The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 84 Reforming the Akatsuki organization, Nagato makes a painful choice!

Chapter 84 Reforming the Akatsuki organization, Nagato makes a painful choice!
Chapter 84 Reforming the Akatsuki organization, Nagato makes a painful choice!

Since you want to pretend to be Uchiha Madara, don't say your previous name.

If you want to talk about your previous name, stop pretending to be Uchiha Madara!
Even though he was wearing a mask, Obito still felt embarrassed.

As expected, the three of them looked at each other and were at a loss for Lan Feng's novel introduction method.

Nagato was the most rational one among them. He took a step forward and said, "I am Uzumaki Nagato, one of the leaders of the Akatsuki organization. Do you want to join the Akatsuki organization?"

Hearing this, Lan Feng showed an evil smile and said, "You are only half right. I don't just want to join the Akatsuki organization first."

"I also want to completely reform the Akatsuki organization and turn it into a weapon that can truly bring world peace."

Hearing this, Yahiko and Konan looked at each other as if they had heard a joke.

Yahiko walked up and took Nagato's shoulders and said, "You are really arrogant."

"Although our Akatsuki organization is not a top-notch organization, it has already achieved scale."

"You want to carry out reforms as soon as you come up. Isn't this a joke?"

With that said, Yahiko pulled Nagato to leave.

"Don't talk nonsense to these two guys, they are just here to cause trouble."

However, before Yahiko had taken a few steps, a wooden stake suddenly appeared in front of him.

Soon, countless wooden piles were drilled around them, trapping them.

Yahiko and Konan, one pulled out the kunai and the other pulled out the detonating talisman, were about to fight.

However, Nagato stopped them, looked at Lanfeng and said, "Then you should tell me what you think, but don't talk empty talk."

After hearing this, Lanfeng sat directly on the wooden stake, showed an evil smile and said: "Our ideas are actually the same."

"We use various means to bring true peace to the world."

"But I still have to say that what you are doing is extremely stupid."

“If you have an empty dream but don’t have enough power to match it, it’s all just talk.”

Hearing Lanfeng's words, Yahiko couldn't help but laugh out loud and said: "Then you should tell me your thoughts on how you want to bring true peace to the world."

Hearing this, Lan Feng's face suddenly became serious, and he said with cold eyes:

"If we want to achieve true peace, we must overthrow the current ninja world."

"Let the entire ninja world crawl under us, and let us use the highest force to restore order. Only in this way can we achieve true peace."

As soon as these words came out, the three of them looked at each other, shocked by Lan Feng's terrifying plan.

But this plan was too absurd. Yahiko couldn't help but sneered: "Please don't be too absurd."

"How could anyone do such a thing? I have already told you not to talk nonsense to this guy. Let's leave quickly."

Saying that, Yahiko pulled Konan and Nagato to leave.

But at this moment, strands of vines suddenly grew out of those wooden piles.

He directly tied up Xiaonan and Yahiko.

Seeing this, Nagato finally pulled out his kunai.

"I advise you not to mess around. People from our Akatsuki organization will be here soon."

"If you sincerely join the Akatsuki organization, I welcome you, but if you hurt my partners, I won't let you go."

"Besides, no one is capable of the plan you just mentioned, so stop being so whimsical."

Hearing what Nagato said, Lanfeng showed a sneer and said:
"Who says no? Do you know what your reincarnation eye represents?"

"That was the power of the Six Paths Immortal back then. As long as you are here, then this thing will be possible."

Upon hearing this, a solemn look appeared in Nagato's eyes.At this time, other members of the Akatsuki organization rushed over one after another, pulling out their kunai and facing Lan Feng.

"Nagato, are you okay? Do you want to get rid of this guy?"

Upon hearing this, Nagato waved his hand to tell them to step back.

Then he looked at Lanfeng and said, "You let Yahiko and Xiaonan go, I won't argue with you."

"Otherwise, with the strength of the two of you, it would be impossible..."

Before Minato finished speaking, Lanfeng said directly: "It seems that you are very confident in your partner."

"But there is no absolute friendship in this world, and all friendships cannot withstand scrutiny and testing."

"They will betray you one day. The only relationship that is exploited is the longest-lasting."

As Lan Feng was talking, Minato gritted his teeth and said:

"Stop talking nonsense and release Yahiko and Konan quickly, otherwise we won't be polite!"

After hearing this, Lanfeng turned on the kaleidoscope.

Flames suddenly ignited around Minato, and the next moment, the vines wrapped around Konan and Yahiko penetrated their hearts.

Seeing Konan and Yahiko die tragically in front of his eyes, Minato couldn't help but scream.

The Samsara Eye turned twice, and at this time, the surroundings returned to their original appearance.

Yahiko and Xiaonan were still tied to the wooden stakes, and there was nothing strange about them.

Nagato raised his eyes and looked at Lanfeng.

I don't understand what Lanfeng means.

At this time, Lan Feng said:
"Well, it doesn't feel good to have your companions killed in front of you."

"But if the illusion I just evolved had killed the group of people behind you, I'm afraid you wouldn't be so sad. This is the level of friendship."

When Nagato heard this, he couldn't help but grit his teeth and said coldly: "Nonsense, they are all my companions, I will not allow you to hurt them!"

"We are all companions, are you so confident?"

Having said this, Lanfeng pointed at the group of people behind Nagato and said, "Then I want you to kill the other companions behind you now."

"If you don't do this, I will kill Yahiko and Konan. Please make your choice."

Hearing this, Nagato couldn't help but gasp and his eyes trembled.

"I said that all companions are the same, and I will not take action against my companions."

Hearing this, Lanfeng clapped his hands and praised Sui Nagato: "It's very good. Your consciousness is very high, but your high consciousness does not mean that others are the same."

With that said, Lan Feng pointed to other members of the Akatsuki organization and said, "I'm going to ask you to kill Nagato now, otherwise, I will kill you."

Hearing this, the members of the Akatsuki organization looked at each other with angry expressions and said: "Stop joking, Nagato is our leader, if we want to kill you, we will kill you too!"

As soon as he said this, a vine suddenly came out and pierced one of the members of the Akatsuki organization through his chest.

This time it was not an illusion, the man really died in front of Minato and them.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

Then one after another people were pierced through the heart by vines and died.

Some were directly penetrated into the head, and their brains flowed all over the floor.

Such cruel phenomena caused the members of the Akatsuki organization to collapse in their defenses.

(End of this chapter)

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