Chapter 12
"Hey, isn't this Zhang County Cheng? You look a little ugly." As soon as Zhang Song came out of the back office, a burst of laughter rang out.

Looking at Chief Sun coming over, Zhang Song said angrily: "If you weren't investigating the palace assassins at the city gate, why did you come back?"

"Where did the royal assassin come from? It's all nonsense." Master Sun curled his lips and glanced at the official document under his arm.

"Why, Mingfu didn't give you the approval?"

Zhang Song was obviously in a bad mood. When he mentioned this, he threw down his sleeves: "Let's go to the study and talk about it!"

After the two came to the study, Zhang Song slammed the official documents on the table: "This person named Fan is really bullying!"

Seeing this scene, an imperceptible smile appeared on Master Sun's lips.

"What happened to make you so angry?"

"In addition to the expenses for the inn, what else can be done!" Zhang Song said angrily; "You don't know, just now I took the bill to Fan Xin for approval, but this guy refused to approve it because the reception fee was as high as [-] yuan! "

"He didn't even think about it. Who among ordinary officials can spend so much money? It's not because the Langya Palace takes up the majority!"

"We spent [-] guan on the reception, food, drinks and accommodation in the first half of the year. If I hadn't sacrificed my face and asked Manager Li, our county would have to bear at least [-] guan for the palace's expenses."

"Well now, he actually asked me to go to the palace with the bill and ask for money, otherwise I would make up for the shortfall myself! Do you think it's so pressing?" Zhang Song banged on the table and complained loudly.

Chief Sun frowned and said, "Your annual salary is only a few dozen kilograms. Even if you don't eat or drink, it will take you half a lifetime to make up for the loss. Fan is going to kill you."

"Who says it's not the case? It's just a matter of occupying my official position. Now I'm not even allowed to have a way to survive. Thinking about it, I'm really unwilling to accept it." Zhang Song said with a look of resentment.

Seeing that the success aroused Zhang Song's resentment, Master Sun deliberately said: "Brother Zhang, there is no need to despair. I feel that although this matter is difficult, it is not impossible to solve it. It depends on whether you dare or not."

"Oh, what can I do?" Zhang Song's eyes lit up and he asked impatiently.

"Simple!" Chief Sun smiled slightly: "Let me ask you, who has the highest qualifications and prestige in our county government?"

"Of course it's me!" Zhang Song said without thinking.

He had worked as the county magistrate in Wushui County for nine years, and he had some friendships in all aspects. If it hadn't been for a fan letter sent by the imperial court, he would have become the county magistrate by now.

"Yes, no one can match you in terms of prestige!" Master Sun continued: "In that case, why not get rid of Fan Xin and become the county magistrate yourself?"

"Old Sun, what did you say! Get rid of Fan Xin?" Suddenly hearing this, Zhang Song stood up suddenly with a tremble in his heart.

Although he wished to kill Fan Xin, the latter was an official of the imperial court after all, and he would not live long if he really killed him.

Seeing his appearance, a flash of disdain flashed deep in Master Sun's eyes, and he said: "Brother Zhang, since ancient times, those who have achieved great things have not followed trivial matters. People named Fan have pushed you to death. What else do you have to fear?" .”

"Besides, the officials of Wushui County are all your people. As long as they do their job cleanly, you can blame the unruly people afterwards."

"If that's the case, there's a way out!" Zhang Song said, touching his chin, and then hesitated.

"Brother Sun, it is easy to get rid of Fan Xin, but I am worried that this matter will be spread to King Langya. What if..."

Chief Sun waved his hand indifferently: "Brother Zhang, don't worry about this. Fan Xin betrayed the Li Tang royal family, and the prince has long wanted to get rid of him."

"Are you saying that the prince is dissatisfied with Fan Xinxin?" Zhang Song asked in surprise. He had always thought that the relationship between the two was very good, but he did not expect it to be like this.

"Yes, the prince was planning to kill this person at the dinner, but he escaped under the pretense that his son was in trouble."

