The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 147: Single-handed abuse of Sasuke, action exposed!

Chapter 147: Single-handed abuse of Sasuke, action exposed!
1Chapter 17 single-handedly tortures Sasuke, action exposed!

He looked at Uchiha Sasuke coldly and said, "How do you feel?"

"Now your brother Uchiha Itachi can also turn on this mode."

Hearing this, Sasuke's eyes were horrified. He had also seen this trick in Uchiha's books.

That is the Tsukuyomi world that can only be opened by the unique Mangekyō Sharingan.

If this is the ultimate point of the Sharingan, the Mangekyo Sharingan.

How on earth was he going to surpass his brother, Itachi Uchiha.

There was a solemn look in his eyes, and his whole body became decadent.

Lanfeng lifted the cross and directly lifted Sasuke up.

"Are you giving up so soon? Uchiha Itachi has always had expectations for you."

After hearing this, Sasuke slapped Lan Feng's hand away, with a look of resentment in his eyes and said:
"Don't mention him to me. He slaughtered the entire Uchiha clan and even killed his own mother. I will definitely seek revenge on such a scumbag!"

Hearing this, Lanfeng leaned down and said to Sasuke head to head: "Itachi Uchiha even killed his own mother, but only spared you. Why do you think this is?"

Hearing this, Sasuke gritted his teeth.

"I don't care what his reason is, I will definitely avenge him!"

Hearing this, Lan Feng directly activated the Mangekyō Sharingan's ability, and soon, an illusion appeared in front of Sasuke.

This is the future when Sasuke seeks revenge on Uchiha Itachi.

And the whole process of the truth he learned after Uchiha Itachi's death.

In just a few seconds, Sasuke experienced the rest of his life.

Sasuke's Sharingan also opened from single magatama to two magatama, and then three magatama, and a drop of blood flowed from his eyes.

He shook his head in disbelief and said, "It's impossible, it's definitely a lie. Don't think you can fool me with illusions. I'm not that easy to be fooled!"

Speaking of this, Sasuke was a little unsure because in his mind, these memories were too real.

It was as if he had really experienced a lifetime.

If that was the case, Uchiha Itachi had paid too much for him.

But reason told Sasuke that he must not listen to such remarks.

Otherwise, what is the meaning of his life?
This is just an illusion of the Mangekyō Sharingan, and he will never be fooled.

Sasuke took out his kunai and attacked Lanfeng.

But Lanfeng didn't give him a chance and put him on the execution rack again.

In just one second, Sasuke was executed for nearly 50 years.

Tears flowed from Sasuke's eyes, blood dyed the ground red, and he fell asleep.

Seeing this, the jounin above all looked solemn.

I don’t know how Lan Feng defeated Sasuke.

Sasuke didn't seem to be hurt.

And at this time, on the other side.

Sakura and Kimimaro are still confronting each other.

Kimimaro did not attack first, and Sakura was always looking for Kimimaro's weaknesses.

If she attacked in advance, it would be providing Kimimaro with a weakness, and she couldn't do that.

The guy in front of him looked like Sasuke. If he attacked forcefully, he would definitely be no match for him.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ying smiled evilly, covered her mouth and said, "This handsome boy, are you really not considering giving in to me? I'm a girl."

Seeing Haruno Sakura's actions, the ninjas watching the battle all looked dull. Is this guy a fool?

Sakura coquettishly approached Kimimaro.

When he reached Kimimaro's side, he suddenly took action.At this time, everyone understood what Sakura meant. It turned out that she had been looking for the opponent's weaknesses.

Just when everyone was expecting Sakura to succeed in her attack, Kimimaro punched Sakura on the bridge of the nose.

Sakura fainted immediately.

Seeing this, everyone looked solemn. Indeed, strength is the last word.

At this time, Kakashi, who was watching all this in the audience, always had an ominous premonition.

Because the order of this match was such a coincidence, it happened to be three Konoha ninjas versus three Yinkage Village ninjas.

Is there something strange about this? Moreover, he has never heard of this Sound Ninja Village before.

It's a village that just popped up recently.

Just as Kakashi was thinking about it, a jonin ran over with a tail grass in his mouth and whispered something into Kakashi's ear.

Kakashi was startled and ran out after him.

At this time, above, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was always paying attention to what was going on around him, had a solemn look in his eyes.

Seeing this, Orochimaru, pretending to be Kazekage, looked at the Fourth Hokage and said, "What's going on, Hokage-sama? It seems like you have something on your mind."

After hearing this, Hiruzen Sarutobi took a puff of his cigarette and said, "It's nothing, it's just that there seems to be something fishy about this competition."

"Master Kazekage, don't worry too much. Our security work here is very good."

Hearing this, Orochimaru showed an evil smile and said no more, waiting to take revenge on Konoha later.


within the forest.

Kakashi quickly followed the jounin and rushed over.

As soon as he rushed over, he saw Metkai lying on the ground, covered in blood.

The chakra in his body has almost been depleted.

The medical ninjas are using methods to restore chakra to save Metkai.

If they had discovered it later, Metkay might really be helpless.

Seeing this, Kakashi quickly understood that this was the result of Metkai's forced opening of the Seven Doors.

The surrounding woods have basically been cleared, and the earth is full of holes here and there.

He must have had a big fight with someone.

The strange thing is that there are no traces of gunpowder smoke around.

Kakashi walked straight over, glanced at Metkai and said, "What happened? Did he encounter Senju Ranfeng?"

Hearing the words Qian Hand Lan Feng, everyone's hearts trembled.

Although this nightmare has passed on the surface, it is still rooted in their bodies and minds.

They were no less afraid of Senju Ranfeng than Kakashi.

At this time, Metkai also regained a little sense, grabbed Kakashi's hand and said: "A masked man, he said, he said..."

At this point, Metkai was exhausted and passed out.

As for what Metkai said, Kakashi also looked baffled.

I just thought it was because Metkai was restless and said random things.

Kakashi put down Metkai's hand and quickly ran towards the Chunin Examination.

Now it is basically [-]% confirmed that Senju Ranfeng has definitely arrived in Konoha.

The Chunin Exams must be terminated immediately, otherwise everything will be over.

Soon, Kakashi returned to the place.

(End of this chapter)

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