Chapter 135 I, the Tang Dynasty, will never cede territory!
"That's not right. The official arranged it for this Datong shop. Why are the people missing?"

After scanning the empty room, Wen Kai was sweating heavily and his legs were trembling.

The Turkic princess is still waiting outside. If this delays the important negotiation, he will not be able to afford the compensation even if he loses ten lives.

Seeing this, Princess Taiping threw down her sleeves and said coldly.

"The negotiation is related to the safety of the Tang Dynasty. If you can't find Fan Xin, go and apologize to the court yourself!"

"Your Highness, I don't want to die!" Wen Kai knelt on the ground with a thud.

Just when he was despairing, a strange sound came from behind the two of them.

"Your Highness, Governor Wen, why are you here?"

"Fan Shaoqing!"

Seeing Fan Xin appear, Wen Kai came to the door with a bang as if he had found a savior.

Looking at his cheeks, there are two big mouths.

"Fan Shaoqing, I feel so ashamed that I placed you in the Tiandi Inn because I looked down upon you!"

"Let's go back quickly, the Turkic princess is still waiting to see you."

"Turkic princess?" Fan Xin frowned. He was a newbie and didn't know any princess.

Seeing that Fan Xin was still pretending not to know, Wen Kai said with a smile.

"Fan Shaoqing, you don't have to pretend anymore, we already know."

"Yes, Fan Xin, you are too low-key. You didn't tell me about such a big thing as rescuing the Turkic princess." Princess Taiping said with a smile.

Until now, she still can't believe that Fan Xin has done so many things secretly.

Seeing that the two people's attitudes were not like joking, Fan Xin suddenly remembered the scene in the valley. If the people who could be related to the Turkic princess were probably the Turkic businessmen.

Thinking of this, he said calmly: "When the matter is over, go away and hide your merit and fame. There is no need to talk about trivial matters."

"Let's go. Let's finish the business as soon as possible so that we can explain it to the court."

After speaking, he walked out. When passing by Wen Kai, Fan Xin turned his head and said to him.

"Prince Wen, I would like to advise you to resign and go home, otherwise these dog eyes will kill you sooner or later!"

"Your Highness, let's go!
Princess Taiping glared at Wen Kai and followed closely.

After walking out of Tiandi Inn, Princess Taiping quietly looked at Fan Xin.

Not to mention that this handsome young man is full of masculine charm. No wonder the queen mother sent him to assist her in negotiations.

"By the way, how confident are you in this negotiation?" Princess Taiping asked, remembering the business.

However, what surprised her was that Fan Xin didn't look confident.

"To be honest, I don't have any hope."

Princess Taiping was startled, and the smile disappeared from her face.

"Are you saying that the life-saving grace will have no impact on the negotiations?"

Fan Xin nodded and said seriously: "Yes, the Turks put interests first. For this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, they will definitely blackmail us with all their might."

"How can you give up your interests just because you saved your life?"

Fan Xin was not idle when he was at Tiandi Inn. He learned about it through Zhang Huan and Li Lang.

In recent years, famines have spread in Mobei, resulting in massive deaths of people and livestock.

Turkic tribes have secretly finalized a plan to survive.

That is to alleviate the problems within the tribe by plundering the grain, grass and population on the border of the Tang Dynasty, and then capture Lingzhou, Yuanzhou, Huizhou and other cities suitable for people to migrate.

It's just that the Khitans' rebellion gave them an honest opportunity for blackmail.

Therefore, Fan Xin did not have the slightest confidence in uniting with the Turks to destroy the Khitans.

After listening to Fan Xin's analysis, Princess Taiping frowned slightly.

"So if we want to persuade the Turks to send troops, we have to pay a huge price?"

Fan Xin smiled bitterly: "Given the greedy character of the Turks, they will probably ask for at least a few cities."

"Let's go, Lingzhou is here."

As soon as the two entered the camp gate, a heroic Turkic woman walked towards them.

"General Fan Xin, we say goodbye in the Lingzhou Valley. I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

"Fan Xin, the lower official, has met the Turkic princess." Fan Xin smiled slightly and his attitude was neither humble nor arrogant. He was not at all arrogant because of his status as his savior.

Seeing this scene, Princess Yinzhu nodded secretly. He was indeed the man who made her fall in love.

This kind of determination is rare among the younger generation of Turks.

After the greetings, the three of them walked towards the hall. When they were about to enter, Fan Xin suddenly stopped and looked at Xue Huaiyi, who was being fed straw cakes into his mouth by the Turkic guards.

"What crime did this man commit that made the princess treat him like this?"

Princess Yinzhu glanced at Xue Huaiyi and snorted angrily.

"This great monk insulted my princess in public. According to Turkic rules, he needs to be punished a little."

"I see"

Fan Xin suddenly understood, walked up to Xue Huaiyi with his hands behind his back and said coldly to the Tang Dynasty officials present.

"Lingzhou is our territory of the Tang Dynasty. As Tang people, you just watch helplessly as Xue Huaiyi is punished by the Turks."

"Where has your backbone gone?"

As soon as these words came out, hundreds of officials present who were watching the excitement quickly bowed their heads as if admitting their mistake.

At the same time, he secretly wondered if there was something wrong with Fan Xin. Xue Huaiyi was so domineering before, so he should feel happy.

Princess Taiping on the side was very surprised. She thought Fan Xin would take the opportunity to add insult to injury, but she didn't expect to say these words.

Princess Yinzhu took a deep look at Fan Xin, and a smile appeared on her lips.

She found that this young official had something that other Han officials did not have.

