The Senju Orphan, starting from Uchiha to destroy the ninja world

Chapter 86 The leader of the Akatsuki organization is established, an amazing plan!

Chapter 86 The leader of the Akatsuki organization is established, an amazing plan!
Chapter 86 The leader of the Akatsuki organization is established, an amazing plan!

Although it was only a short moment, Lanfeng took Yahiko to experience all the future plots.

Soon, Lanfeng canceled Tsukuyomi, and Yahiko gritted his teeth and said: "Why is this happening? We were obviously born for peace, why are we the culprits of causing war!"

Nagato did not enter Tsukuyomi, but through his samsara eye, he saw the future in the Tsukuyomi world.

This time, he completely accepted his fate.

Yahiko knelt on the ground, looked at Lanfeng with firm eyes and said:

"Okay, we accept the reforms of the Akatsuki organization, but are you sure you can make this world peaceful?"

Hearing this, Lan Feng raised his lips slightly and said, "With your help, nothing is impossible."

"As long as you can be practical and not just talkative, I can lead the Akatsuki organization to re-establish order and bring true peace to the world."

After hearing this, Yahiko's expression became firm, and then he looked up at Lanfeng and said, "Then tell me what we are going to do next."

Hearing this, Lanfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't expect Yahiko to accept it so quickly.

Lan Feng showed an evil smile and said: "The most important purpose now is, of course, to quickly improve our strength."

"If there is no strength, everything is empty talk."

Nagato felt deeply about this sentence. If he was strong enough, these people would definitely not betray him.

Nagato opened his reincarnation eyes, looked at Lanfeng and said, "What should we do? Please show me the way, sir."

Hearing this, Lan Feng looked indifferent and looked at the three of them.

Then he said: "This kind of thing cannot be rushed. I will train you specifically afterwards."

"Now the three of you will fight against each other, and the one who wins can become the leader of the Akatsuki organization."

As soon as these words came out, although the three of them had accepted Lanfeng's brainwashing, they still hesitated.

Xiaonan, who had been silent until now, finally said at this moment: "The Akatsuki organization has always been in charge of the three of us."

"There is no absolute leader."

Hearing this, Lan Feng stretched out a finger and waved it.

"A woman's opinion is that if you really want to survive in the cruel war in the future, you can't have any ties."

"There must be someone who can make the clearest decision despite all opinions."

"You should understand what I mean."

The three of them looked at Lan Feng's terrifying Kaleidoscope Blood Wheel Eyes, all filled with fear and took a step back.

The three of them looked at each other, and Yahiko took action while sleeping, pulled out a kunai and attacked in the direction of Nagato.

Nagato's Rinnegan opened, and the environment around Yahiko's body suddenly changed.

When he reacted again, Nagato had already appeared behind him.

Seeing that Nagato was about to succeed, Konan threw the detonating talisman in Nagato's direction.

The powerful explosion blew Nagato away.

Yahiko instantly looked back to fight with Nagato.

Xiaonan soon joined in, and the two faced each other, but they still could only barely tie.

Seeing this scene, Obito's blood eyes under the mask narrowed and said: "Will the two of them join forces and eliminate the strongest one first?"

"I didn't expect these brats to be quite smart."

Hearing this, Lan Feng's face looked slightly helpless.

It would be great if that was the case. This just proves that they have not completely given up their bond at all.

Especially Xiaonan.

It seems that there will be more training in the future, so let’s do this for now.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them had been fighting for more than an hour. During this time, Yahiko and Konan had the upper hand.

But with the help of the power of the reincarnation eye, Nagato never fell behind.Countless detonating symbols floated around Xiaonan's body.Yahiko also pulled out the sword behind him and fought with Nagato.

Seeing that the outcome was decided, Nagato's Samsara Eye was suddenly damaged.

Two streaks of blood flowed from Nagato's eyes.

Seeing this, Konan and Yahiko stopped attacking.

He immediately went to support Nagato and said with concern: "Hey, Nagato, are you okay? Did I accidentally hurt you?"

Xiaonan also took out gauze and prepared to bandage Nagato.

Seeing this scene, Obito said with some disappointment: "It seems that you have seen the wrong person. Nagato is still a child after all."

Hearing this, he exhaled a breath of turbid air and said with a smile: "Just watch. The victory or defeat has been decided."

As soon as Lanfeng finished speaking, Nagato suddenly put his hands on the shoulders of Yahiko and Konan.

Then he pressed the two people to the ground.

Only then did Yahiko realize that they had been fooled, and said angrily: "Hey, Nagato, you are so despicable, let me go, I will fight you to the death."

Konan couldn't believe it either. She didn't know what happened to Nagato. In the past, this method should have been what he hated the most.

Nagato said with a hint of guilt in his eyes: "I'm sorry, I have to win this battle."

Yahiko's face was distorted with anger, and he said loudly: "Let me go quickly, I will fight to the death with you!"

Seeing this, Lan Feng walked out, clapped his hands and said, "Okay, no more competition. The winner has been decided."

"The next sole leader of the Akatsuki organization will be Nagato."

"You two, you should learn more from Nagato."

"The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and there is no room for sloppiness."

"Even if your comrade is injured, don't be distracted."

"Nagato, let them go."

Upon hearing this, Nagato immediately let go of his hand, and Yahiko immediately pressed Nagato under him.

"Hey, Nagato, please wake up, you dare to play tricks on us!"

Seeing this, Lanfeng stopped him and said, "Stop, he is your leader, and you must obey his orders from now on."

"Anyone who commits the above crime below will be punished by death."

Hearing this, Yahiko thought of all the things he saw in Zaitsukiyomi World?

Nagato really paid a lot.Maybe only Nagato can lead the Akatsuki organization and help world peace.

Yahiko stood up.Taking advantage of the situation, he also pulled Nagato up.

Half-kneeling on the ground, he said: "Chief, Yahiko begs you for forgiveness."

Hearing this, Nagato lowered his head and helped Yahiko up.

Konan then followed the same example and finally established Nagato's majesty as the leader of the Akatsuki organization.

Then Yahiko looked back at Lanfeng and Obito and said, "What about you, what are your identities?"

Hearing this, Lan Feng's expression was indifferent, with no trace of fluctuation visible.

He said, "We are the people behind you."

"You just need to remember one thing from now on, I am Madara Uchiha, and the person next to me is my special envoy."

"If there is anything important in the future, I will ask him to tell you."

Hearing this, Yahiko nodded, and then said doubtfully: "In the end, you still didn't tell me your true purpose."

Lanfeng and Yahiko looked at each other. They didn't explain clearly before, but now they revealed their plans in full.

(End of this chapter)

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