The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 182 Tsunade is soft-hearted, Orochimaru Momo Yaoyao!

Chapter 182 Tsunade is soft-hearted, Orochimaru Momo Yaoyao!

Chapter 182 Tsunade is soft-hearted, Orochimaru Momo Yaoyao!
If you add the Sharingan, even a shadow-level powerhouse cannot be his opponent.

I guess Jiraiya's sage mode might work for him.

Seeing Lan Feng raising his knife, he was about to kill Orochimaru.

Kabuto Yakushi gathered up his courage, but before he could rush forward.

Tsunade's voice sounded.


Lanfeng's sword stopped in mid-air, he looked up at Tsunade and said, "Why, Tsunade-sama doesn't think that just because he saved my life, he can yell at me."

"I'll take this guy's head!"

After saying that, Lan Feng wanted to continue to attack, but Tsunade grabbed Lan Feng's arm and said, "Stop being so stubborn."

"Don't let it get to the end. There is no reason for me, my aunt, to want to save you."

Hearing this, Lanfeng sneered, looked at Tsunade and said, "Huh, that sounds grand."

"Didn't you have a reason to save my mother back then?"

These words were like a bolt from the blue, causing Tsunade to take two steps back involuntarily.

Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, this was something he could never forgive himself for.

Tsunade burst into tears, but taking this opportunity, Orochimaru shed his skin and escaped without trace.

Lanfeng didn't bother to care about him, and went straight to Tsunade and said: "Now there is a chance to forgive. As long as you are willing to help me, I will forgive you."

I thought it was impossible for Tsunade to refuse in this situation.

However, the next second, Tsunade still shook her head and said: "No, I can't be the enemy of the entire ninja world."

"But I can promise you that I will stay with you until your heart is purified."

Hearing this, Lan Feng's expression immediately turned cold, and he took a deep breath and said, "I thought you had woken up, but I didn't expect that you just fell into another cycle."

"It seems I have to add some seasoning to you, otherwise you will never wake up."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lan Feng turned back to look at Jiraiya who was lying on the ground dying.

At this time, Naruto was anxiously taking care of Jiraiya.

Seeing this, I just wanted to look hard and say, "Don't even think about it, I won't let you succeed."

Hearing this, Lan Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly and disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he was already standing behind Jiraiya.

Jiraiya wanted to resist, but it was too late.

Even if he had time, he, who had already retired from the immortal mode, was no match for Lan Feng.

Jiraiya grabbed Naruto's shoulders tightly and said, "Run quickly, don't get targeted by this demon!"

Hearing this, Naruto gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not afraid of this guy. Now it's up to me to protect Mr. Jiraiya."

As soon as he finished speaking, Naruto launched the clone technique.

The entire alley was surrounded by Naruto's clones.

Naruto attacked Lan Feng overwhelmingly.

Seeing this scene, Lanfeng didn't bother to talk nonsense with Naruto and directly activated the ability of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

In an instant, hundreds of Naruto clones disappeared into nothing.

Naruto, who revealed his true form, couldn't help but look horrified. This was the first time he met someone who could eliminate all his clones in an instant.

But Naruto was not discouraged.

Divided into three clones again, attacking Lan Feng from three different directions.

Lan Feng frowned slightly and said coldly: "It's so boring that he uses this method again."

As he spoke, Lan Feng flew out three kunai and wiped out all three clones.

Sure enough, all three clones were fake.

Immediately afterwards, Naruto appeared from above Lanfeng's head.

A prototype version of the Rasengan appeared in his hand, and it shot straight towards Lan Feng's head.

Lanfeng ignored this trivial attack and headed straight for Jiraiya.However, seeing this, Naruto gritted his teeth.

Three kunai flew straight out and pierced the back of Lanfeng's heart.

However, this kind of attack didn't even break Lan Feng's defense.

However, this move also caused Lan Feng to stop attacking Jiraiya and instead target Naruto.

This is the result that Jiraiya least wants to see.

Jiraiya braced himself, stood up and said, "He's just a child, come to me if you have the ability!"

Hearing this, Lan Feng's lips slightly raised, but he did not stop.

He grabbed Naruto, put a kunai on Naruto's neck and said, "Okay, now the initiative in the negotiation seems to have fallen into my hands."

"Then now, I have to make some conditions."

Having said this, Lanfeng looked directly at Tsunade and said, "Then let's start with you."

"I want you to make a decision now, whether you want to help me or not."

"If you say no, this child's life will remain here forever."

"Just like the rope tree back then."

Upon hearing the word "rope tree", Tsunade's eyes suddenly turned frightened.

Then he took two steps back and collapsed on the ground.

His fingers sank deep into the soil and he gritted his teeth.

Seeing his aunt in such pain, Lan Feng didn't feel the slightest pity.

Instead, he showed an excited smile and said, "How's it going? Have you made a decision?"

"I'm not going to give you a lot of time to think about it."

"Let's do this. I'll give you 1 minute. If you don't make a decision within 1 minute, this child's life will be mine."

As soon as Lan Feng said this, suddenly, the ground around him seemed to tremble.

At first Lanfeng thought it was an illusion, but after feeling it carefully, he found that most of the surrounding area was indeed shaking.

Even the surface of the lake was trembling slightly.

At this time, when Lanfeng looked at Tsunade, his eyes widened.

I saw that Tsunade's body was covered with long black runes.

And the surrounding earth is still sinking.

At this time, Tsunade was seen placing her hands on the ground.

A low growl came from his throat.

This low roar echoed around, and then, Tsunade stood up and uprooted the entire alley.

He raised the alleyway above his head, pointed at Lanfeng and said, "Hey, brat, you are not qualified to teach me a lesson."

"Next, teach me how to respect the elderly and love the young!"

With that said, Tsunade threw the alleyway in the direction of Lan Feng.

Including Lanfeng, Naruto and Jiraiya all had their eyes widened, their eyes about to burst.

Naruto moved his hands and feet randomly, shook his head, and cried bitterly: "Hey, this mother-in-law is crazy, she is really crazy, someone come and save me!"

Jiraiya was even more panicked.

As long as Tsunade gets mad, she won't listen to anyone.

Lanfeng also felt a little troubled.

If this continues, even his life may be in danger.

It has to be said that the Sannin of Konoha, except Orochimaru, are all monsters.

Thinking of this, Lanfeng threw Naruto directly to Tsunade, and then retreated as fast as possible.

Seeing this, Tsunade instantly put the alley down, then flew up to catch Naruto.

(End of this chapter)

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