The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 131 Orochimaru’s plot, the shocking truth!

Chapter 131 Orochimaru’s plot, the shocking truth!

Chapter 131 Orochimaru’s plot, the shocking truth!
With that said, Lanfeng pushed Kimimaro aside and opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Although it is just a clone, the ability of Kaleidoscope can still be used a little.

Seeing this, Orochimaru quickly stepped back, fearing that he would be pulled into the Tsukuyomi space again.

Immediately afterwards, Orochimaru threw a kunai, but Lanfeng's figure had long since disappeared.

Then he appeared behind Orochimaru and grabbed Orochimaru's shoulders.

Orochimaru was frightened, but just as he was about to escape, he found Lan Feng appearing in front of him.

The two looked at each other, and Lanfeng once again pulled Orochimaru into the world of Tsukuyomi.

Looking at the familiar red color around him, Orochimaru couldn't help but breathe quickly.

However, he still said stubbornly: "In this case, can you really activate that ability? Can your clone bear it?"

After hearing this, Lanfeng appeared directly in front of Orochimaru.

"It's true that my clone can't bear it, but I can keep you trapped in this space forever."

"Orochimaru, are you ready to live in this space with my clone for the rest of your life?"

Hearing this, Orochimaru gritted his teeth, knowing that Lan Feng could definitely do such a thing.

After some ideological struggle, Orochimaru completely withered, knelt on the ground and said: "To tell you the truth, cloning technology is simply not feasible."

"If you want to develop a new clone, you need to completely dissect the original body, extract the data, and then reorganize it."

Hearing this, Lan Feng's eyes showed a solemn look, and then he said: "You don't need to clone a complete body."

"As long as you can clone a certain part for me, I will let you go free."

Hearing this, Orochimaru's eyes lit up. It would indeed be much easier if he just cloned a certain part.

At this moment, Lan Feng's mouth twitched.

After hearing the part Lanfeng mentioned, Orochimaru couldn't help but widen his eyes.

It seems like everything can be explained.

After some mental struggle, Orochimaru knelt on the ground and chose to surrender.

At this point, Lan Feng lifted the Tsukuyomi space and the clone completely disappeared.


On the other side, Lanfeng also received the news from the clone and couldn't help but reveal an evil smile.

Orochimaru is really restless, waiting for him to clone that thing.

Whether or not to keep Orochimaru is a question worth thinking about.


Konoha Ninja Village.

The news of Uchiha's massacre quickly reached the ears of the Sandaime Hokage.

The Third Hokage immediately took people to inspect the Uchiha clan.

Looking at the scene of death all around, Sandai's eyes showed a solemn look.

Danzo followed behind him, also showing a look of confusion.

Obviously Itachi asked me for cooperation yesterday, but why did he do it now?

Before Danzo could figure it out, the Sandaime Hokage turned around, stared at him and said, "This matter has nothing to do with you."

Hearing this, Danzo couldn't help but take a step back, opened his mouth slightly and said: "Well, I can swear to God, I will never do anything to the Uchiha clan."

Hearing this, the Sandaime Hokage took a puff of his pipe.
"I received information yesterday that Uchiha Itachi had been to your place. You said you two didn't plan ahead?!"

After hearing this, Danzo suddenly realized, no wonder Itachi would go to him so blatantly.

It turns out that everything was done to put the blame on him.

Danzo wanted to explain, but the Sandaime Hokage waved his hand and said: "Stop talking about it. This matter has already made me feel stuck in my throat. I don't want to discuss it any more."

"Now I am removing you from all your positions in Konoha, and you are not allowed to get involved in anything in Konoha." "From now on, just think about how to assassinate that boy from the Senju clan."

With that said, the Sandaime told him to take care of Uchiha's body, and then walked out angrily.

The Uchiha clan was uprooted, which was good news for him;

But this incident did indeed reduce Konoha's overall strength.

It’s hard to say whether it can still be ranked first among the five major countries in the future.

Danzo stood there with solemn eyes, looking at the corpses being transported around, with a look of resentment in his eyes.

It was disgusting that Uchiha Itachi dared to play tricks on him.


Water Country Base.

Orochimaru carried Kimimaro back.

At this time, all the members of the Akatsuki organization who were summoned were standing inside the base, with helpless looks in their eyes.

At this time, Kisame took a step forward, looked at Orochimaru and said: "I give you so much money every day for your enjoyment, and you still want to escape, Orochimaru, what are you thinking?"

After hearing this, Orochimaru ignored Kisame and placed Kimimaro on the table.

At this time, Kimimaro had fallen into a deep sleep, and Orochimaru turned around and said, "I don't need you to preach."

"Anyway, I hope you will remit more funds in the future. I don't want the research to fail due to insufficient funds."

Hearing this, Xie's eyes showed a cold look.

"Speaking of which, your research has taken a long time. Is it really okay for people to wait for so long?"

Hearing this, Orochimaru couldn't help but smile and said: "Not everyone is as impatient to wait as Mr. Scorpion."

"Research is not something that can be done in a short while."

Hearing this, Xie's eyes showed a solemn look.

Keeping an eye on Orochimaru, if it weren't for Lanfeng's order, he would have started fighting with Orochimaru.

While several people were talking, Kimimaro suddenly moved his nose and opened his eyes.

Seeing this, Orochimaru seemed to feel something was wrong.

Kisame wanted to go up and tease him, but before he could get close, two bone spurs sprouted out of Kimimaro's arms.

It pierced Kisame's shoulder directly.

Kisame quickly covered his shoulders and backed away.

"Hey, you kid, why are you beating people indiscriminately? This is wrong."

At this time, Kimimaro's eyes were already covered in red.

This is due to the aftereffects of long-term infusion of large amounts of chakra.

At this time, Kimimaro had completely lost his mind.

"I want to see Qianju Lanfeng!"

"Where is Qianju Lanfeng, I want to find him personally to find out!"

Seeing this form, Orochimaru knew that Kimimaro might have gone berserk.

If Lanfeng knew what he had revealed to Kimimaro before, he would definitely die miserably.

Orochimaru wanted to step forward to stop him, but Kimimaro kicked Orochimaru away.

Seeing this, Loquat Juzo swung his beheading sword and chopped it in the direction of Kimimaro.

Kimimaro's body suddenly grew three bone spurs, which resisted the decapitating sword of Loquat Juzo.

Then he knocked Loquat Juzo away.

(End of this chapter)

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