"Brother Zhang, if you can get rid of Fan Xin, the prince's character will definitely appreciate you greatly! Don't miss this opportunity."

Seeing Master Sun's profound expression, Zhang Song was startled for a moment, then slapped the case and stood up. "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will lead troops to Houya to kill Fan Xin!" As he was about to go out, he was stopped by Chief Sun with a smile.

"Brother Zhang, please be patient. Fan Xin is a seventh-grade life officer after all. Killing him in public will inevitably cause trouble."

"Why don't we lure him to a post station on the outskirts of the city in the name of the palace refunding the entertainment fee? By then, the officers and soldiers lying in ambush around him will swarm him. Is Brother Zhang still afraid that he won't be able to kill Fan Xin?

"That's right. The post station is located on the outskirts of the city. Few people go there on weekdays. After killing the people, we can blame it on the unruly people in Xiaoliu Village."

Zhang Song nodded and looked at Chief Secretary Sun: "Brother Sun, it's really unfair to let you be the Chief Secretary all these years."

"Don't worry, when I become the county magistrate, I will immediately promote you to the county magistrate. From now on, this Wushui County will belong to the two of us!"


After laughing, Master Sun said sternly: "We'll talk about the promotion later. The most important thing right now is to trick Fan Xin into going to the inn. We can't do anything if he stays in the back office!"

"Brother Sun is right. I'm going to see Fan Xin right now." Zhang Song straightened his official uniform and walked to the back office with his hands behind his back...

"Hey, why are you back again?" Seeing Zhang Song, Fan Xin put down "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and asked curiously.

Zhang Song changed from his usual arrogance, smiled and cupped his hands and said: "I just went back and thought about it, I think you are right. King Langya owns hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile land and has strong financial resources. Our county really does not need to pay him this money." money."

"So I went to Manager Li and asked the palace to refund the fee. Li Quan was a little unhappy at first, but later he reluctantly agreed to return the money after the official's repeated pleas."

"It's just that the other party proposed that you must go to the inn to receive the meal money in person. Look at this..." Zhang Song looked embarrassed.

Fan Xin smiled and waved his hand: "It doesn't matter. As long as the palace can refund the money used for the meal, it doesn't matter if I go to the inn."

Hearing these words, Zhang Song immediately breathed a sigh of relief: Mingfu is indeed magnanimous. You can rest in peace and rest first, and the official will arrange a time to meet. "After saying that, he bowed, turned around and walked outside.

Looking at his retreating back, the smile on Fan Xin's face gradually disappeared, and his eyes were full of solemnity.

Although Zhang Song concealed it well, he revealed a flaw, that is, Langya Palace is more than fifty miles away from Wushui County. It is impossible for him to travel between the two places in such a short time, let alone persuade Li Chong to return the money. return!

And Fan Xin noticed that when he mentioned going to the inn, the corners of Zhang Song's mouth curved slightly.

In micro-expression science, this often means that the evil plot is successful.

Therefore, Fan Xin concluded that Zhang Song deliberately led him to the inn, probably because he got the hint from the spy hidden beside him.

The latter ordered him to get rid of himself and then put the blame on the refugees. This would remove the stumbling block and not attract the attention of the court.

Even if the incident is exposed later, it can still be blamed on Zhang Song and has nothing to do with the Langya Palace.

"What a borrowed knife to kill someone. It seems that Li Chong has seen through my plan!" Fan Xin walked to the window with a worried look in his eyes.

At present, he has no soldiers except Liu Zi. If he wants to subdue Zhang Song, he can only borrow the power of his soldiers.

It’s just that there is no news from those people yet.

Just when Fan Xin was about to meet Lin Tie, Liu Zi suddenly walked in carrying a vegetable basket and said with a smile.

"Master, there is a person who claims to be your distant relative who wants to see you, and I brought him here."

As soon as he finished speaking, a burly fisherman walked into the room and slowly took off his hat.

(End of this chapter)

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