The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 190 The funeral of the third generation is over, the succession ceremony of Hokage!

Chapter 190 The funeral of the third generation is over, the succession ceremony of Hokage!
Chapter 1: The funeral of the third generation ends, the succession ceremony of Hokage!
Hearing this, Lan Feng waved his hand.

"No need to pretend, I have completely seen what you were thinking just now."

"You want to go to the Land of Fire to succeed the Hokage, right? You still care about Konoha and the entire ninja world, right?"

"Since we have different ways, we don't want to conspire against each other. I don't want to embarrass you, and you don't want to embarrass me."

"I won't show mercy next time we meet again!"

Hearing this, Tsunade was touched in her heart and wanted to say something more, but she still couldn't.

Tsunade sighed and said, "If you think so, then I won't disturb you."

"But I hope you can think about it. This ninja world is really not as bad as you think."

Hearing this, Lan Feng said indifferently: "No need to say more, I know what to do myself, you go!"

With that said, Lanfeng directly used the divine power space to send Tsunade away from the Kingdom of Water.

Looking at Tsunade's disappearing figure, Lanfeng whispered: "Take care, aunt."

Tsunade was sent out of the Kingdom of Water and looked at the desolate scene around her.
Tsunade couldn't help but feel a touch of sadness.

She saw the undiminished kindness in Lan Feng's bones.

From the bottom of his heart, he wanted to redeem Lan Feng.

But Lanfeng didn't give him this chance.

Just when Tsunade was sad, a voice came.

"Look, my mother-in-law is there!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Tsunade looked into the distance.

Sure enough, they saw Jiraiya, the Yondaime Raikage and Naruto walking towards this direction.

There was a solemn look in the Yondaime Raikage's eyes, he looked at Tsunade and said:

"You have been with that guy all this time, right."

"Hurry up and take me to him. I haven't settled the account with him yet!"

Hearing this, Tsunade showed a solemn look and said, "Don't say I don't know where he is, even if I did, I wouldn't tell you."

Upon hearing this, a flash of lightning chakra appeared on Raikage's body, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Tsunade.

Tsunade was not left behind, the Hundred Heroes' Technique was activated, and she was full of momentum.

"If we have to fight, I won't lose to you."

After hearing this, Raikage wanted to take action.

At this time, Jiraiya stood in front of Tsunade, opened his hands and said: "You all wait a moment, we don't have to use this method to decide the outcome."

"Well, I've always heard that the Raikage is extremely powerful."

"And Tsunade is also known for her strength. How about you two having an arm wrestling match?"

"Whoever wins between you two will listen."

"If the Fourth Raikage-sama wins, then we will continue to find Senju Ranfeng's lair."

"If Tsunade wins, we will go directly back to Konoha Village."

"The funeral of Lord Sandaime Hokage is about to begin. It would not be good to delay it any longer."

Hearing this, Lei Ying rolled his eyes and then nodded.

"Since I have Lord Jiraiya's guarantee, I will agree."

Hearing this, Tsunade clenched her fists and said with a serious face: "If Lord Raikage has this intention, then I don't have any objection!"

Seeing the tense situation between the two, Naruto clenched his fists and said excitedly: "Arm wrestling? It's really a romantic way to compete!"

With that said, Naruto and Jiraiya moved a few large rocks and stacked them together.

The Raikage quickly took up his stance, and Tsunade also looked serious, not losing the slightest bit.

The two of them held their wrists together, and before they could gather their strength, one of the stones cracked in half.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them exerted force at the same time, a powerful force appeared, and the surrounding earth collapsed.

Naruto and Jiraiya fell directly into the gap.

Naruto couldn't help showing a horrified look and said: "How could this happen? It's just an arm-wrestling!" Jiraiya activated the Sage Technique, grabbed a branch with his hair, and pulled Naruto up forcefully.

At this time, the two people continued to exert force, and the surrounding earth shook.

The two are evenly matched, and no one can knock the other down first.

However, at this moment, Tsunade suddenly showed a disadvantage?
The arm fell to the side.

Seeing this, Naruto couldn't help but become anxious.

"It's broken, it's broken, my mother-in-law is going to lose!"

Hearing this, Jiraiya showed a proud smile and said: "It seems that the winner has been decided, we are ready to return to Konoha!"

After hearing this, Naruto still didn't quite understand and scratched his head.

However, the next moment, Tsunade suddenly exerted force and directly broke the Raikage's wrist.

It turns out that Tsunade just sold a flaw before and asked Raikage to type.

Then he directly exerted his force and caught the thunder shadow by surprise.

Seeing this, Raikage showed a solemn look, and then he laughed heartily and said, "You are indeed worthy of Tsunade-sama, who is famous for her strength. I am convinced that I lost!"

Hearing this, Tsunade also showed a happy smile.

"No, no, if Lord Raikage hadn't given in, how could I have been Raikage's opponent?"

Tsunade was right.

In fact, it is not particularly difficult for Raikage to win against Tsunade.

Although Tsunade is very strong, her speed is far inferior to that of Raikage.

If the Raikage had wanted to react just now, he would have reacted quickly.

But the Raikage also knew that attending the funeral of the Sandaime Hokage was more important.

So it fell down a level.

In this way, several people started their journey again, heading straight towards the direction of Konoha Ninja Village.

When several people returned to Konoha, representatives from the major ninja villages had arrived.

And they took turns laying flowers to the third generation Hokage's memorial tablet.

Tsunade, the Raikage and even Jiraiya took turns going up to express their condolences to the Sandaime Hokage.

Seeing Tsunade's arrival, Mito Kadoyan and Koharu both showed happy smiles.

Now the foundation of their Konoha Ninja Village was finally stabilized.

The funeral of the Sandaime Hokage ended quickly, after condolences were paid to representatives of the various major villages.

Then he left Konoha Ninja Village.

As the most senior person who came to pay tribute this time, Raikage did not leave.

And he was also invited to participate in the succession ceremony of Hokage.

In the Hokage's office, all the high-level officials of Konoha were listed.

There were even representatives from the Fire Nation involved.

Koharu and Mito Kadeni were moved to the front as the highest representatives.

Danzo, as the representative of the guard, sat at the bottom.

Raikage, as the invited representative, sat with Tsunade.

The Raikage's aura was so strong that even Danzo was a little frightened when he saw it.

The reason why Mito Kaden and Koharu specially invited the Raikage to attend this funeral.

Just to use his momentum to suppress Danzo.

According to common sense, Danzo should be the most qualified person to serve as Hokage this time.

However, due to some reasons, they did not trust Danzo to assume the position of Hokage.

(End of this chapter)

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