The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 160 Jiraiya Sage Mode, barely opening at 55!

Chapter 160: Jiraiya Sage Mode, barely [-]/[-]!

Chapter 1: Jiraiya Sage Mode, barely [-]/[-]!

The two of them continued in this endless cycle, and Lan Feng's eyes finally felt a little tired.

This was the first time he used the Mangekyō Sharingan, and he felt that his vision was limited.

Lanfeng quickly changed the shape of the kaleidoscope, wanting to use a small range of other gods to change Jiraiya's mind.

But when the two eyes looked at each other, Lanfeng's Mangekyō Sharingan had no effect.

Unexpectedly, the eyes in sage mode can actually see through the Mangekyo Sharingan's magic.

With no other choice, Lan Feng could only quickly retreat and launch the Tree Realm Descending again.

Countless vines entangled Jiraiya.

But the next second, Jiraiya kicked them all to pieces.

This attack could not stop one of the former Sannin of Konoha.

Jiraiya shuttled back and forth, repeatedly dodging the attacks of the vines.

At this time, the venue for the Chunin Examination was already in dilapidated condition.

The surrounding makeshift buildings all collapsed.

And on the ground, there are sinkholes poked out by vines.

A simple combination of the two moves can cause the earth to shake.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the surrounding mountains began to collapse.

Seeing this, the Sandaime Hokage couldn't help but look horrified.

Unexpectedly, the battle between these two people could cause the world to collapse. It was really incredible.


Within the Konoha Forest.

Kakashi directly activated the Mangekyō Sharingan's ability.

Suddenly he and Obito were opposite each other,
The space in front of the two of them began to blur.

Obito quickly slashed out the sword in his hand, but it was directly broken by Kakashi's Mangekyō Sharingan.

Obito kicked Kakashi away.

Then he took a broken sword and slashed at Kakashi again.

Kakashi took out a kunai, and the two faced each other, and the space in front of him continued to disappear.

Kakashi used the distorted space to attack.

At this moment, Obito actually fell into a passive position. The two were chasing after each other, always at a relatively average level.

The two fought for three hundred rounds, and Kakashi's chakra was seriously insufficient.

But Obito was still able to do it with ease, he put the broken knife directly against Kakashi's neck and said: "Let's play a game between the two of us."

"You have two choices now, defeat me and rescue your friends."

"Or get defeated by me and I kill your friends."

Hearing this, Kakashi gritted his teeth, and the kunai in his hand suddenly changed shape.

It turned into a boomerang and was quickly thrown in Obito's direction.

Obito quickly stepped back and used his broken sword to deflect the boomerang away.

Attack Kakashi again.

"If you don't speak, I will assume that you agree to this bet."

With that said, Obito stabbed Kakashi straight through the body.

But the next second, Kakashi's body turned into a wooden stake.fell down.

Seeing this, Obito frowned and looked around.

At this time, the boomerang slowly came behind him.

Quickly transforming into Kakashi's form.

Kakashi penetrated Obito's back with a kunai.

But as expected, Obito's body is also fake.

The two of them continued to fight back and forth using the Substitute Technique until both sides were close to depleting their chakra.Kakashi breathed heavily, leaned against a big tree, and said, "Stop obsessing Obito."

"You used to be so kind and loved Konoha so deeply, but now you can't bear to see Konoha destroyed by that demon Senju Ranfeng?!"

Hearing this, Obito's eyes showed a cold look, and then he said: "I do love Konoha deeply and there is nothing wrong with it."

"But that's because there is someone in Konoha whom I love deeply, but now that person is dead, and there is nothing left for me to miss in this place."

"Instead of racking your brains to think of ways to convince me, you might as well think of how to defeat me and rescue your friends."

Hearing this, Kakashi looked a little sad. He really wanted to persuade Obito to turn around.

But it seemed that it was too late now and he had to make a choice.

Thinking of this, Kakashi sighed, opened his eyes, looked at Obito and said: "I will pay you back what I owe you for the rest of my life."

"But what's going on between us has nothing to do with Metkay. You have to give it back!"

Hearing this, Obito's eyes became even colder, and then he showed an evil smile and said, "In that case, let's give it a try."

As he said that, the battle between the two was about to break out.

Broken Blade and Kunai faced each other, the two Sharingan eyes activated their abilities again, and no one gave way to the other.


Chunin exam venue.

The battle between Lanfeng and Jiraiya was still going on, and the entire Chuunin examination place had basically been destroyed.

Seeing this, the Sandaime couldn't help but frown. If he continued like this, Jiraiya would definitely not be able to do it.

When the Sandaime Hokage was thinking about how to help Jiraiya.

Suddenly, Orochimaru was shrunk in his hand, and his body moved strangely.

The next moment, the Sandaime Hokage let go instantly as if he was stung by a scorpion.

Orochimaru, on the other hand, restored his original body.

A sword struck the Sandaime Hokage in the chest.

Immediately the Sandaime was chopped away.

Seeing this, the Sandaime Hokage couldn't help but frown.

"Orochimaru, how did you break free from the ninjutsu!"

After hearing this, Orochimaru twisted his neck and said with a sinister smile: "Why is it loose? I don't need to say more."

Hearing this, the Sandaime Hokage's eyes trembled, and then he looked in Jiraiya's direction.

If Jiraiya's ninjutsu loosens, it means that Jiraiya has no room to retreat.

In other words, the chakra in the body has been basically burned out, and now it is purely supported by magic.

On Guan Lanfeng's side, a steady stream of Mudun chakra was flowing into his body.

Not only did Lan Feng not feel any fatigue, but he became more and more energetic.

Seemingly feeling Jiraiya's weakness, Lan Feng showed a look of disdain in his eyes and said, "Why, Master Jiraiya, can't this be done?"

"There's still an hour left before it's over."

After hearing this, Jiraiya gasped and gritted his teeth.

His eyes rolled three times.A flash of golden light attacked Lan Feng directly.

Lanfeng tilted his neck to the left to avoid Jiraiya's attack.

The next moment, Jiraiya's thick arms grabbed Lan Feng's neck.

With his current strength, he was unable to cause any harm to Lan Feng.

Lan Feng drew out his long sword and slashed Jiraiya away with one strike.

Jiraiya spat out a mouthful of blood, and a shocking scar appeared on his chest.

But the next moment, his scars were healed by magic.

But this also caused Jiraiya to completely lose his last chance.

Jiraiya put one hand on the ground and gasped for air.

(End of this chapter)

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