The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 63 Mangekyou Sharingan, controlling the 9-tails!

Chapter 63 Mangekyō Sharingan, controlling the Nine-Tails!
Chapter 63: Mangekyou Sharingan, control the Nine-Tails!
Time seemed to have stopped. After a long time, Kushina moved her lips slightly and said: "Don't hurt my child..."

Hearing this, Obito had a look of disappointment in his eyes without concealing it, and he broke free from Kushina's restraints.

Naruto was out of control, Kushina's eyes were horrified, but at this time, the strength in his body was no longer enough to support him in shouting.

He could only open his mouth like Yaya, as if he was praying.

Obito held little Naruto.

Due to being frightened, Naruto kept crying. His whole body was plump and his face was really pitiful.

But now Obito didn't feel any pity, his eyes were full of disgust.

Sure enough, all they cared about was their own family, and they didn't regard him as one of their own at all.

Maybe they all hate him as a loser.

Even Minato, his teacher didn't really care about him, otherwise how could he not recognize him face to face.

Obito touched Naruto's cheek with his fingers and said in a mature voice, "What a cute kid."

"It's a pity that as soon as this child is born, he will witness the death of his parents and even the destruction of Konoha."

"I really don't know if he is lucky or unlucky."

Kushina gritted her teeth, but she couldn't say a word and burst into tears.

But Obito didn't even look at it, he just looked back at Kyuubi.

At this time, Kyuubi was frantically attacking in the opposite direction of Konoha.

In the jungle, two figures kept running away, avoiding the violent chakra of the Nine Tails.

Lanfeng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and a lot of the red chakra on his body was recovered by Kyuubi.

If this continues, I'm afraid he will have to use that move.

But that move was his last resort, and he wouldn't use it unless absolutely necessary.

At least with the current level of Konoha, it's not worth it for him to do this.

Obito hugged little Naruto and ran towards Lanfeng's direction.

Little Naruto was so frightened that he kept crying in Obito's arms.

Hearing the child's cry, Minato frowned and looked for the source of the sound.

If he wasn't paying attention, he was swept away by the nine tails and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Lanfeng's side wasn't much better either. The other eight tails of Nine Tails attacked Lanfeng together?

A trace of chakra appeared on Lanfeng's hand. He had no choice but to use that move for the time being.

But at this moment, Obito's figure suddenly approached, and the Mangekyou Sharingan appeared.

Kyuubi's body seemed to be frozen, staying in place, motionless.

Kyuubi's eyes followed Obito's Sharingan twice, and then completely followed Obito's command.

Although he despised this brat in his heart, with the suppression of Mangekyou and Sharingan, he had no choice.

Seeing this scene, Minato looked at Obito with horror in his eyes, especially the little Naruto in his arms.

The man with the same yellow hair was his son, there was no doubt about it.

But what concerned him more now was Obito's revealed eye.

There is also the abnormal behavior of Kyuubi now.

Namikaze Minato stood in the distance. After a long time, he stuttered and said: "Wan, Mangekyou Sharingan, how could..."

Seeing Namikaze Minato's frightened look, Obito had a cold expression.

Now he was completely disappointed with Minato.

He didn't want to know if Minato could still recognize him.

Now he only has revenge on Minato.

Obito twisted his neck, grabbed Naruto in his hand, looked at Namikaze Minato and said: "The Yondaime Hokage, do you want to save your son, then take your life in exchange."

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato gritted his teeth.He almost squeezed out two words from between his teeth: "Despicable!"

Hearing these two words, Obito laughed out loud.

"I never thought that I would be able to hear these two words from the mouth of the Fourth Hokage in my lifetime. It's such an honor."

"Then now, you have made your choice."

"Save your life and save Konoha, or sacrifice yourself. Save your son."

"Of course, even if you sacrifice yourself, I may not really let your son go. This is not a multiple-choice question."

"Do you understand, Namikaze Minato!"

Namikaze Minato looked at Obito, but he couldn't see any information in the other person's eyes.

It was as if the person in front of him was already dead.

But when they faced each other before, he could clearly see the emotional fluctuations in the other's eyes.

What exactly is going on?

What kind of hatred does this guy have with Konoha?
"Yondaime, have you made your choice?!"

Namikaze Minato was still thinking of countermeasures when Obito interrupted his thoughts and said.

Minato had no choice but to face it head-on, looked at Obito with fierce eyes and said, "Ah, I have already made my choice."

"If a celebrity knew that I made this choice, he would definitely be happy for me and proud of me."

Hearing this, Obito frowned slightly, and the next moment, Minato had appeared behind him.

"My choice is to kill you!"

The kunai in Namikaze Minato's hand was covered with a layer of yellow lightning and stabbed straight towards Obito's back heart.

Obito's eyes were horrified, he didn't expect that Minato didn't even care about his son's life.

He was determined to kill him.

It was too late for Obito to hide now, as a yellow thunderbolt went straight through his chest.

With this blow, Minato was really dead. Seeing this, Lanfeng showed a playful expression.

It's a pity that he was facing Obito. If it had been anyone else, even ten of them would have been dead.

Minato thought he had succeeded and showed a happy face, just about to pick up Naruto.

As a result, his body passed through Obito's body, and when he tried to hold Naruto's hand, he missed it.

Although Obito didn't react.

But his body is completely connected to the divine power space.

The moment it was attacked, Shenwei Space had already detected dangerous information that could lead to death.

Obito took the first step and opened the divine space on his own.

So only the moment the kunai stabbed him really hit him.

But the move where the thunder and lightning passed through his body was absorbed by the divine power space.

Obito wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, showing a sinister look.

"It seems that the Yondaime has made his choice."

With that said, Obito grabbed one of little Naruto's legs and threw it directly in the direction of the nine-tailed fox.

Kyuubi looked at the little Naruto flying towards him, revealing his terrifying fangs.

At this time, Obito's control over Kyuubi relaxed a little, allowing Kyuubi to react instinctively.

Kyuubi had been in Kushina's body for too long, and she was already hungry.

Seeing little Naruto flying over, he opened his big mouth and was about to devour Naruto.

(End of this chapter)

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