The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 162 Jiraiya collapsed and Orochimaru was tricked!

Chapter 162 Jiraiya collapsed and Orochimaru was tricked!
Chapter 162 Jiraiya collapsed, Orochimaru was tricked!
Jiraiya couldn't understand what Lanfeng said more and more.

He directly activated his magic technique and attacked Lan Feng.

Seeing this, Lanfeng flexed his muscles, showed an evil smile and said, "There are still 15 minutes left. Can't you hold on, Jiraiya-sama?"

"Then let's end this topic and move on to the next question."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lan Feng activated his kaleidoscope ability.

Jiraiya was immediately drawn into the world of Tsukuyomi.

At this time, Jiraiya's magic was immediately broken, and he knelt on the ground.

Jiraiya looked at the red environment around him and couldn't help but frown.

He was actually affected by the Mangekyō Sharingan, and it seemed that the magic of immortality had reached its limit.

Soon, Lanfeng's shadow appeared in front of Jiraiya, looked at Jiraiya and said: "There are 10 minutes left, I will ask Jiraiya-sama one last question."

As he spoke, Lanfeng looked grim and asked directly: "Why can't Naruto get the love of his parents?"

Hearing this, Jiraiya's eyes narrowed slightly and he stepped back.

He was destined to be unable to answer this question, and he could not answer it.

Ten years ago, he resolutely left Konoha Ninja Village.

This led to the tragedy of Konoha.

Then he escaped for nearly ten years, not daring to return to Konoha once.

Minato promised to come back to see Naruto, but he didn't do it.

Why can't Naruto get the love from his parents?

The answer was floating in his mind, but he couldn't answer it.

Because originally, he could have loved Naruto instead of the others.

Jiraiya covered his face and cried bitterly. He knelt down and gritted his teeth and said, "Kill me. I am the one who caused all this tragedy!"

Hearing this, Lan Feng shook his head.

"No, it wasn't you who caused all this, it was Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

"It's the Konoha villagers who have made no contribution but stand under the halo and receive protection!"

"They live under the sun, but they don't think about who is protecting them."

"The Uchiha clan cannot think about the interests of the entire village, and they can only think about their small family."

"But Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude towards Uchiha and them is completely different!"

"Now the Uchiha clan has been slaughtered, but the villagers of Konoha are still alive and well. Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Jiraiya covered his ears, not wanting to hear these words, because he knew in his heart that Sarutobi Hiruzen was not wrong.

But the decisions he made led to one tragedy after another.

Jiraiya burst into tears. He had never been so desperate for the world as he was today.

"Kill me, kill me quickly!"

Jiraiya was filled with grief and anger, showing a look of pain.

Seeing this, Lanfeng sighed and said, "I won't kill you because I know you are different from them."

"You are different from Sarutobi Hiruzen, and you are even different from Namikaze Minato."

"Next time I come again, I hope to see a change in you, Jiraiya-sama."

With that said, Lanfeng directly dispelled Tsukuyomi World, and due to too much mental exhaustion, Jiraiya lay down on the ground and fainted.

Seeing this, the Sandaime Hokage, who was fighting Orochimaru, couldn't help but look solemn.

He wanted to go over and check it out, but Orochimaru just refused to get out of the way.

Orochimaru stabbed Sarutobi Hiruzen in the chest with his sword.

Sarutobi Hiruzen spit out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

Orochimaru showed an evil smile and said: "It seems that Kiraiya has been defeated. What are Mr. Yuan Fei's plans next?" As he said that, Orochimaru stabbed him with a sword, but was killed by Sarutobi Hiruzen. blocked by the black rod.

The two of them simply exchanged two moves.

Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly distanced himself, unable to delay any longer.

He had to activate the corpse seal quickly, even if only Orochimaru was sealed, otherwise he would not be able to escape.

However, just as the Sandaime Hokage was posing, Lanfeng's words shocked them.

At this time, Lanfeng was seen looking in the direction of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru, and then said: "Orochimaru, you have fun here, I will leave first."

Hearing this, Orochimaru looked solemn, looked at Lanfeng sideways and said: "The plan to destroy Konoha will not continue, I will be a little closer..."

Before Orochimaru could finish speaking, Lan Feng said directly: "I said I'm going to leave first. You can just catch up with your teacher Yuan Fei here."

"By the way, when you go back, don't forget to go to the Sound Ninja Village to take over the position of Sound Shadow."

With that said, Lanfeng directly sent a message to tell Nagato the news.

Let them lead the Akatsuki retreat.

Then Lanfeng used the divine power space to disappear in place.

Seeing this, Orochimaru couldn't help but look horrified. It wasn't until this moment that he realized that he had been abandoned by Lan Feng.

Orochimaru thought again that the embryos for his genetic research seemed to be still in the laboratory.

The research has been basically successful. After some time to ferment, it can be used directly.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Lanfeng must have calculated all this and deliberately left him here. It was really a good move.

Soon, Suigetsu and Kimimaro also left here, and Orochimaru looked solemn.

Seeing Orochimaru's appearance, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but sneered:

"It doesn't feel good to be abandoned, Orochimaru."

"But he is such a devil. You can't reason with the devil. I advise you to turn around as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Orochimaru gritted his teeth, showed an evil smile and said, "Teacher Yuan Fei seems to have misunderstood something. We are just a cooperative relationship."

"Although the cooperation has expired, there is no time limit for my desire to destroy Konoha's heart."

"After I destroy Konoha, I will go find that boy to settle the score."

As he spoke, Orochimaru mobilized his entire body and attacked directly in the direction of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The attack momentum of the two men increased instead of decreasing.

The beating was like a blur.

A layer of clouds covered the sky, and light rain gradually fell, soaking the bodies of the Sandaime Hokage and Orochimaru.

Both were gasping for air.

Orochimaru bit Sarutobi Hiruzen's shoulder.

Sarutobi Hiruzen used the Substitution Technique to dodge the attack.

The black stick and the Kusanagi sword met and bounced away from each other.

Throughout the battle, Sarutobi Hiruzen kept the distance intentionally or unintentionally.

He must activate the corpse seal as soon as possible and seal Orochimaru.

Although Senju Lanfeng has left, it is still very dangerous for Orochimaru to be here alone.

Thinking of this, the Sandaime Hokage showed a look of determination.

Just cross your arms.

Seeing this, Orochimaru looked solemn.

He didn't know why, but even though he was sure of victory, he still felt cold all over.

(End of this chapter)

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