Chapter 10 Pretending to be sick!

"I understand, little one." Liu Zi got on the carriage, patted the horse's butt and drove Fan Xin towards Wushui County.

Hearing that Magistrate Fan was back, Zhang Xiancheng quickly brought the county government officials to the gate to greet him. When they saw Fan Xin being carried out of the carriage, they were all shocked.

"Mingfu, what's wrong with you?"

Fan Xin said feebly: "You don't need to panic. I just feel cold occasionally. I'll be fine after a few days of rest. Cough cough..."

After speaking, he wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and threw it on the ground. The trace of Yin Hong's blood was particularly dazzling under the sunset.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiancheng and others' eyes flashed, and then they hid away and said with relief: "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. You are the backbone of our Wushui County. If something happens, what will the humble officials do?" Let’s do it.”

While they were talking, Fan Xin was carried to the back office room. After lying down, he said to Zhang Song: "Zhang County Cheng, during this period of my recuperation, the office will be entrusted to you. If you have anything you don't understand, you can discuss it with Director Sun." Just come here, there is no need to ask my officer for instructions."

Faced with the sudden good news, Zhang Song was stunned. It seemed that he did not expect happiness to come so quickly. Chief Sun pushed him: "Zhang Xiancheng, Mingfu is talking to you!"


After coming back to his senses, Zhang Song immediately bowed to Fan Xin: "Please rest in peace and recuperate in the Ming Dynasty. I will definitely guard this Yamen for you!"

"Well, you can rest assured when you are doing your job." Fan Xin said, slapping his forehead: "By the way, when I came back, I heard that an assassin had escaped from the palace. For the sake of public security in this county, you should immediately send more city guards to strictly investigate the assassins. People from Liaocheng who are suspicious should be arrested!"

Seeing that Fan Xin was serious, Zhang Song did not doubt that he was there. He raised his hand and promised: "Don't worry, Mingfu. I will go back and dispatch people immediately. I will never let go of a suspicious person!"

Fan Xin closed his eyes and waved his hands with a tired look on his face: "Go ahead. If you have nothing to do, don't disturb my rest."

"The officer will leave!"

Zhang Song bowed and left the room with several county government officials. After turning around the rockery, Chief Sun suddenly whispered.

"Lao Zhang, if you come back so early from the Ming Dynasty, is it because you have fallen out of favor?"

The banquet started in the evening. Logically speaking, Fan Xin should be drinking at this moment, but now he is back. Something is wrong no matter how you look at it.

Zhang Xiancheng clasped his hands behind his back and said indifferently: "Didn't you see that Mingfu vomited blood? Is there anything strange about coming back early to recuperate?"

"Besides, what's wrong with Fan falling out of favor? Who else in Wushui County will be bigger than you and me in the future?"

After hearing these words, Master Sun was startled for a moment, and then he agreed: "What you said makes sense. If Fan Xin gets sick, Wushui County will belong to you and me from now on!"

"Let's go have a drink and celebrate!"

Looking away from these people, Liuzi quietly left the rockery and returned to the back office room, saying angrily.

"Master, you are right. As soon as Zhang Song and Master Sun left the room, they took the leaders of the sixth room to celebrate!"

"The back office doesn't even have a guard for you, these little guys are changing their faces too fast!"

Fan Xin smiled nonchalantly at Liu Zi's anger.

"Okay, it's human nature to follow others' influence. Since the leaders of the Sixth Fang want to climb the big tree of Zhangsong, let them do it."

"Our most important task right now is to organize those soldiers. Only they can help us survive.

"As for removing the guards, it is an opportunity for us. Please come here. I have something to ask you to do." Fan Xin said a few words in Liu Zi's ear, and the latter exclaimed: "Young Master , do you want to sell the things given to you by King Langya?"

"Yes, if you want those veterans to be willing to defend the city, it's useless to just talk about it. You have to let them see real money."

"The most valuable thing in my hands now is this century-old wild ginseng tree and two orbs. Tomorrow, in the name of the money I need for medical treatment, you can sell them to a merchant, and then bury a hundred thousand pieces of silk cloth in the dark of night. Keep it on the west mountain for later use."

During this period, the Tang people's large-scale settlements were mainly based on silk cloth. Each piece of silk cloth in Bozhou was worth about [-] yuan. One hundred thousand pieces of silk cloth was equivalent to [-] copper coins. This amount of money was enough to serve as military pay for [-] veterans. .

Liu Zi knew that the matter was serious, so he found a few reliable subordinates overnight, and took advantage of the dawn to find the most powerful local merchants.

When the other party saw that there was a century-old ginseng in the gift box, his breathing suddenly became rapid, and he quickly inspected it. Finally, he bought the thing for [-] pieces of silk cloth, and then spent [-] pieces of silk cloth to buy the orb into his bag.

In order to prevent anyone from following him, Liuzi took the silk cloth around the city twice. After making sure that no one was following him, he buried the silk cloth on the west mountain.

"Master, I hid the silk cloth as you asked. No one knows the specific location." Liu Zi walked into the room and took off the mask.

"Okay, now that the military pay is ready, all we need is for the veterans to arrive!" Fan Xin put down the roster, put on a green hat, and wiped something on his face.

Seeing his appearance, Liu Zi scratched his head and asked, "Master, what are you doing?"

"I am going to meet those veterans. You are guarding the door. No matter who comes to visit and says that I am recuperating, they will not see you!"

Fan Xin pushed open the door and took a look outside. After finding no one in the yard, he carried the swill bucket and walked towards the back door.

There are many people in the Yamen, and there are only a few spies to protect them. It is better to recruit government soldiers secretly.

After an uneventful journey to the street, Fan Xin hid the swill bucket and walked toward Nancheng.

According to the household registration records, the leader of these soldiers was a man named Lin Tie, who served as the captain of Zuo Guoyi of Zhechong Prefecture, and his status was second only to the captain of Zhechong.

Later, because he was dissatisfied with the court's refusal to fulfill its promise, he left Zhechong Mansion and lived with a group of brothers in Xiaoliu Village in the south of the city, making a living by blacksmithing and farming.

It was already noon when Fan Xin arrived at Xiaoliu Village. At this time, there were many women and children in ragged clothes squatting on both sides of the dirt road, throwing bracken leaves into the pot. When they saw outsiders coming in, their eyes were full of vigilance.

"May I ask this brother, where does Lin Tie's family live?" Fan Xinchong asked a burly man.

The man glanced at Fan Xin: "What do you want to see him for?"

"To be honest, brother, I am a distant relative of his. I came here to tell you something on my mother's orders."

The man looked Fan Xin up and down, got up and walked deeper into the village: "Lin Tie's family lives in front, come with me."

The two came to a thatched house. The man opened the door and said, "Lin Tie is in the house. You can see him when you go in."

Fan Xin nodded and was about to enter the door when the man suddenly turned around and stabbed him, the blade emitting cold light under the sunlight.

Fortunately, Fan Xin was on guard. When the blade struck, he ducked to the right and barely escaped the fatal blow.

The assassination failed, the man snorted coldly, turned his wrist and put the blade against Fan Xin's neck, saying coldly.

"Say, who are you!"

 It’s very important to follow up on the New Era books, so I’m asking you all.
(End of this chapter)

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