The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 184: Life and death showdown, Susanoo was exposed!

Chapter 184: Life and death showdown, Susanoo was exposed!
Chapter 184: Life and death showdown, Susanoo was exposed!

If Raikage kills him at this time, he will definitely die.

Thinking of this, Lan Feng turned his eyes towards Tsunade and said solemnly: "Didn't you say you wanted to stand by my side unconditionally? I don't know if this counts."

After hearing this, Tsunade looked serious.

He also saw that Lan Feng did not have the strength to fight Lei Ying now.

If she sat idly by and did nothing, Lanfeng would definitely die.

That was her nephew, who was her in this world.The last relative.

No matter if he is a demon or not, he wants to subvert the ninja world.He couldn't even ignore death.

She must rely on herself to reverse these evil deeds for Lan Feng.

Thinking of this, several long runes grew out of Tsunade's body.

The surrounding alleyways trembled slightly, and he stood directly in front of Lei Ying and said: "He is my nephew. If there is any mistake, I, as the aunt, will bear it."

Upon hearing this, Raikage's eyes were visibly speechless.

"I don't care who you are to this guy, if you are helping others to do evil, I will not let you go."

The words just fell.The Raikage's figure exploded, and using the teleportation technique, he quickly arrived in front of Tsunade.

"Lei Dun Lei Plough Hot Knife!"

The Raikage distributed chakra in the hands of his arms and stabbed Tsunade directly in the abdomen with a hand knife.

Tsunade spat out a mouthful of blood and quickly fell downwards.

However, regarding all this, Lan Feng did not have any inner fluctuations.

He must use this time to quickly recover to a state where he can activate Susanoo.

Otherwise, there would be no strength to fight the Raikage.

But it's not enough now, he still needs some time.

After dealing with Tsunade, Raikage locked his sights on Lan Feng.

His whole body was surrounded by thunder and lightning chakra.

It looks like a miniature Susanoo.

Lei Ying looked at Lan Feng and gritted his teeth and said, "Kid, your time to die has come."

"Forgive the souls who died because of you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Raikage prepared to attack.

But at this moment, Tsunade's voice came over.

"Lord Raikage wouldn't think that I would be killed by you like this."

"I am the successor of the next Hokage. If this happens, it will be difficult."

Upon hearing this, Raikage looked down.I saw runes surging all over Tsunade's body and chakra slowly condensing.

The parts that were originally penetrated by him have now returned to their original state.

Raikage frowned and said, "A medical ninja who has restored his form?"

"It's amazing, but I don't care who you are. If you insist on protecting this demon, you are the enemy of the entire ninja world."

"I have an obligation to get rid of you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Raikage's whole body exploded, gathering chakra to his elbow.

In an instant, he bumped into Tsunade.

Tsunade also used her own strange power, and the two collided, and the surrounding earth collapsed instantly.

The entire alley collapsed at this moment.

The people around him were all running away.

"Hey, what are you doing over there? Is it the end of the world?!"

"Stop talking and run away. These ninjas have been thinking all day long."

"I just know how to fight and kill."

In an instant, all the people around him had run away.

The impact of the two ended in Tsunade's physical exhaustion.

Tsunade spit out a mouthful and turned to school, her chest dented.He wanted to hold on for a while longer, but Raikage directly punched Tsunade with a thunder fist, sending him flying away.

However, at this time, Lanfeng had also recovered a certain amount of chakra, enough for him to activate Susanoo mode.

Lan Feng's body was covered with a purple chakra coat.

There could be no ninja who could be Susanoo's opponent.

Thinking of this, Lanfeng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, looked at Raikage and said: "The fourth generation Raikage, right, let us..."

Before Lanfeng finished speaking, Raikage used a teleportation technique to come to Susanoo.

Then a thunder plow hot knife directly penetrated Lan Feng's chakra coat.

The palm of his right hand sank directly into Lan Feng's chest.

Fortunately, he had the divine power to weaken his body in advance, otherwise this blow would directly penetrate the heart, and Lan Feng would definitely die.

But despite this, this blow still shocked Lanfeng very much.

And the impact on Lanfeng was also huge.

Lanfeng spit out a mouthful of blood and quickly activated the Mangekyō Sharingan's ability.

In an instant, the entire Raikage was pushed out, and then Susanoo's defense was strengthened.

The excluded Lei Ying gritted his teeth and looked at Lan Feng.

He had also heard about the power of the Sharingan, but he didn't expect that this guy's Sharingan was so complex and changeable.

Lei Ying moved his arms and gritted his teeth and said, "This is your last chance. Next time, I will definitely pierce your heart!"

Hearing this, Lan Feng looked solemnly, looked at Lei Ying and said, "If you have the ability, just give it a try."

With that said, Lanfeng controlled Susanoo, raised his sword, and slashed towards the Raikage.

The powerful chakra enveloped the surrounding rubble, making it extremely powerful.

Seeing this, the lightning armor around Raikage's body suddenly expanded, and he punched forward.

The two of them worked together to tear the entire Hu Hai in half.

Under the dominance of thunder and lightning chakra, the people who had escaped were watching the excitement from a distance.

They were all struck by lightning and fell to pieces.

Seeing this scene, Jiraiya forced himself to stand up.

We can't let these two people mess around anymore, otherwise the people around them will suffer.

Jiraiya braced himself and turned on the sage mode again.

Just as he was about to go up and stop them, he heard a strange voice not far away saying: "Jiraiya-sama, we have had a hard time looking for you."

"Oh, the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki is indeed here."

Hearing this, Jiraiya frowned and slowly turned around, only to see a man wearing a mask and a fire cloud suit, staring at him.

Next to him, there was a young man with white hair.

Although in terms of evil level, this man wearing a mask seems to be better.

But he always felt that in terms of threat level, the white-haired boy seemed to be more threatening.

Obito and Kimimaro chased all the way and finally locked Jiraiya's position.

But after arriving here, Obito discovered that Lanfeng was also here.

So I observed it secretly for a while.

Seeing that Lanfeng's life didn't seem to be in danger, he took Kimimaro out.

In the distance, Lan Feng, who was fighting Raikage, also spotted Obito and Kimimaro.

Now he doesn't know whether Obito's appearance is a good thing or a bad thing for him.

After all, that guy Obito has an affair with Black Zetsu.

I don’t know what Obito is thinking.

Whether to choose to be on his side or Black Zetsu's side.

Just as Lan Feng was thinking about it, Lei Ying's figure had already arrived in front of Lan Feng.

"You are still in a distracted mood at this time, so you don't take me seriously?!"

(End of this chapter)

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