The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 195 Gaara VS Kimimaro, the ultimate sandstorm funeral!

Chapter 195 Gaara VS Kimimaro, the ultimate sandstorm funeral!

Chapter [-] Gaara VS Kimimaro, the ultimate sandstorm funeral!

However, at this moment, not far away, a voice slowly sounded.

"Are you Qianju Lanfeng?"

Hearing this voice, Lanfeng turned around.

I saw a boy with a red mark on his forehead, red hair, and a gourd on his back, walking towards him.

If the guess is correct, this should be Gaara, the crown prince of Hidden Sand Village and the future Kazekage.

Lanfeng slowly turned around, showed an evil smile and said, "I am Senju Lanfeng, you can also call me Uchiha Madara."

Hearing this, Gaara's eyes showed a solemn look.

"You were the one who invaded Sand Hidden Village and captured Shukaku many years ago, right?"

Gaara gritted his teeth and chattered as he said this. Over the years, he had been ridiculed and resented by the people in the village because of the loss of one tail.

But this kind of thing was clearly beyond his control, yet he endured it all inexplicably.

And the initiator of all this is the guy in front of him, Qian Hand Lan Feng.

Thinking of this, Gaara could no longer suppress his anger, a trace of sand appeared on his hand, and he attacked directly in the direction of Lan Feng.

However, before Gaara could hit Lanfeng, a white figure rushed over.

One kick sent Gaara flying more than ten meters away.

If the sand behind Gaara hadn't protected him, this kick would have been enough to kill him.

However, Kimimaro, who has completed genetic modification, can reach top strength with the help of his corpse veins, even though he does not need the chakra of the Heretic Golem.

Gaara stood up slowly, with a solemn look in his eyes, and then took a stance.

Although he easily defeated Gaara just now, Kimimaro did not take it lightly and was prepared to fight.

However, the next moment, Gaara's body turned into a streak of sand and quickly moved in the direction of Kimimaro.

Kimimaro didn't even react before he was kicked out.

However, Gaara's attack did not stop. Under the cover of Sha Shunshen, it was impossible to see where he was.

Suddenly, Kimimaro was at a disadvantage.

However, Kimimaro's fighting talent is also very high, and he quickly adjusts his state.

A row of bone spurs sprouted from his hands and attacked Gaara.

But when Kimimaro attacked Gaara.

Gaara, however, turned into a touch of sand and dissipated.

Every time Kimimaro tried to attack, he always fell behind Gaara.

Lanfeng easily captured Gaara's position through the Mangekyou Sharingan.

But this is a bit difficult for Kimimaro.

Lanfeng's face was solemn, it seemed that Kimimaro was still not perfect enough.

Just when Lanfeng wanted to help, Kimimaro stopped in place and closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Lanfeng's movements stopped for a moment. Maybe Kimimaro really had something to do.

Kimimaro closed his eyes and stopped where he was.

Then Gaara's attack came again, but this time, it didn't hit Kimimaro before he could.

Kimimaro suddenly kicked him away.

Kimimaro looked for the direction of the wind just now and dealt Gaara a heavy blow.

Gaara's sand, although its defense was strong enough, could not withstand attacks of this frequency.

Gaara quickly backed away, spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Kimimaro with serious eyes.

Unexpectedly, Kimimaro could see through his move.

His move is to use the sand clone left behind to distract the opponent.

If the other person closes his eyes and is not disturbed by these foreign objects, it is easy to identify his true identity.

All I can say is that the guy in front of me is indeed a monster. Kimimaro didn't give Gaara any more time to think, and then his whole body caught up with him.

He kicked Gaara directly in the head.

If this kick hits him, he will definitely die.

But just when Kimimaro was about to hit Gaara.

A pile of sand suddenly appeared around Gaara's body, protecting him solidly.

When Kimimaro stepped down, the bone spurs under his feet broke immediately?
  The next moment, Kimimaro was directly ejected.

This is Gaara's strongest defensive ability, the Sand Shield.

It is Gaara's mother, the ultimate defensive weapon left to him by Garuru.

Gaara looked at Kimimaro with cold eyes and said: "It's useless, you will never be able to break my defense."

"Next, it should be my turn to fight back."

As soon as he finished speaking, several streaks of sand condensed around Gaara's body.

"Sand Release Shuriken!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shatu suddenly transformed into a shuriken and attacked Kimimaro.

Kimimaro dodged easily and was behind Gaara in an instant.

He attacked directly at the gourd behind Gaara.

Since the defense comes from the gourd, as long as the gourd is crushed, Gaara will be unable to do anything.

This is the best method Kimimaro can think of now.

However, Kimimaro's attack was still blocked by the sand in the gourd, making it impossible to get even an inch closer.

The two of them fought for about ten minutes, but they still couldn't decide the outcome.

Although Gaara was protected by the Sand Shield, under the massive chakra output, without the support of One-Tailed Shukaku, he couldn't hold on for long.

Soon, Gaara's body could no longer bear it, and he put one hand on the ground and gasped for air.

Seeing this, Kimimaro certainly wouldn't miss this opportunity.

Another bone spur appeared on his foot and he kicked it directly in Gaara's direction.

It seemed like he was going to put Gaara to death.

But before Kimimaro could hit Gaara.

The large amount of sand around him directly bound Kimimaro.

Seeing this, Lan Feng frowned slightly.

Is Gaara going to use that move?

Can Kimimaro hold on?
  Just as Lanfeng was thinking about it, he saw Gaara holding one hand forward, and then said: "Sandstorm funeral!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sand that bound Kimimaro tightened and then burst.

Feeling this powerful explosive force, Lan Feng couldn't help but frown.

There was dust all around, and traces of blood splattered out.

Seeing this, Gaara showed an excited smile?

But when the sand and dust slowly dispersed, they saw a young man covered in bone spurs, standing naked in the sand and dust.

Although the body was covered in blood, there was no major damage in the body due to the support of the corpse bone veins.

Seeing this, Gaara's eyes were horrified and he stepped back.

The next second, Kimimaro kicked the sand shield.

It actually caused damage to the Sand Shield.

Gaara failed to withstand the blow and immediately flew backwards, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

If Kimimaro continues to attack like this, he will definitely die.

Kimimaro slowly put away the bone spurs on his body and walked step by step in Gaara's direction.

(End of this chapter)

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