The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 79: Connecting to the Heretic Golem, the Moon Eye Project is on the agenda!

Chapter 79: Connecting to the Heretic Golem, the Moon Eye Project is on the agenda!

Chapter 79 Connecting with the Heretic Golem, the Moon Eye Project is on the agenda!
For so many years, they had been secretly hooking up, eroding his rights bit by bit, and he had seen it all.

If it were before, he wouldn't mind letting Danzo be the Hokage.

But after what happened yesterday, he had to think about it carefully.

It seems that he also saw Sarutobi Hiruzen's thoughts. Although Mito Kadenen loved Danzo, he did not dare to say it directly.

After all, the one with the highest power now is the older Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Neither Jianmenyan nor Xiaochun dared to speak for themselves.

Danzo plucked up the courage to stand up and said: "Now is the time when Konoha is in dire straits. There must be someone who can quickly turn the situation around to succeed the Hokage."

"So I would like to propose myself and be the Hokage."

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face twisted, not knowing whether to laugh or be angry.

Even Men Yan and Koharu were a little surprised. Was Danzo a little too impatient?

Now that the Sandaime was still angry, Danzo's words were adding fuel to the fire.

Sarutobi Hiruzen clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth, "Minato died in the battle, you know that."

Hearing the Sandaime's words, Danzo restrained himself slightly and said, "Minato died for the village, and he deserved his death."

"So I can't live up to his will, I will definitely reverse it..."

Before Danzo could finish his words, Namikaze Minato slapped his hand on the table, making Danzo take a step back in fright.

The Sandaime Hokage's anger was beyond words.

Sarutobi Hiruzen grabbed the table, stood up slowly, and said angrily: "You also know that Minato died fighting for the village, so where were you yesterday."

Danzo was speechless by the Sandaime's words.

Seeing that Danzo stopped talking, the Sandaime Hokage continued:

"Even if Minato dies in the battle, I will let someone else be the Hokage."

"Even if I continue to take over, don't even think about trying to trick the Hokage."

"When you go back and reflect on your mistakes, come talk to me about this matter."

Upon hearing this, Danzo felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

Although he thought that Sarutobi Hiruzen would stop him from becoming Hokage, he didn't expect that he would be so extreme.

Seeing the Sandaime's attitude, Koharu and Monobu, who were originally facing Danzo, did not dare to say anything more.

Koharu even made a favor and said directly: "Now in Konoha, talents are withering."

"No one can be worthy of a great position but himself. Why don't the Sandaime continue to succeed Hokage and wait until a suitable candidate comes along?"

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded and said directly: "I will find an opportunity to explain the situation to the Daimyo of the Land of Fire."

"Anyway, the most important thing to do now is to appease the ninja families and the villagers."

With that said, the Sandaime Hokage picked up a list, which was more than three pages long.

It records the names of all the sacrificed ninjas in Konoha, as well as their home addresses.

Although with the current situation in Konoha, the home address is no longer useful.

But these are the only records they have during their lifetime.

Thinking of this, the Sandaime Hokage couldn't help but shed tears from the corners of his eyes. He suppressed his trembling emotions and said, "The ninjas on the list must be buried with the highest standards of courtesy."

"Their families, if they are still alive, must be given the highest level of compensation."

"I may have to trouble you in the next period of time."

After hearing this, Koharu and Men Yan stood up and saluted Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"This is what we should do. If nothing happens, we will retreat first."

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, and Koharu and Men Yan walked out immediately.Danzo was left standing there, unable to recover for a long time.

The Sandaime Hokage glanced at Danzo from the corner of his eye and said, "Do you have anything else to say?"

After hearing this, Danzo stood there for a long time, then bowed forward and said: "No more, congratulations to the Sandaime Hokage for returning to the throne."

With that said, Danzo stepped back.

Until he exited the door, Tuan Sang's face turned gloomy.

The two ANBU ninjas behind him bowed their heads and said, "Danzo-sama, do you want to take action?"

After hearing this, Danzo waved his hand and lowered his voice and said: "Let's take a long-term view."

With that said, Danzo left here with two ANBU jounin.


At the same time, Lanfeng and Tutu returned to the base of the Kingdom of Water.

Looking at Lan Feng who was still sleeping, Hei Jue couldn't help but frown.

I didn't expect to go so far this time.

If it had been before, when Lan Feng was so weak, Hei Jue would have definitely taken action to get rid of Lan Feng.

But now that he had seen Lan Feng's true strength, he felt a little unconfident.

Although he has lived for hundreds of years and has a very clear view of everything in the world, he does not understand something about Lan Feng.

And this time Obito seemed to be deliberately protecting Lan Feng.

I don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup was poured into Lan Feng.

At this time, the heartless Bai Jue suddenly scratched his head and said: "I didn't expect you didn't take this guy's life when he was dying. It seems that you have grown up."

Of course Obito was unwilling to be told this by Bai Zetsu and pushed Bai Zetsu away with a look of disgust.

Then he placed Lanfeng on the high platform, and at this time, the heretic demon actually took the initiative to transmit chakra to Lanfeng.

After absorbing the chakra, Lanfeng slowly opened his eyes, looked at Hei Jue and said, "I need to retreat for a while now, please don't disturb me during this time."

Hearing this command-like tone, although Hei Ze felt uncomfortable inside, he still had to grovel when he remembered Lanfeng's perverted ninjutsu before.

Soon, Lanfeng connected the pipe connected to the outer image to his body again.

Greed absorbs the chakra of the heretic demon.

Seeing this, Obito and Black Zetsu retreated together.

As time passed, Lanfeng had recovered more than half of his energy through the chakra in the outer image.

When Lanfeng opened his eyes, it was already a month later.

Think about it, he has been here for more than a year.

It seems that the chakra that patronized the heretic golem did not fulfill its promise to Uchiha Madara.

Although Madara is all about using relationships to him, he has short hands to take advantage of others and short mouth to eat others.

It doesn't look good if you just get benefits and don't do anything.

It was time to lay out the Eye of the Moon plan that Madara had been thinking about during his lifetime.

Although the Eye of the Moon plan is different from his plan, it is not impossible to use it as a transition plan to his plan.

According to Uchiha Madara's previous idea, after his death, his reincarnation eye should be dug out and kept temporarily.

When the time comes, find the right person and use the art of reincarnation to resurrect him.

Then he can complete the plan on his own.

(End of this chapter)

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