The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 38 Kushina comes to help and snatches people away from the God of Death

Chapter 38 Kushina comes to help and snatches people away from the God of Death

Chapter 38: Kushina comes to help and snatches people from the hands of the God of Death

Sadness is greater than death.

Every time Tsunade is about to die.

Even if I think of my sister consciously or unconsciously.

Qianju Ai has been a gentle and sensible girl since she was a child.

It was precisely because of her kindness that she did not want to embarrass Uchiha Fugaku because of herself.

Even though he has been under house arrest in the Uchiha station for more than ten years.

Senju Ai has no complaints at all!

Even if he died in the hands of an Uchiha ninja in the end.

Until the last moment of her life, she never hated Uchiha!
Tsunade knows this better than anyone else.

If my sister was still alive, she would definitely disagree with her being carried away by hatred.

And do nothing to save him!
Tsunade stopped walking out.

Standing in the corridor, crying like rain.

Sarutobi Hiruzen knew it well, and he finally persuaded Tsunade.

He also let out a sigh of relief.

Orochimaru is finally saved.
Ke walked into the operating room and checked Orochimaru's condition.

Tsunade shook his head.

"Don't waste your time."

"There is no way to save it."

One sentence made Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart fall into the ice hole again!
"What do you mean you said you couldn't be saved?" Sarutobi couldn't believe his ears.

"That's the literal meaning," Tsunade said coldly, "His soul was almost burned out. I have ten thousand ways to repair the physical damage, but I have no way to deal with the fire burning in the soul."

"I regret that."

Just when Tsunade had given up and closed her eyes.

"Tsunade-sama, we can't make a conclusion yet!"

A determined female voice came from outside the door!

The voice was energetic, sweet yet decisive.

Everyone turned to look.

It's Kushina Uzumaki!

Just like Tsunade is almost the only descendant of the Senju family.

Kushina is also the last descendant of the Uzumaki family, a famous family in Konoha in the past.

After all, she wasn't married to Minato yet.

She has not yet given birth to the unexpected No. 1 ninja who will rule the ninja world in the future.
The Uzumaki Kushina at this time is not the Hokage Lady in the future.

Just an ordinary Konoha ninja, proficient in the ancient sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan.

The spicy red pepper known as Konoha!
Her appearance may become a key link for Orochimaru to save his life!
"Kushina, why are you here?" Tsunade asked doubtfully.

"I came back with information. I heard that Lord Orochimaru was seriously injured. I came back to take a look."

"The battle situation is not very optimistic. According to the news this morning, Iwagakure has formed a team of more than 40 people and is preparing to attack the Kannabi Bridge in an attempt to destroy the supply line our website commander uses."

"Hey, now is not the time to talk about this!" Kushina shook her head and looked at Orochimaru.

At this moment, Orochimaru was almost motionless.

After a long time, he would twitch his body like a conditioned reflex.

Both eyes are open.

There was no trace of anger in his eyes.

"It's really tricky," Kushina asked with a frown, "Do you know who did it?"

This question caused a complete silence in the emergency room.

Everyone knows it, but no one dares to say it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen swallowed and whispered, "It's Senju Ranfeng."

"Now, it is very likely that in addition to the Wood Release, he has also awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan."

Upon hearing this, Kushina's eyes flashed with surprise.

But he quickly adjusted his attitude and smiled.

"If you know the reason, the next step will be easier."

"Tsunade-sama, it's still too late now, let me help you!" Soon, the rest of the people were driven out of the emergency room.

Kushina also changed into the clothes of a medical staff and put on a mask and goggles.

"Next, I will try to seal the flame in Lord Orochimaru's soul."

"Tsunade-sama, please maintain his physical vital signs!"

Tsunade slapped her chest, "No problem!"

As he said that, he put his hands on Orochimaru's chest.

As the Hyakuho Jutsu was unlocked, a huge amount of medical ninjutsu chakra poured into Orochimaru's body.

Even if Orochimaru's soul is burned clean, as long as Tsunade continues to send him life force, Orochimaru's body will remain immortal, and his heartbeat and breathing will not stop.

Next, comes the crucial part.

How to extinguish the Soul-Burning Soul of Budou!
The Uzumaki clan, like the Senju, was once an ancient and mysterious clan.

According to legend, Uzumaki and Senju are distant relatives, both descended from Asura, the second son of Sage of the Six Paths, the ancestor of the ninja.

This clan has passed down various mysterious sealing techniques from generation to generation, which are extremely powerful.

Even the ghoul seal that seals the target's soul into the stomach of the God of Death can be broken.

One can imagine how powerful the secret technique of the Whirlpool clan is!

Among the many secret arts, there are sealing techniques targeting the soul.

If used according to conventional methods, it can seal people's souls and turn living people into walking zombies.

But with a little adjustment, there should be a way to seal only the flame that burned Orochimaru's soul!

Just do it!

Kushina gathered chakra in her palms.

"Sealing Technique·Senluo Soul Resurrection!"

With green chakra emerging.

This sealing technique that originally swallowed people's souls was under the control of Kushina.

Set the target on Budu Yuhun's blue fire!
As beads of sweat continued to fall, Kushina gritted her teeth and persisted.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Orochimaru's face gradually regained its color after a few hours!
Two equally strong and powerful women looked at each other and smiled happily.

Unknowingly, the east has turned pale.

This difficult night with countless casualties finally came to an end.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was outside the emergency room, wandering in agony.

Didn't sleep a wink all night.

Can't sleep at all.

He was not only worried about Orochimaru's condition.

What made him even more anxious now was how to end what happened tonight.

The Uchiha station was full of corpses everywhere.

Fortunately, a small number of Uchiha ninjas went to the battlefield.

Otherwise, the entire Uchiha clan will completely disappear from the ninja world tonight!

The ANBU directly under the Hokage suffered over half casualties.

Countless civilian casualties
Overnight, the beds in Konoha Hospital were full.

As the Hokage, Sarutobi didn't know how to give an explanation to the daimyo of Konoha and the Land of Fire!
At the moment, Orochimaru, who was sent to face Lanfeng alone because of his momentary confusion, is still uncertain about his life or death.

Sarutobi's heart was in a mess, and his face was filled with despair!

Suddenly, the emergency room door popped open!

"Sandaime-sama" Kushina supported Tsunade, both of them were sweating profusely and their faces were full of exhaustion.

Sarutobi opened his mouth wide, his face bloodless.

He wanted to ask how Orochimaru was doing.

But dare not!
He was afraid of hearing the news that his most beloved disciple had died.
After a while, Kushina forced a smile.

and gave a thumbs up.

The first ray of sunlight outside the window broke through the darkness before dawn.

"Lord Orochimaru is out of danger!"

(End of this chapter)

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