The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 75: Start taking action and massacre Uchiha!

Chapter 75: Start taking action and massacre Uchiha!
Chapter 75 Start taking action and massacre Uchiha!
Hearing this, Lanfeng gave Obito a cold look and said, "Why, you can't do it?"

Obito spread his hands and said nonchalantly: "I don't care. Anyway, I don't have much feelings for the Uchiha clan."

"If you want to find someone to help, I can lend a hand."

After hearing this, Lanfeng jumped up and stood on a telephone pole.

Immediately afterwards, Obito was standing on the wire next to him.

"Don't worry, let's see their reaction here first."

Lanfeng said with an indifferent expression:
Hearing this, Obito sighed helplessly: "Is it necessary to see it? You don't really think that the top officials of Uchiha will go to support Konoha."

"They wish that Konoha would be destroyed so that they could be independent."

Hearing this, Lan Feng frowned slightly and said, "Who can say for sure?"

Just as Lan Feng finished speaking, a boy who looked to be only five or six years old walked out of the house.

In the boy's arms, there was a newborn baby.

Seeing this, Lan Feng frowned slightly, because the person who walked out was none other than Itachi Uchiha.

And what he was holding in his arms was Uchiha Sasuke.

Lan Feng stood up and said with serious eyes:

"Looks like we're in trouble."

Hearing this, Obito frowned slightly, looked at Itachi Uchiha who had just walked out, then looked at Lanfeng and said, "He's just a child."

"You just slaughtered so many people in Konoha, and now you have to be afraid of a child?"

Hearing this, Lan Feng pinched his chin and said with cold eyes: "This child will be a being far beyond the shadow level in the future."

Hearing this, Obito looked at Uchiha Itachi carefully, with a solemn look in his eyes.

This kid looks much younger than him, but he always has a hint of maturity.

Obito believed Lanfeng's words. After all, with Lanfeng's strength, he was qualified to say such things.

Thinking of this, Obito showed his kunai, narrowed his eyes and said, "Then we want to kill him?"

Lan Feng closed his eyes and said coldly: "He's just a kid, let him go."

"After he leaves, we will take action."

After saying that, Lanfeng stood up and looked at the Uchiha clan, his expression terrifyingly cold.

The reason why he did what he did today was to continue to spread the flames of hatred.

Whether it is Konoha or the Uchiha clan, they have to pay a corresponding price.

It would be too tragic if he was the only one hating from the beginning to the end.

He also wanted to make the Uchiha and Konoha ninjas completely hate him.

Only then can he continue to fight against them until the day they are destroyed.

He is really afraid that one day, he will forget hatred and revenge,
He was also afraid that others would think that he had just let it go.

What about all the dirty and disgusting things they did to themselves?

Letting them live comfortably and happily is the greatest disrespect to him.

He wants to imprint this hatred on everyone's heart.

It makes everyone's soul restless, exaggerating their nightmares all the time.

Only in this way can they feel the pain and live forever in the cycle of revenge and being revenged.

Thinking of this, Lanfeng took a deep breath, opened his Mangekyou Sharingan, and said directly: "Okay, let's start taking action."

Hearing this, Obito's eyes showed a solemn look, and he looked at Lanfeng and said, "Even if you have Mudun Chakra, but in such an extremely scarce situation, do you really not need to think about it again?" Obito There is still a need to worry. After all, the Uchiha clan, especially the senior leaders, have quite strong combat power.

Not even inferior to Uchiha Fugaku.

Lanfeng's current chakra is definitely not enough to activate the advent of the tree world.

In addition to such god-level ninjutsu, it may be difficult to defeat everyone in the Uchiha clan.

However, Lanfeng did not answer Obito's question directly.

Instead, he looked at the Uchiha clan and said, "My purpose is to spread the seeds of hatred. I won't risk my life for these rotten people."

With that said, Lanfeng stepped on his feet and flew towards the Uchiha clan's territory with the help of the last trace of chakra.

Obito followed closely behind.

Looking at Lanfeng's figure, Obito was in a trance for a moment.

Maybe the entire ninja world will really be subverted by this guy in the future.

The storm fell to the ground and instantly kicked open the door of a house.

At this time, the people of the Uchiha clan were still eating delicious meals leisurely, paying no attention to the tragic situation in Konoha Village.

They have no idea what kind of situation they will face.

Lanfeng rushed into the room, and before the Uchiha clan members could react, Lanfeng activated the Mangekyō Sharingan.

A group of confused Uchiha people were instantly drawn into the world of Tsukuyomi.

During the Tsukuyomi, they suffered nearly 100 years of torture in an instant.

It can be considered as letting them live their lives for free.

After controlling them, Lanfeng cut off their throats without hesitation, and then exited the house without any hesitation.

Obito was not idle either, he broke into a house and started fighting with the ninja inside.

And the speed is also quite fast, but not as neat as Lanfeng, resulting in frequent screams.

Seemingly hearing the noise outside, the Uchiha clan members rushed out.

They can look on indifferently to outsiders, but when it is their own turn to have trouble, they are still very united.

At this time, Lanfeng activated his pupil technique, and countless colorful crows swirled around them.

Although they are all members of the Uchiha clan, these Uchiha people are just ordinary people.

Since they have not awakened their Sharingan, they naturally cannot distinguish between illusion and reality.

In this colorful illusion, their throats were quietly cut.

For a time, the Uchiha clan was so dead and wounded that they were unable to fight back.

There were repeated screams outside, finally attracting the attention of the upper echelons of Uchiha.

Soon, the upper echelons of Uchiha sent the jounin of the guard to come for support.

Above the Uchiha clan, several ninjas driving three magatama were running down.

Attacking in the direction of Lan Feng, they are different from those civilian ninjas.

They possess the Three Magatama Sharingan, which is an upper-level pupil technique belonging to the Sharingan, and can see through Lanfeng's illusions at a glance.

Lanfeng's chakra has been exhausted, and he still needs to use Sharingan at the same time. There is no way he can be the opponent of the three jounin.

Obito did not hesitate, and flashed in front of Lanfeng. With Lanfeng's current state, it was not impossible for him to get rid of Lanfeng.
But he still wanted to see more miracles in Lanfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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