The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 171 Lanfeng takes action, targeting 3 tails!

Chapter 171 Lanfeng takes action, targeting the Three Tails!

Chapter 171 Lan Feng takes action, targeting the Three Tails!

After a moment, Obito said coldly: "Okay, the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki is no longer in Konoha Ninja Village, it's time for us to leave."

After hearing this, Kimimaro stopped attacking, took a step back and said, "Is this person very important to Mr. Fei?"

Hearing this, Obito frowned slightly, then turned around and said, "Let's go. If it's a little later, we might not be able to catch up."

Hearing this, Kimimaro regained his innocence and did not continue to ask.

Instead, he followed Obito and left the Leaf Ninja Village.

And he didn't bring Zabuza or Shiro with him.


Zabuza dragged his seriously injured body into a battle with more than a dozen jounin.

Zabuza's own strength is only slightly beyond that of an ordinary jounin.

It was naturally a bit difficult to deal with so many jounin.

Zabuza looked around.

He quickly locked onto the area where Bai was and ran in that direction.

However, just as Zabuza was about to approach Haku's territory, suddenly, a mirror was kicked to pieces.

Countless lenses scratched his body, and blood spurted out.Zabuza quickly backed away.

The next moment, Shiro's body flew out instantly and fell next to Zabuza.

Zabuza touched Shiro's shoulder and then helped him up.

At this time, Metkai walked out, his body covered with silver needles.

They were all pulled out one by one.

And it didn't cause him any harm.

Metkai twisted his neck and looked at Bai and said, "Although I really want to repay you for not killing me."

"However, you have posed a threat to Konoha, and I must arrest you!"

Upon hearing this, Bai's mask fell off, revealing his angelic face.

Then he spat out a mouthful of blood, looked at Zabuza and said, "Sorry, this guy is simply a monster. I can't defeat him."

Upon hearing this, Zabuza had a solemn look in his eyes.

"This is not your fault. Everything is to blame on that masked man. If we are lucky enough to get out, we must seek revenge from him!"

As soon as Zabuza finished speaking, dozens of ninjas surrounded him.

Each man had a kunai, forcing them in the middle.


Water Country Base.

Lanfeng was in the base, using the Mangekyō Sharingan to see all this.

As expected, that guy Obito still can't let go.

But fortunately he didn't show it.There will definitely be the potential for rebellion.

It's just that this time Obito used a trick to get Zabuza and Shiro in, which made him a little unhappy.

After all, Bai's blood stain boundary is still very strong, if it is developed for a few more years.

Maybe it could be comparable to Kimimaro.

This should be Obito giving him eye drops.

It was also Obito's silent resistance.

Thinking of this, Lan Feng showed an evil smile.

It seems that Obito is not what he imagined. A guy who can start a war in the ninja world on his own should not be underestimated.

Thinking of this, Lan Feng smiled with relief and stood up immediately.

Now that they were all out hunting tailed beasts, he couldn't be idle either.

Obito originally went to assassinate the Three-Tailed Man to help Yagura, but he did not bring the Three-Tailed Man back.After that, although he controlled Terumi Mei, he did not take the initiative to find the tailed beast.

But now, the time has almost come.

This time I went out and went to the Kingdom of Water to get the tailed beast back, which would save me trouble later.

After so many years, he also wanted to see what the Kirigakure Village had developed into.

Is the small-scale special god he originally developed still effective?

Thinking of this, Lanfeng left the Kingdom of Water base, and then launched the Wood Escape to the Tree Realm.

Completely seal the entire Water Kingdom base, and then embark on a journey.

Lanfeng came all the way to the Misty Hidden Village in the Water Kingdom, and it was still the same here, living in haze all day long.

The news of Lanfeng's arrival quickly spread throughout the Kirigakure Ninja Village.

In the past few years, Terumi Mei has been implementing the policy Lanfeng left for them.

But since Lanfeng left, Terumi Mei seemed to have woken up a little.

Just maintain the policy of war with other ninja villages.

The brutal internal oppression is actually not that serious anymore.

This time, Senju Lanfeng came to Kirigakure Village again, causing some Kirigakure ninjas who were used to peace to tremble.

Terumi Mei, who was afraid of encountering Lanfeng, would launch such tyranny again.

At this time, Terumi Mei was working in Mizukage's office.

Upon hearing the news of Lan Feng's arrival, a glistening tear appeared in his eyes.

"Are you serious? Master Lanfeng is here?"

Hearing this, the Kirigakure jounin couldn't help but swallow his saliva, nodded and said: "Yes, that is definitely Senju Lanfeng."

Hearing this, Terumi Mei showed a cold look and said: "Then please invite Master Lanfeng in quickly. If you neglect Master Lanfeng, ten lives will not be enough to compensate you!"

Hearing this, the Kirigakure jonin hurriedly bent over his luggage and then withdrew.

Then he respectfully invited Lanfeng in.

The moment she saw Lan Feng, Terumi Mei showed a shy expression, walked up to Lan Feng and said:
"I have been waiting for you. Master Lanfeng has ignored me for so many years. Could it be that he dislikes me?"

Hearing this, Lanfeng looked indifferent, then sat on the table in the Hokage's office and said:
"I came here this time to do only two things. One is to take a look at the development of Kirigakure Village, and the other is to ask you for the Three-Tails."

Hearing this, Terumi Mei's expression condensed and she said: "For so many years, I have been implementing policies in accordance with the principles stated by Master Lanfeng."

"As for the tailed beast, I have already prepared it. I will offer it immediately when Lord Lanfeng comes."

Seeing this, Lan Feng's face turned serious. He didn't expect other gods to be able to change people's ideas in such a long-term way.

It is indeed the top eye technique of Mangekyō Sharingan.

When he heard Terumi Mei's words, the Jonin next to him looked horrified.

He quickly looked at Terumi Mei and said: "Mizukage-sama, you must not do this. This person's purpose is unknown. If the tailed beast is handed over easily, I am afraid it will cause chaos in the ninja world!"

Before the Jonin could finish speaking, Lan Feng waved his hand and dozens of vines pierced his heart.

That jounin cannot die anymore.

Seeing this, Terumi Mei's expression did not change at all, and then looked at Lanfeng and said, "I will take Lord Lanfeng to find Sanwei."

"With my abilities, I am still unable to bring him here. Please forgive me, Lord Lanfeng."

After hearing this, Lanfeng expressed his understanding, nodded and said: "Okay, then I will go with you."

Hearing this, Terumi Mei showed a shy expression, then bowed and said: "Master Lanfeng believes in me so much, I feel very honored."

With that said, Terumi Mei led the way and brought Lanfeng to an underground cave.

Entering the underground cave, even Lan Feng couldn't help but sigh.

In the cave sky, there are thousands of rays of light and rippling water.

It is indeed a place where the three tails are hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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