The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 68: Two shadows fight against the 9-tailed beast, and the 3rd generation resists the tailed

Chapter 68 The two shadows fight against the nine tails, and the three generations resist the tailed beast jade!

Chapter 68: The two shadows fight against the Nine Tails, and the three generations resist the Tailed Beast Jade!

Outside, the Sandaime Hokage and Namikaze Minato had no time to care about what was happening in the village.

They must put all their energy into resisting the Kyuubi.

Namikaze Minato couldn't help but look back.

I don’t know what happened to Kakashi, Kushina and the others.

Just when Namikaze Minato was worried, the Sandaime suddenly turned his face and said:
"Don't be distracted, that guy is coming!"

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato quickly turned around.

At this time, Kyuubi had already arrived in front of them, just a hair away from the Konoha Ninja Village.

The Kyuubi's tail suddenly attacked Namikaze Minato.

Although it is now directly controlled by Obito, it still made some instinctive reactions.

Minato had suffered losses before, and now that his enemies met, he was naturally extremely jealous.

Namikaze Minato used the Flying Thunder God Technique to quickly leave the place with the Sandaime Hokage.

Namikaze Minato had already marked Kyuubi's forehead before, and the two quickly arrived above Kyuubi.

The Sandaime activated his ninjutsu, swung the stick in his hand, and hit Kyuubi on the head.

Kyuubi was in pain and let out a miserable scream.

In Konoha Village, Lanfeng, who was fighting dozens of jounin, looked solemn when he saw this scene.

It is indeed a shadow-level strength, and can actually shake the Kyuubi.

But no matter how much you do, it will be in vain, with Kyuubi's strength.

He might suffer a loss for a while, but as long as he is given enough time, even if the two of them join forces, they will not be Kyuubi's opponent.

Lanfeng smoothly solved two more Konoha jounin, sat on the night bird, and rushed outside.

At this time, dozens of jounin united.Activate the earth flow wall to stop Lanfeng in place.

But the next moment, the earth flowed into the wall.Then vines emerged and penetrated their hearts.

Lanfeng looked indifferent, standing on Night Bird's back, looking towards Jiuwei, and said coldly: "I just want to watch the fun, you have to come here to seek death."

After hearing this, dozens of jounin no longer dared to take a step forward.
Standing there, no one dared to move as they looked at Lanfeng's arrogant posture above.

On the Kyuubi side, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato joined forces and barely managed a tie with the Kyuubi.

But at this time, the Kyuubi is different from the past. It has the strong control of Obito, and its ferocious nature is even more violent.

So much so that the strength of two shadow levels is not painful to him at all.

Namikaze Minato quickly flew out a kunai, and its entire body penetrated into the Kyuubi's mouth.

Kyuubi wanted to gather the tailed beast jade, but in the next second, Namikaze Minato quickly grabbed the kunai and stabbed it directly into Kyuubi's tongue.

Kyuubi spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body trembled on the spot.

The next moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen put his hand on his mouth and said, "Fire Release: Great Flame Bullet!"

A huge fireball attacked Kyuubi's open mouth.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Minato also quickly took a Rasengan and combined it directly with the fire escape technique of the Third Hokage.

Rushing into Kyuubi's belly, powerful ninjutsu chakra exploded in Kyuubi's belly.

Kyuubi lay on his back and blew out a puff of smoke.

The third generation and the fourth generation were together again, with their mouths slightly raised, finally seeing a glimmer of hope.

Minato had long wanted to implement this plan, but it was interrupted by Lan Feng.

Now it seems that this trick really works.

Seeing this, even Lan Feng had to applaud Minato and the Sandaime.

"It's really good. It's indeed a Kage-level strength. It's a pity that it's still not that interesting." Hearing this, Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Hiruzen looked back.

Lan Feng was seen standing on top of Night Bird with a proud look on his face.

All the jounin stood there shivering, and no one dared to step forward.

Seeing this, the Sandaime gritted his teeth.

"What are you still doing? We can't let this traitorous ninja escape!"

Hearing this, the group of jounin who had been frightened suddenly realized and quickly formed seals to attack Lan Feng.

Seeing this, Lanfeng put his hand on his forehead and said with an impatient expression: "I was originally thinking about letting you go, but now it seems that it is no longer necessary."

As soon as they finished speaking, thick wooden stakes suddenly appeared on the soles of their feet.

Inside the wooden pile, a trace of Wood Escape Chakra was revealed.

Lan Feng's Wood Release Chakra contains violent power.

Before they could react, they died violently.

Blood splashed for more than three feet. Seeing such a tragic scene, Sarutobi Hiruzen trembled in his heart.

But at this moment, Kyuubi behind him stood up again, with a fierce look in his eyes.

Kyuubi opened his mouth, and a black ball slowly condensed. ,
Feeling this terrifying aura, both the Third and Fourth Eyes froze in place, not daring to move.

This feeling is absolutely correct, it is the tailed beast jade that the nine tails condensed before.

The Sandaime and Minato slowly turned around.

Looking at the terrifying figure of Kyuubi and the frantic Kyuubi chakra surrounding his body.

The most deadly thing is that the tailed beast jade is about to be condensed in the mouth of the nine tails.

They had seen the powerful destructive power of tailed beast jade before.

If it happens again, the entire Konoha Ninja Village will be completely destroyed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato stood there, stunned.

However, Kyuubi didn't give them any chance to react.

Tailed Beast Tama attacked in Minato's direction.

At this critical moment, the third generation directly pushed Namikaze Minato out.

Namikaze Minato didn't even react.

He only felt his body falling back heavily, but the next moment, the Sandaime Hokage clapped his hand down and directly activated the psychic technique.

An ape emerged from the ground. The Sandaime Hokage threw the black stick in his hand to the ape and said, "It seems that today, we will fight side by side again."

The ape didn't reply, but looked up with fierce eyes.

Together with Sarutobi Hiruzenhou, a line of blue chakra slowly formed around their bodies.

It was the defensive wind-attribute chakra that the two faced towards Kyuubi.

In mid-air, facing the tailed beast jade, in an instant, the atmosphere burst and mushroom clouds dispersed from the middle.

The entire structure of Konoha was destroyed by this powerful wind.

More Konoha villagers and genin were also exposed, including Kakashi.

Kakashi was in the distance, looking at Lanfeng standing on Night Bird, and the Sharingan in his right eye was prohibited from being activated.

As if sensing something strange behind him, Lanfeng looked back and met Kakashi's eyes.

When their eyes met, Kakashi lowered his head unconfidently.

It seemed that with just one glance, the difference between the two of them was already understood.

(End of this chapter)

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