The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 60: The seal is unlocked and the Nine Tails appear!

Chapter 60 The seal is unlocked and Nine-Tails appears!
Chapter 60: The seal is unlocked and the Nine-Tails appears!
Namikaze Minato gritted his teeth, looked at Obito and said, "Who are you, and who are you coming with?"

Hearing this, Obito couldn't help laughing and said, "It seems you really want to know, so I'll tell you."

After finishing speaking, Obito said word by word: "U, Chi, Ha, Madara!"

As soon as these words came out, Namikaze Minato's pupils shrank and his mouth opened wide, in disbelief.

How is this possible for that legendary ancestor who can be compared with the god of the ninja world?

Namikaze Minato originally wanted to verify the authenticity of the news, but at this time, Kushina's screams in the room made him worried.

Namikaze Minato didn't waste any time, he took out a triangular kunai and threw it towards the altar.

Seeing the kunai coming out quickly, Namikaze Minato directly activated the Flying Thunder God Technique.

I want to go in and rescue my wife and children.

But before the Flying Thunder God could successfully activate, Obito instantly flashed in front of Namikaze Minato.

With a turn of his eyes, the Kamui Space was activated, and in an instant, the three-pronged kunai was absorbed into the Kamui Space.

At this moment, Minato also flashed directly into the Kamui space.

Entering the Kamui space, Minato's eyes showed a look of horror.

The surrounding space is well-proportioned.

The white stones alternate vertically and horizontally, as if there is endless space to explore, and it looks very mysterious.

Namikaze Minato could still feel that the Nine-Tails chakra was raging outside.

He was extremely worried about his wife and children, but now he couldn't get out of here.

Minato gritted his teeth, circulated his chakra, and rolled out a medium-sized rasengan.

He hit the stone beneath him, and the stone was smashed into pieces.

That said, this place is not impeccable.

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato kept destroying the surrounding stones.

Wanting to attract Obito's attention.

Let Obito let him out.

But after destroying it for a long time, Obito remained unmoved, and Namikaze Minato was exhausted physically and mentally.

Namikaze Minato stood on a boulder, holding his chest and panting.

After the struggle just now, he understood that using brute force would not work.

Had to think of another way.

Soon, Minato thought of when he was fighting the masked man before.

He seemed to be in contact with his back, so that using the Flying Thunder God's Technique, he could get out directly from here.

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato did not hesitate, and directly activated the Flying Thunder God Technique, and disappeared in a flash.


Outside, Obito walked into the altar after trapping Namikaze Minato in the Kamui Space.

Looking at the woman in front of him, her face was painful and her whole body was wrapped in red chakra.

Obito still couldn't bear it and turned away.

Although this time he wanted to take revenge on Konoha and his teacher.

But after all, Kushina was innocent and had been nice to him before.

It can be said that Kushina is not actually within the scope of his revenge.

But in the final analysis, if you want to take revenge on Konoha, you have to operate on her. Who let the Nine Tails be sealed in her body?

At this moment, the red mark on Lanfeng's hand gradually disappeared, and the seal of the Nine Tails was also opened at this moment.

The nine-tailed chakra crazily emerged from Kushina's body and slowly condensed into a nine-tailed shadow.

The nine-tailed chakra surging around him made Obito step back in shock with a solemn look on his face.

Although after many years of training under Uchiha Madara, he has become quite calm.

But when he saw the terrifying and majestic figure and chakra of Kyuubi, he still felt panic in his heart.

"Is this the Kyuubi? It seems to be more ferocious than the legend." Obito said sincerely.

But Lanfeng didn't take Obito's words seriously.

Although the Kyuubi is powerful and ferocious, it has a very fatal weakness, the Sharingan.

As long as the Mangekyo Sharingan is awakened, the Nine-Tails can be completely controlled.

It can be said that this weakness is a fate that all tailed beasts cannot escape.

But they themselves are living beings that exist between heaven and earth.

But because of the prejudice of others, being bound by this external force is pitiful to say the least.

The Kyuubi's body quickly condensed, and the chakra in Kushina's body was almost exhausted.

This is the Uzumaki clan. If it had been anyone else, they would have been sucked dry long ago.

But despite being a member of the Uzumaki clan, chakra is not unlimited.

After Kyuubi takes away his own chakra, he will continue to suck the host's chakra.

Because the chakras of the two of them have already been almost assimilated.

Seeing Kushina's face pale and her eyes sunken, she was just a hair away from death.

But Obito was indifferent. To him, it didn't matter who died now.

Anyway, another world will reappear in the future.

When the time comes, they will all meet again in that world.

Until now, Obito has not been completely disappointed with the Moon Eye Project.

After all, he had been brainwashed by Uchiha Madara for so many years. Lanfeng could not successfully lead him astray with just one or two words.

However, at this moment, Obito felt wind on his back.

Just as he was about to turn his head, a shadow appeared.

Namikaze Minato used the Flying Thunder God's Technique to break away from the Kamui Space.

With one kick, Obito was kicked away.

Seeing Namikaze Minato suddenly appear, Lanfeng didn't show any emotion.

Although Namikaze Minato is very strong, among almost all the Kages, no one is his opponent except the Raikage.

But Lanfeng has now released the nine tails, and it is only a matter of time before he can control the power of the nine tails.

Namikaze Minato couldn't help him.

Namikaze Minato kicked Obito away and looked at Kushina anxiously.

He hurried over and grabbed Kushina's hand.

Using chakra together, he forcibly severed the chakra connection between Kushina and Kyuubi.

This prevented Kushina from being drained of chakra and dying.

Kushina slowly opened her eyes, looked at Namikaze Minato sadly, forced a smile, and then fainted.

Looking at Kushina covered in blood, Minato Namikaze clenched his fists and looked back at Lanfeng.

At this time, Lan Feng's face was covered with a layer of red chakra, making Minato unable to see his face clearly.

Namikaze Minato stood up, turned around and said angrily:

"Are you Uchiha Madara? What is your purpose? What do you want to do after releasing the Nine-Tails?!"

Lanfeng did not answer Namikaze Minato's question, but grabbed the red chakra of the Nine-Tails and absorbed it crazily.

This little bit of chakra is insignificant to Kyuubi, and Lanfeng is not afraid of directly sucking Kyuubi down.

At this time, the figure of the nine-tailed fox had completely condensed into a solid body.

The nine tails swept wildly across the surrounding trees, and the roar coming from their mouths was deafening.

In a radius of a hundred miles, valleys collapsed, the earth collapsed, and black clouds covered the sky, creating an apocalyptic scene.

(End of this chapter)

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