm look appeared in his eyes, and he murmured to himself: "Itachi Uchiha is really a terrible person."


Uchiha family.

At this time, the Uchiha clan was in panic.

Shisui's death, and the various Uchiha members who have been targeted recently.

This gave them great fear and resentment towards Konoha.

Under the hint and suggestion of the great elder, Uchiha's voice of rebellion once rose.

It seemed that they had forgotten that six years ago, there was a young man whose hatred towards them was still there.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi happened to return to the Uchiha clan.

There was a solemn look in Lan Feng's eyes, and he jumped down from the telephone pole and stood in front of Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi took out his kunai and prepared to defend, but when he saw Lanfeng's Mangekyō Sharingan, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

He didn't know that there were people in the Uchiha clan who could activate the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Itachi held the kunai and said to Lanfeng: "Who are you? I don't seem to have seen you in Uchiha."

Hearing this, Lanfeng was noncommittal and immediately reported his name.

"My name is Uchiha Madara, also known as Senju Ranfeng!"

Itachi's eyes trembled when he heard the name Uchiha Madara.

At this time, Obito also fell down, and through the mask, a Mangekyō Sharingan leaked out.

It even stimulated Uchiha Itachi's heart.

Suddenly, two powerful pupil masters who had awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan appeared in front of him. How could he not panic?

"Stop lying. Uchiha Madara has been dead for many years. How could you..." Before Uchiha Itachi could finish speaking, Lanfeng interrupted directly and then pulled Itachi into the Tsukuyomi world.

Looking at the red scene around him, Uchiha Itachi frowned and wanted to attack, but his body could no longer move.

Lanfeng slowly walked towards Uchiha Itachi and said coldly: "I know the pain in your heart, and I also know what you want to do. Maybe I can help you."

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi's eyes became serious.

"I don't need your help, I will complete the ninja way in my mind by myself."

Hearing this, Lan Feng sneered and exhaled a breath of air, saying, "Are you saying that you can massacre the entire Uchiha clan with your own strength?"

These words stung Uchiha Itachi's heart.

Uchiha Itachi didn't talk nonsense to Lanfeng and instantly activated the ability of Sharingan.

Break away from the shackles of Lan Feng.Put your hand to your mouth.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

The overwhelming blazing flames spurted towards Lanfeng.

At this time, Obito stood in front of Lanfeng, using the divine power space to absorb all the flames.

Seeing this, Lanfeng admired Itachi even more. Unexpectedly, Itachi could already use the Sharingan to release Tsukuyomi's shackles, which was really unexpected.

However, Itachi was still a bit too weak in front of Lan Feng.

Lanfeng directly activated Wood Release and Tree Realm Arrival.

Countless branches and vines emerged from the ground, binding Uchiha Itachi.

No matter how hard Uchiha Itachi struggled, he just couldn't get rid of it.

There was a solemn look in Itachi's eyes. He gritted his teeth and looked at Lanfeng and said, "What exactly do you want to do? As the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, do you want to save the Uchiha clan?"

"This ethnic group is hopeless!"

Itachi now basically believed that Lanfeng was Uchiha Madara.

Because he didn't believe that the Uchiha clan still had such a powerful existence.

After hearing Itachi's words, Lan Feng looked indifferent and looked directly at Itachi.

"On the contrary, I want to help you annihilate the Uchiha clan. It is annihilation in the true sense."

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi was stunned, his eyes couldn't help trembling, and he looked like Lan Feng and said: "There should be a reason for you to do this."

Hearing this, Lanfeng exhaled a breath and said slowly: "Don't you think that the Uchiha clan is really as weak as you see?"

"If that were the case, the Second Hokage would have wiped them all out long ago without you taking action."

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi frowned slightly.

"Are you saying that there are stronger beings hidden within Uchiha?"

Lan Feng did not comment and untied Uchiha Itachi.

"Let's work together and I'll give you a good place to go."

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi took a deep breath and said, "Can I believe you?"

Lan Feng patted Uchiha Itachi on the shoulder.

"You can completely believe me. The Uchiha clan is a clan of pain and demons."

"Their existence will only cause endless pain. Only by eradicating them completely can the world slowly restore peace."

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi held Lanfeng's hand with firm eyes.

"Okay, I'll work with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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