The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 15 Gradually becoming the kind of person I once least understood

Chapter 15 Gradually becoming the kind of person I once least understood

Lanfeng in his previous life felt disgusted when he saw such reports and couldn't understand them at all.

Killing is addictive...

In this life, coming to the world of Naruto, Lan Feng truly understood its meaning.

But he also believed that he was different from those who simply wanted to satisfy their bloodthirsty desires. Every time his clothes were stained with blood, his strength was growing crazily visible to the naked eye.

This is the fastest shortcut, he needs strength!
One time, after killing a ninja from Takiyin Village, Lanfeng accidentally obtained a secret scroll from that person's luggage.

The ninjas of Takigakure are good at using the power of heart and blood. The Takigakure rebel Ninja Kakuzu in the Akatsuki organization is one of them.

Secret Art Earth Resentment!

You can strengthen yourself by stealing the hearts of others.

The secret volume discovered by Lanfeng records the method of drawing power from the blood of others.

Vitality is the innate power of everyone. This power is contained in the blood vessels. As the blood flows, human beings can thrive.

In the village master's room at the top of the tower, the floor was covered with the dried corpses of bandits.

The same is true for the mountain stronghold below. Every bandit killed by the wooden clone was drained of blood.

Some wooden clones were too lazy to absorb it bit by bit, and simply tore the bandit's body into pieces, scattering the internal organs and limbs on the ground, so that the absorption efficiency would be higher.

Standing at the top of the tower, Lanfeng could clearly feel that the life energy absorbed by the wooden clones was continuously being transported into his body.

This feeling made him feel like taking opium.

As more and more corpses of bandits gradually piled up, the screams and wails in the village gradually subsided.

The bandits have basically been killed.

"Is this all..." Lanfeng frowned, he was not satisfied with what he had gained tonight.

"Look at the gate of the cottage, I found something good." A wooden clone who came back from killing dozens of bandits at the gate reported to the main body with a smile.

As a result, Lan Feng's main body and wooden clones quickly came to a corner next to the gate of the cottage, a place that looked like a livestock shed.

It was dimly lit, exuded a pungent rotten smell, livestock excrement was everywhere, and there was almost no place to stay.

But looking in the direction of a wooden clone's finger, Lan Feng could vaguely see what looked like someone inside.

"Wood Release·Green Technique."

Lan Feng raised his hand, and the Wood Release Chakra slowly flowed into the ground.

Soon, the vegetation grew rapidly, covering the filth on the ground, forming a lawn path leading to the interior of the barn.

Walking into the stable, Lan Feng frowned slightly.

From the outside, the barn doesn't look big, but it has a secret inside.

A space measuring several hundred square meters was dug out, filled with various broken furniture and dozens of straw mats.

It was obvious that people lived here.

This village has been operating for decades. It was originally a village formed spontaneously by mountain residents and refugees.

Ever since Dashan killed ghosts, killed the previous village owner, and became the king of the mountain here, the village began to turn into a den of bandits.

The residents who originally lived in the village, except for those who took the initiative to join the mountains to kill ghosts and became bandits, some of the rest were killed by bandits, while some were not.

The bandits left behind some beautiful women, men who were strong enough to work, and some old people with weak legs and feet.

Among these people, young and middle-aged people can usually be used as servants, women can be used to vent their animal desires, and the elderly, because they cannot escape, can be used as hostages when they encounter government bandits to force them to retreat.Now, these people are hiding in the corner of the underground space. Dozens of them are huddled together, all shivering.

There were men, women, and children, all dressed in tattered clothes, all with yellow and thin faces, and fear written on their faces.

In order to prevent them from escaping, the bandits put iron shackles on the feet of these people and locked them in this space.

When they are useful, let them out to work.

Most of the rest of the time, these people huddled under the livestock shed, sharing feed with the livestock and trying to survive.

"I always feel that there are more than just bandits in this village, and sure enough, I discovered this place." The wooden clone who discovered these people said to Lanfeng calmly.

"Excuse me... who are you... why do you all look the same..." a girl asked timidly.

Judging from her face, this girl should be a few years older than Lan Feng, at most she looks like an adult.

This was supposed to be the best years of her life, but this girl was chained here, with a dirty face.

There were at least twenty such young girls in this group of people.

You don't need to think about it to know that they were all used as tools by bandits to vent their sexual desires, and they were tortured for who knows how long.

"I heard outside, there were screams just now, but they are gone now..."

"Is it possible that this kid killed all the bandits?" A man, whose legs were clamped with wooden boards, slumped on the ground and said in disbelief.

The man tried to escape, but was discovered by bandits, who captured him and broke his legs, leaving him crippled.

Lanfeng looked around and then nodded: "Yes, there is no one left, kill them all."

After hearing Lanfeng say that all the bandits were dead, a look of joy gradually appeared on the faces of the group of people.

Trapped in this dark place, in addition to being beaten with whips and working for bandits every day, they were crowded together with animals and endured a stench that ordinary people could not endure even for a moment.

Now, the joy of surviving the disaster appeared on each of these people's faces.

"Great, we're saved!"

"Thank God for arranging for someone to come and save us..."

"Grandpa, we can finally leave this place!"

"Thank you so much, young man, you are our great benefactor!"

A group of people were so excited that tears filled their eyes, and they made no secret of their gratitude to Lan Feng.

But Lan Feng's expression was still so cold, without any compassion or mercy.

"When did I say that I was going to save you guys?" However, at this moment, Lan Feng said inhumane words in a calm tone.

After hearing these words, the excited expressions of the group of slaves disappeared instantly and fell into the abyss again.

"You...didn't you kill all the bandits...then if you weren't here to save us, you would be..." An old man seemed to have guessed what would happen next.

Lanfeng turned around and looked at the wooden clone who had discovered this place, and the latter also took an appropriate step forward.

"You can leave here, that's right, but..."

The voice of the wooden clone was like the life-seeking Yama in hell. He looked at the crowd filled with fear, his eyes expressionless, and he formed seals quickly.

"Woodun·Burst Spear Tree!"

(End of this chapter)

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