The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 200 Konoha Xiaoqiang returns, Naruto is seriously injured!

Chapter 200 Konoha Xiaoqiang returns, Naruto is seriously injured!

Chapter [-] Konoha Xiaoqiang returns, Naruto is seriously injured!

Hearing this, Uchiha Obito took a deep breath and without saying anything else simply retreated.

He could get a glimpse of Lan Feng's ambition to some extent.

But this time it was indeed too sudden. The activation of the hundred thousand White Jue army would not happen in a short time.

Lanfeng went straight to the topic without any foreshadowing.

It's not like his style.


Konoha Ninja Village.

Konoha's logistics troops carried Naruto and Shikamaru back to Konoha Ninja Village one by one.

They were all seriously injured, especially Naruto, who was almost on the verge of death.

If it hadn't been discovered in time, he would have died by now.

According to Tsunade's analysis, someone seemed to have given him simple treatment before this, which at least had some effect on his mental state.

Otherwise, with Naruto's injuries, he would never be able to survive the medical ninja.

But who is that person?

Tsunade thought hard, but in the end she could only think of one person, and that was Senju Lanfeng.

Thinking of this, Tsunade smiled happily.

Sure enough, Qianju Lanfeng can still be saved.

Tsunade looked at the scenery of Konoha and couldn't help but let out a breath.

It’s hard to imagine that a few months ago, this place was already a mess.

When he came back, he simply set up a few tents.

But in just one month, Konoha returned to prosperity again.

People were coming and going, and there was no sign that it had been destroyed just a few months ago.

Perhaps this is the charm of Konoha. No matter how much trauma it suffers, it can recover in a short period of time and even continue to grow.

Just as Tsunade was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door of the Hokage's office.

Tsunade put away her smile and said seriously:

"Come in."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bandaged Jonin walked in, bowed and said, "I'm reporting to you, Hokage-sama, that your Hokage Rock has been carved."

"Sir Men Yan asked me to come over and let you know if you would like to come over and take a look."

After hearing this, Tsunade thought about it and then nodded.

"Okay, then you go ahead. I need to go to the medical room first and then go there."

Hearing this, the bandaged Jonin saluted and then retreated.

Tsunade tidied up and came to the medical room.

All the Konoha heroes are here.

Sakura looked at Naruto worriedly, tears seemed to appear in the corners of her eyes.

Seeing this, Tsunade smiled with relief, then touched Sakura's forehead and said, "Don't worry, he is fine, we will do our best to treat him."

Upon hearing this, Sakura threw herself into Tsunade's arms and cried bitterly.

The other Konoha Xiaoqiang have basically recovered.

The only thing missing now is that Naruto hasn't woken up yet.

Logically speaking, Naruto's injuries have been treated and he should have woken up long ago.

But due to some kind of mental trauma, Naruto still hasn't woken up.

Tsunade helped Sakura aside and touched Naruto's forehead.

The Hundred Powers were activated, and black runes were thrust into Naruto's body.

Naruto's internal injuries immediately improved, but mentally not even Tsunade could help.

Tsunade quickly took her hand and said: "You all go out and let Naruto have a good rest. He should be able to wake up tomorrow." After hearing this, the twelve little heroes who came to visit all He walked out reluctantly.

Hinata Hinata, in particular, was very worried and looked back every three steps.

After everyone left, Tsunade comforted Sakura.

"Then you stay here with Naruto. Naruto will be very happy to see you when he wakes up."

Tsunade said as she walked out, then turned back and said, "Oh, by the way, you should be Naruto's girlfriend."

Hearing this, Sakura, who was still on the verge of tears, suddenly looked surprised and said, "Wha, what, hey, Tsunade-sama, don't get me wrong, how can this kid and I be boyfriend and girlfriend!"

Sakura wanted to explain more, but Tsunade didn't listen. She waved her hand and said, "Children are really shy nowadays. Okay, I have important things to do, so I'll leave first."

With that said, Tsunade turned and left, and Sakura looked at Naruto angrily, then showed a hint of sadness.

But what was on his mind was Sasuke's figure.


Thinking of this, Sakura shook her head.

Naruto was injured like this in pursuit of Sasuke, and he was still thinking about Sasuke. This was too unfair to Naruto.

But the feeling of longing is endless.


Tsunade left the medical room and headed straight for the Hokage Rock.

When he walked to the water tank, he saw a white figure waving to him. That person was Jiraiya.

"Hey, isn't this our Lord Godaime? It's such a coincidence that we meet here."

Hearing this, Tsunade glanced at Jiraiya and said, "You have been very free these days. Do you have the intention to become an elder of Konoha and come to help me?"

Hearing this, Jiraiya burst out laughing.

"Stop joking, if that were the case, I would have become Hokage a long time ago."

At this point, Jiraiya's expression darkened and he said, "Tsunade, I'm leaving."

The surrounding air was a bit solid, and the breeze blew through, messing up Tsunade's hairstyle.

Tsunade pretended to be calm, held the railing with both hands, and said, "Didn't you say you would stay and protect Konoha?"

"You are leaving so soon, do you still want to escape?"

After hearing this, Jiraiya sat on the railing, showed a melancholy smile and said, "I left this time to protect Konoha."

"I figured it out. If I want to protect Konoha, I don't just have to stay in Konoha. I want to start over and find a way to save the ninja world and save Konoha.

Upon hearing this, Tsunade used force to twist the railing.

"Is this the reason for your escape? It seems that I misjudged you, Jiraiya."

Seeing Tsunade's angry look, Jiraiya burst out laughing.

"Please, no, you don't want to fall in love with me. Does it matter whether I leave or not? Why do you need to be so angry?"

Before Jiraiya could finish speaking, Tsunade punched the water tank behind him.

The water storage tank that had just been replaced with a new one suddenly exploded and shot into the sky.

Seeing this, Jiraiya immediately swallowed his saliva, forced a smile and said: "Just kidding, just kidding."

At this point, Jiraiya pretended to be calm and said directly: "Tell me something you don't like to hear. Senju Lanfeng is very dangerous. You should stay away from him."

Hearing this, Tsunade showed a solemn look and said, "You don't need to remind me about this kind of thing."

"But I still want to make it clear to you that I will always stand by Qianju Lanfeng."

"If he wants to destroy Konoha, I will stop him, but I will never allow anyone to hurt him."

(End of this chapter)

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