The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 20 Recognize each other and prepare to practice the Night Bird Illusion Technique

Chapter 20 Recognize each other and prepare to practice the Night Bird Illusion Technique
As the saying goes, if you are reluctant to let go of your children, you will not be able to trap the wolf, but those who dare to sacrifice their own lives to kill their opponents must have such a determined determination to win.

The gaps between the branches were soon covered by countless branches and leaves.

The night bird was wrapped in it, and the vine branches quickly covered every feather of the night bird.

The branches and leaves blocked all the light sources. For the first time, Night Sparrow experienced the darkness that made it impossible for a person whose eyesight was deprived of his own illusions to see.

"Today is really an eye-opener." The night bird slowly closed its eyes, and the powerful power of the trees locked its throat.

"But maybe he's really a good contractor."

In the sky of Qifeng Valley, the dark clouds gradually dispersed, and the sun once again illuminated every corner of the valley.

In the center of the valley, there is a towering old tree.

The tree trunk towers into the clouds, the branches are lush, and the tree body is as wide as an entire football field. You can't even see the top of the tree at a glance.

The giant tree where Night Sparrow settled down to rest was already considered a very big tree in the eyes of ordinary people, but the tree created by exploding the roots of this tree was more than ten times larger than that.

The original tranquility returned to the valley, but the night sparrows and Lan Feng were nowhere to be seen, only countless birds soaring in the sky.

Human life is full of gambling.

After losing his eyesight, Lan Feng had no choice but to resort to this technique that would kill him with Night Bird. It was also a big gamble.

He was betting that the Senju bloodline he inherited from his mother could help him survive the stranglehold of the trees.

But Lanfeng didn't know yet that he had won the bet this time.

It hurts……

Lanfeng opened his eyes with difficulty, feeling a burning pain all over his body.

But my stomach felt cool, as if spring water was dripping on the wound on my abdomen, which was quite comfortable.

Lifting his neck and looking at his body, Lan Feng was startled.

Night Bird leaned over and put his head on Lanfeng's belly, doing something.

"What are you going to do to me? Let me go!" Lanfeng screamed and wanted to turn over and hide aside, but every muscle in his body was so sore that he couldn't move at all.

"Don't move, your injuries are serious. If you move around casually, you may lose your life." Night Bird's voice echoed in the dark air.

Having just woken up from a coma, Lan Feng still hadn't figured out what was going on.

But if you look closely, there are drops of clear and transparent water dripping from the night bird's dark eyes.

Night Bird's tears dripped on the wound on his stomach. The wound that was originally torn and almost exposed his internal organs, miraculously healed quickly.

" are helping me heal my wounds?" Lanfeng was surprised and couldn't believe his eyes.

Not long ago, he was fighting to the death. After he woke up from a coma, he saw Night Bird healing himself, which made Lan Feng confused for a while.

"You are really lucky. When I pulled you out of the tree roots, not only were you alive, but all the minor injuries on other parts of your body were basically healed."

"But you have seriously overdrawn your vitality before, which caused the penetrating injury on your stomach to not heal so quickly. Please wait and don't move."

Listening carefully to Night Bird's voice, it is no longer as arrogant as before, nor is it so cold. Instead, there is more comforting gentleness in it.

Lanfeng looked around quietly. This was a cave with large swathes of milky white stalactites on the top, and the walls were covered with crystal clear crystals.

This should be Night Bird's cave.

The power of root explosion is indeed powerful, but as Takigakure's most mysterious psychic beast, Night Sparrow cannot be solved with just root explosion.

After breaking free from the shackles of the tree trunk, Nightwing rescued him from being buried by the tree roots, took him back to his lair, and helped him take care of his seriously injured body.Lan Feng blinked and suddenly realized.

"It looks like I won." Lanfeng rested his head on the ground again, took a deep breath, and relaxed all the muscles in his body.

Ye Que did not reply, but continued to shed tears on the serious wound on Lan Feng's abdomen.

This place is worthy of being called Qi Feng Valley. Not only is the night bird powerful in battle, but he didn't expect that like the phoenix, his tears can also heal wounds.

It even recovers faster than the vitality of the Thousand Hands Clan.

Within a few minutes, there were no scars on Lanfeng's belly, not even a scar was left, it was as good as ever.

"Thank you for saving me." Lan Feng smiled slightly and said to Night Bird.

The night bird raised its head, raised its beak high, and replied unappreciatively: "Don't get me wrong, saving your life doesn't mean I approve of you."

"With your current strength, you are still not a top-level powerful ninja, and you are not enough to make me surrender."

No need for Ye Que to say it, Lan Feng also understood in his heart.

The one-for-one fatal move of Burial of Tree Roots almost killed me, the successor of the Wood Escape Blood.

But seeing that Night Bird was almost unscathed now, Lanfeng certainly knew that there was still a big gap in strength between himself and Night Bird.

"But, if I had your help, wouldn't I be the best in strength?" Lanfeng smiled sincerely, his face filled with the joy of success.

The night sparrow also smiled. Its sharp beak and black feathers didn't look so scary now.

"Your strength is not strong enough, but your will is pretty good."

"I'm quite curious about what kind of ninja you can grow into in the future. If you need my help in the future, just channel me. I'm looking forward to it."

As he said that, Night Bird nodded to Lan Feng, and the phoenix crown on his head swayed gently with the breeze in the cave.

Lan Feng felt extremely happy and gave Night Bird a thumbs up.

From enemy to comrade, it takes less than half a day.

In the world of beasts, strength is the only way to gain recognition.

This is why Lanfeng is more sincere to Ye Que than to other people, and can even show his sincerity.

"What's your name?" Night Bird asked calmly.

"Lanfeng, Thousand-Handed Lanfeng." Lanfeng reported his name, his heart full of pride.

Hearing Senju's name, Night Sparrow showed a true expression.

He guessed correctly, and only by inheriting the bloodline of the man known as the God of Ninja can he use this world-famous Wood Release.

With such talent, the future is promising.

At the same time, it was also confirmed that this kid might have some backup plans.

Because his tears were just an aid to speed up the healing of his wounds. Even if he didn't take any action, he would be able to recover slowly on his own after half a day and a day.

"Okay, I was indeed right about you. With your qualifications and talents, you are worthy of practicing my illusion."

Night Bird fluttered its wings and walked towards the outside of the cave. He said to Lan Feng behind him: "Since the injury is healed, get up and practice quickly. I won't teach you a second time."

(End of this chapter)

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