The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 23 Go to Konoha and get the Wood Escape Scroll

Chapter 23 Go to Konoha and retrieve the Wood Escape Scroll

Raising her free arm, Tsunade smashed the Konoha crest sculpture next to her with one punch, causing dust to fly instantly.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya were startled by Tsunade's behavior, and just grabbed Tsunade's arm from left to right.

"Tsunade, are you crazy? Release your hands!" Jiraiya frowned and yelled loudly.

"Who did it?!"

"Teacher! I love you so much now. Lanfeng doesn't know whether he is dead or alive. What do you want to tell me?"

Tsunade completely ignored Jiraiya's dissuasion, her eyes were bloodshot, and she glared at Sarutobi Hiruzen angrily.

At the beginning of the Third Ninja War, although Tsunade was going to the battlefield, she couldn't worry about her cousin and sick nephew.

In order to let Tsunade go into battle and kill the enemy with peace of mind, the Third Hokage patted his chest and promised that he would protect their mother and son for Tsunade.

But now, the mother and son, the only remaining descendants of the Senju family, are dead and the other is missing.

Sarutobi Hiruzen closed his eyes in pain, and it took him a long time to squeeze out a few words through his teeth.

"It's Uchiha."

Tsunade's eyes widened when she heard the word Uchiha.

There was anger and confusion in her eyes.

Unconsciously, Tsunade let go of her hand tremblingly.

"I don't intend to hide it from you, but there is no way to seek justice for them now."

"The war is getting worse and we need Uchiha's power."

Sarutobi rubbed his neck in pain and explained breathlessly.

However, Tsunade didn't listen to a word of Sandai's excuse.

"Love Lanfeng"

Tsunade's mind was filled with the bright smiles of her sister and nephew.

A line of tears slipped silently down his cheeks.

Watching Tsunade feel so heartbroken that she kept repeating the names of her sister and nephew.

Even Orochimaru, who had always had a heart of stone, couldn't help but frown.

"Teacher, you must take responsibility for this."

"They, mother and son, are the descendants of the first generation!" Looking at the third generation, Orochimaru's eyes were filled with anger.

"I see"

"I have been sending people to look for Lan Feng's whereabouts, and I haven't stopped."

"Tsunade, I won't let Ai lose his life in vain. I will definitely find Lan Feng as soon as possible and bring him back to you." Hiruzen Sarutobi vowed.

But Tsunade shook her head and said in tears: "It's been a year and I still haven't found it. I'm afraid it's a bad thing."

Tsunade collapsed on the ground helplessly, crying like rain.

However, what Tsunade didn't know was that not only was her good nephew not dead, but he was now growing like a giant tree.


"It's been three years, it's time to go back."

Lanfeng opened his eyes, and there were three magatama beads flowing in his pupils.

At this time, his whole body was filled with surging chakra, and with a cry, he saw a dark phoenix, which landed on the ground with a roar.

Night Bird looked at Lan Feng and said, "Three years have passed, and your strength has been completely stabilized at the level of an elite Jonin. As for illusions."

"To be honest, I have never seen anyone more talented than you."

That's right!

Lanfeng had mastered the illusion that could rewrite space half a year ago.

Master Tianyu, this technique must be activated by a psychic beast or a jinchuriki, because it consumes too much chakra.

But Lan Feng awakened Mu Dun, and his chakra amount was rising rapidly every day. Now it is no exaggeration to say that he can hardly feel how much chakra is consumed by releasing several A-level ninjutsu in succession.

"Stop bragging me. Praising makes people lose their ability to think calmly. Okay, I'm going back now. Just wait here by yourself. I will channel you then." Three years later, Lan Feng's His character is different from before, but now he can hardly suppress his desire for revenge.

"Have you memorized all the psychic techniques? Don't look for me when the time comes. I don't have enough chakra." Night Bird said. "Okay, just wait and work with me to make this ninja world exciting!" Lanfeng's face bloomed with majesty, and then his hands formed complex marks.

The next moment, as an afterimage flashed by, there were more than twenty seals, and the last Mao seal was completed.
"Illusion: Master of Heavenly Control!"

The next moment, as the chakra was drained away in a terrifying trend, and the space began to distort, Lanfeng disappeared out of thin air on the top of the mountain.

When he opened his eyes again, Lanfeng saw that he had returned to the village three years ago. The corpse from that year had long since disappeared, and everything around him was green.

"I'm back, I'm finally back!"

Looking at the valley in front of him, Lan Feng suddenly had an excited look on his face.

Next, it’s time to go to Konoha for revenge!


Time flies by.

Deep inside the Uchiha Clan's residence.

The shack that was burned down by fire three years ago is now overgrown with weeds and covered with broken bricks and tiles.

Two ANBU directly under the Hokage were talking to the side.

"Tell me, does the Third Generation really believe that the half-crippled boy is still alive?"

An ANBU asked in a low voice, and the other shook his head: "I don't believe it anyway, but the Third Generation seems to believe it."

"What are you talking about? That kid will come back here sooner or later. Let's keep a close eye on him and report any signs of trouble immediately."

The previous ANBU stretched and said in a lazy tone: "But it's okay, looking at these ruins is better than going to the battlefield and fighting for your life."

"By the way, I've heard people say that on the night of the accident three years ago, Mu Dun reappeared in the world. Is it true?"

The other ANBU immediately became nervous and lowered his voice.

"Don't talk about this!"

"The Third Generation-sama has expressly prohibited discussion. If Danzo finds out about this, something big will happen!"

Just as the two Anbu were whispering to each other, a soft sound suddenly came from the grass in the ruins of the shack.

"Who is it!" The ANBU was startled, turned to look at the shack, and took a few steps forward.

Not a single person.

"Maybe it's a cat. Don't worry, that kid must have died somewhere long ago."

"With his sick and disabled body, how could he survive to this day?"

"That's right, hahaha."

The two ANBU waved their hands and walked away.

They didn't enter the ruins of the shack, so they wouldn't notice it.

In the house, a bunch of white flowers appeared out of thin air.

There is also an opened box.

On the tree nearby, Lanfeng hid his aura and was looking at the things in his hands.

After the death of Senju Hashirama, his younger brother Senju Tobi became the second Hokage.

And many of the secret wood escape techniques created by Hashirama were also sealed by Tobirama.

Looking at the dark green scroll in his hand, Lan Feng smiled slightly.

Among the few relics of my mother, this is probably the most valuable one.

There are many powerful wood escapes recorded here that even the Third Hokage has never seen before!

"Mother, wait for me." Lanfeng stared at the ruins of his home and said secretly: "Wait a little longer, and I can avenge you!"

"However, there is one more thing that needs to be dealt with first, so that we can be prepared."

A gust of wind blew by, causing the leaves to flutter in the wind.

Lan Feng also disappeared into the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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