Chapter 4 Wood Release·The Art of Cutting
"No...I don't..." Lanfeng's heart seemed to be being cut into pieces by a thousand knives, and he was speechless for a moment in pain.

"Konoha... it's too dark... I expected today to happen sooner or later..."

"Lanfeng, you are the continuation of my life. As long as you are still alive, my life will not disappear..."

"Let's go quickly, before they... haven't..."

Senju Ai's voice became weaker and weaker, and before she finished her final instructions, she lost her voice completely.

That smile will forever be fixed in this last moment.

Thousands of arrows piercing the heart, perhaps only these four words can describe Lan Feng's mood at this moment.

But his mother was right, he wanted to live...

Even if you are crawling like a poor worm in this world, you must continue to live!

Become stronger!

Then return to Konoha and wipe out the murderer of his mother, the Uchiha family, and even Konoha as a whole!

Lanfeng's face twisted in anger, he slowly put down his mother's cold body, and stood up tremblingly.

Taking one last look at his mother's frozen smile, Qianju Lanfeng turned around and ran forward.

A kunai flew past Lan Feng's cheek, cutting a deep gash and causing blood to flow immediately.

"How could you fail to deal with this bastard?" The voice of the Uchiha assassin came from behind, and the voice was full of disgust.

"Stop talking nonsense. The mission has been exposed. Kill the person quickly and silence her. I'll check if that bitch is dead!" As the Jounin assassin's voice approached, three Uchiha assassins appeared in the dim moonlight.

Lanfeng stopped and reached out to touch the cheek scratched by kunai, looking at his mother's blood mixed with his own blood.

At this moment, an assassin suddenly came to Qianju Ai's body and looked down at it with disgust on his face.

"This woman was still smiling when she died. I don't know how she could smile!" an assassin spat on the ground.

"Hmph! You're a joker. No wonder Fugaku was so obsessed with this woman that he lost his mind and gave birth to such a scoundrel that tainted our Uchiha bloodline!" Another assassin vented his dissatisfaction and stepped on her with one foot. On the remains of Ai Senju.


Seeing these three Uchiha assassins insulting their dead mother in this way, Lan Feng's heart beat suddenly.

Suddenly, a manic rage began to rise from his heart, to the top of his head, restlessly stirring in Lan Feng's blood vessels.

"Although the ANBU delayed a lot of time, once this woman dies, Fugaku will have to be at the mercy of the great elder from now on."

"Hurry up, kill that little bastard and go back to pay your dues."

After confirming that Senju Ai was dead, the Jonin assassin took out a kunai, and with a wave of his arm, the kunai flew directly towards Lan Fengtian Linggai.

But in Lan Feng's eyes, this kunai was moving forward slowly just like the bullet time in the movie.

He raised his hand and easily caught the kunai close to the tip of his nose between his fingers with two fingers.

Not only that, the cheek that was scratched by the previous kunai was hissing and smoking, and the wound was healing rapidly.

The scene in front of them immediately shocked the three Uchiha assassins.

The leading Jonin assassin frowned instantly.

How can it be?

Wasn't this bastard crippled from birth? How could he dodge his attack?
But where is the escape?
It was clearly Lanfeng who caught the rapidly coming kunai with two fingers!
The next second, before the Jonin Assassin could be surprised, Lanfeng suddenly felt that there was a consciousness in his mind that was driving him to react.

In an instant, Lan Feng raised his arms almost instinctively and formed seals quickly!

Suddenly, a stream of chakra containing powerful vitality surged out from the 30 trillion cells in the body like a flood!
Wooden escape·cutting technique!

In an instant, sharp wooden thorns suddenly appeared out of thin air from Lan Feng's arms, carrying barbs along the way!

The Jonin assassin saw it, but had no time to react!The next moment, Lan Feng, who had already filled his pupils with blood, was approaching him in an instant.

"Gah!" The Jonin assassin didn't even have time to scream, before the wooden thorn penetrated his heart, and then the wooden thorn inserted into his body exploded instantly!

Countless barbs pierced out from various parts of his body. The jounin twitched all over and then collapsed to the ground, completely motionless.

At the same time, the blood spurted out from the Jonin assassin's chest splashed onto Lanfeng's face, and Lanfeng suddenly regained his consciousness.

He looked at the jounin in front of him who had countless wooden thorns stuck in his body and died tragically. Lanfeng's eyes widened: "Wood Release... I did this?"

"Damn it! What's going on? What did you bastard do?!" Two assassins from behind roared and rushed over.

When they came closer, they both widened their eyes when they saw the wooden thorns piercing through the Jonin's body.

Wood escape?

Impossible. Since the death of the first generation, hasn’t Mudun been extinct? !

But at this moment, Lan Feng had no time to think about anything else. The most important thing now was to save his life.

This life was saved by his mother at the risk of her life and could not be buried here, so he immediately turned around and continued to run forward desperately, with the two assassins chasing after him.

But unlike in the past, when he was sick and could only cough all day long, Lan Feng's speed at this time was actually no less than the instantaneous body technique!

Like a wild horse running wild, he quickly left the pursuing assassin behind.

However, he didn't run very far before he was blocked by a cliff.

It is said to be a cliff, but it is a full 50 meters away to the other side. With Lanfeng's ability, it is impossible to jump over it no matter what.

And below the cliff hundreds of meters high is a rapid river and a riverbed full of gravel.


Lanfeng immediately realized something was wrong!
There is no other way to go now. Even if there is another way, the smell of blood on his body will reveal his whereabouts sooner or later.

So, he immediately stopped at the edge of the cliff, suppressed his racing heart, and his brain was working rapidly.

It seems that under the protection of his mother, he awakened Mu Dun's blood inheritance because of his great sadness and anger!
From this point of view, my life should not be cut off!

If he can survive today, he must come back here one day and settle the accounts with Konoha!

Gritting his teeth, Qian Hand Lanfeng jumped without thinking, jumped off the cliff, and headed straight towards the river below.

A moment later, when the two assassins caught up, Lan Feng had long since disappeared.

"Below is the cliff!"

"This kid must have fled in both directions! We split up and chased each other. We must not let that bastard live!"

At the same time, in the forest behind, a figure flashed and stopped next to Qianju Ai's body.

The ANBU jounin's eyes did not linger on the dead Senju Ai, but he immediately saw the body of the jounin assassin and the wooden thorns inserted into the body.

"Is this Mu Dun?!"

"Could it be said that there are other descendants of the Thousand Hands clan who rescued Thousand Hands Lanfeng?"

"No! Apart from them, the only other member of the Senju clan is Lady Tsunade. She doesn't know how to escape... Could it be that the semi-crippled Senju Lanfeng did it? This is even more impossible..."

The ANBU jounin was puzzled, and after pondering for a moment, he made a decision.

No matter what, the reappearance of Mujutsu in Konoha is a matter of great importance and must be reported to the Third Hokage as soon as possible.

An ominous premonition hovered in the mind of the ANBU jounin, and disappeared into the night without lingering any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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