That's right, a kind of mind that transcends personal grudges and regards the dignity of the family and country as the first priority.

Xue Huaiyi lay on the ground, looking at Fan Xin with tears in his eyes, his heart full of guilt.He was so mean to Fan Xin along the way. Unexpectedly, the latter not only did not seek personal revenge, but actually saved him from the Turks.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

Just when Fan Xin's domineering image was infinitely higher in everyone's hearts.

Fan Xin shook his sleeves and said angrily.

"As officials of the Tang Dynasty, you can't even safeguard the dignity of the country, so what's the use of you?"

"Where is Qianniuwei?"

"The general is here!" The eight hundred thousand cattle guards clasped their fists in unison.

"All officials present today, no matter who they are, will be beaten ten times with a stick as a warning to others!"

"As for Xue Huaiyi's violation of the laws of the Tang Dynasty, naturally he will be executed by me, the guards of the Tang Dynasty."

"Take him down and continue stuffing biscuits!"

Princess Taiping…

Turkic princess…

Xue Huaiyi…

With an order, eight hundred thousand cattle guards moved upon hearing the news and escorted the officials present and Xue Huaiyi to the execution.

While crying, Fan Xin made an inviting gesture toward the Turkic princess.

"Princess Yinzhu, it's almost time. Let's go in and talk about borrowing troops to attack the Khitan?"

Princess Yinzhu glanced at the executed officials, turned around and walked into the execution hall.

After the two parties sat down, Princess Taiping dropped her smile and said majestically.

"Princess Yinzhu, your Turkic royal court must have received the Tang Dynasty's request to jointly send troops to attack the Khitan. I wonder what the attitude of the Ashina family is?"

Princess Yinzhu pondered for a moment and raised her head to look directly at Princess Taiping.

"To be honest with you, Your Highness, before this princess came to Lingzhou, my father Khan had just met the Khitan envoy."

"The Khitans promised that as long as our Turkic army does not participate in your country's cooperation, we can get three cities afterwards."

After hearing these words, Princess Taiping frowned slightly, took a sip from the tea cup and said calmly.

"What does Mo Chui Khan mean?"

Princess Yinzhu sighed: "Your Highness, you know that although the Ashina family is the master of the Turks, they are led by the heads of various tribes below."

"It's not that easy if you want them to give up the fat they got to help the Tang Dynasty attack the Khitans."

Looking at Princess Yinzhu who looked embarrassed, Princess Taiping and Fan Xin looked at each other and knew in their hearts that this was for their own benefit.

After thinking this, Princess Taiping put her hands in her sleeves and said majestically.

"Princess Yinzhu, please tell Khan Mochui that as long as the Turks assist the Tang Dynasty in annihilating the Khitans, we can provide some compensation within our capabilities.

Princess Yinzhu's eyes lit up, she sat upright and smiled.

"Okay, since His Highness is so happy, let me get straight to the point.

"If we, the Ashina family, want to persuade various ministries to assist the Tang Dynasty in suppressing the rebellion, we must meet three conditions of this princess!"


"First of all, your country needs to officially notify the world to recognize that my father Khan is the only great Khan of the Turks!"

"Secondly, I want to select a consort from among the noble sons and daughters of your country."

As soon as these two conditions came out, Princess Taiping breathed a sigh of relief.

Whether it was canonizing the Great Khan of Mochui or choosing a handsome man to marry a Turkic princess, it was within the scope of Datang's ability, and she could agree on the spot.

The negotiation went surprisingly smoothly, and Princess Yinzhu looked serious after the first two conditions were completed.

"Your Highness, attacking Khitan will require a huge price. The Ashina family means that your country must cede Lingzhou and Zhaozhou to us as compensation."

"Then we will lease Lanzhou, Huizhou, and Yuanzhou to us Turks for 50 years."

"In order to express the eternal friendship between the two countries, the Ashina family is willing to give two thousand cattle and sheep as payment."

"I don't know what you want?"

Fan Xin snorted coldly and his face darkened. What about the 50-year lease? It was clear that he wanted to blackmail the three state capitals.

Can the things in the hands of the Turks be returned?

Princess Taiping's pretty face was also livid. She didn't expect that the Turks had such a big appetite and wanted to ask for five state capitals in one go.

If this was reported back to the court, she would be nailed to the pillar of shame by historians.

So he refused without hesitation.

"I can promise you the first two items on behalf of the imperial court!"

"But it is not possible to cede five states and cities. Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, we have not had the habit of ceding land to pay compensation!"

Princess Yinzhu didn't seem surprised by Princess Taiping's attitude. After communicating with Cyclops in Turkic language, she said to the former.

“Well, since this princess owes General Fan a favor, we Turks can make concessions.

"Change it to 20 dan of grain and [-] jin of medicine. By the way, we will send our own people to your country to learn advanced technology."

"This..." Princess Taiping looked at Fan Xin, feeling a little undecided.

"Your Highness, this is our final bottom line. If you still don't agree, the Ashina family will have no choice but to agree to the Khitan people's request." Princess Yinzhu said with a half-smile.

"Okay, I promise you." Princess Taiping made up her mind.

The Khitan army was approaching Yingtan Prefecture, and she could not delay it any longer, so she agreed.

Seeing this, Princess Yinzhu stood up, stroked her chest and gave a salute.

"In order to show that we attach great importance to this matter, we also ask His Highness to go with Yin Zhu to Black Sand City to sign the final contract with the Turkic Khan."

"To show the permanent friendship between the two countries.

(End of this chapter)

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