Chapter 145 An accident caused by a bowl of oil spilling noodles!
"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here!" Wu Zetian laughed and said to the waiter.

"Xuan Fanxin comes to see you!"

"The Queen Mother has a decree to declare Fan Xin to appear in court!"

With a loud roll call, Fan Xin strode into Ziwei Palace and bowed.

"Your Majesty, Fan Xin, see you, the Queen Mother, long live, long live, long live!"

"Fan Aiqing doesn't need to be polite. I'm inviting the Fan family to the palace today for a banquet. You must already know what's going on, right?" Wu Zetian said with a smile as she signaled the chamberlain to move a chair for Fan Xin.

"I know."

"Well, I won't beat around the bush anymore. Your marriage to Taiping will be scheduled for the eighth day of August."

"When the time comes, the imperial court will grant you and your wife a Prince Consort's Mansion to live in. How about that?"

When Wu Zetian thought that she was marrying her daughter and being granted a title, Fan Xin should be happy to accept it.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Fan Xin did not accept the order to thank him, but sighed.

"Queen Mother, I'm afraid I'm not worthy of Princess Taiping. I hope you can take back your decree!"

As soon as these words came out, Ziwei Palace suddenly fell silent. Everyone looked at Fan Xin with deep shock in their eyes.

They never expected that Fan Xin would resist the order in public!Refuse to marry Princess Taiping!

Unless they heard it with their own ears, they might even think they heard it wrong.

Especially Princess Taiping's pretty face turned pale.

She never thought that Fan Xin would dare to reject her in public!

"Bold! How dare you defy the royal family!" Li Dan slammed the table and said in a deep voice.

"Fan Siqing quickly admit your mistake to Your Majesty and the Queen Mother. It's not too late to turn around now!" Di Renjie urged.

Good guy, I almost didn't scare him away just now.

In the uproar, Wu Zetian stared at Fan Xin's face for a long time and said calmly.

"Fan Xin, Princess Taiping is my favorite daughter. Please think carefully."

"Please give me your permission, Queen Mother!"

Seeing his decisive attitude, Wu Zetian suddenly became curious, what happened to make this guy give up on his future.

At this thought, she frowned and said, "Give me a reason to refuse."

"To report to the Queen Mother, when I passed by the Taiping Palace yesterday, I heard Her Highness sigh. It seemed that she was unwilling to marry Wei Chen."

"I don't want to force anyone into trouble, and I hope that the Queen Mother will not force Her Majesty the Princess for the sake of my great contribution!" At the end of the sentence, Fan Xin's eyes were already slightly red.

Seeing Fan Xin's temperament revealed, Wu Zetian sighed and looked at Princess Taiping.

"Taiping, you really don't want to marry Fan Xin?"

After hearing the question, Princess Taiping glanced at Fan Xin quietly, lowered her head shyly and said.

"After returning to my mother, who said that I don't want to marry him? It's a blessing to meet such a unique man. How can I not cherish it?"

"Then why did you sigh yesterday?" Fan Xin asked with a frown.

"I just sighed because I was not prepared. I didn't expect you to eavesdrop outside the door."

Finding out that it was a misunderstanding, the atmosphere in Ziwei Palace suddenly relaxed. Li Dan, who had been cold-faced before, enthusiastically helped Fan Xin up.

"You are so brave, you dare to resist the imperial edict!"

"Young people, there is always a time when you are young and energetic. Fortunately, the ending is happy." Di Renjie laughed.

Wu Zetian said angrily: "That's all, you young people can go out of the palace to eat by yourself, don't be an eyesore in front of me."

"Come on, get these two people out!"

Manager Geng chuckled and made an inviting gesture toward Fan Xin.

"Fan Siqing, Your Highness, please invite me."

Fan Xin had no intention of eating in Ziwei Palace, so he said to Princess Taiping after leaving the palace.

"I heard that there is a good noodle shop in the south of the city. Come over and try it?"

"Well, I just want to go out and relax."

The two went back, changed into a set of ordinary clothes, and headed south of the city with a few guards.

Since the Tang Dynasty moved to the Eastern Capital, Luoyang City has become increasingly prosperous, reaching a bustling level in just a few years.

The shops on both sides of the road were filled with guests drinking and drinking, and the excitement was no less than that of Yangzhou and Jiangzhou.

"Do you two gentlemen go to the top or stay in a hotel? Our store has good river fish."

"Spend [-] Wen to give you a pot of Longjing, and I guarantee that you and the others will be able to eat with confidence." Fan Xin and Princess Taiping looked at each other, lifted their straw hats, and walked into a slightly secluded shop.

After finding a seat by the window and sitting down, Fan Xin ordered two bowls of fried noodles, half a pound of cooked meat, and a plate of bean paste.

"I didn't expect there to be such a prosperous place in the market. This is my first time here."

Princess Taiping looked at the bustling street and exclaimed.

Fan Xin smiled slightly, took off his bamboo hat and put it on the table.

"Luoyang and Chang'an are twin cities, so it's not surprising that they are prosperous today."

"Now that we're here, let's take a walk. It just so happens that the salary of our minister has been increased."

While talking, the shop assistant came over with two steaming bowls of oily noodles.

"Two guests, this is the oily noodles you requested. Please use it slowly."

After thanking the waiter, Fan Xin picked up a piece of noodles with chopsticks and put it into his mouth to chew, his eyes suddenly lit up.

“Not bad, spicy but not noodles, soft and smooth, it’s authentic oily noodles.”

Seeing Fan Xin's mouth full of oil, Princess Taiping couldn't help but move her index finger and picked up one to take a bite.

Not to mention it tastes a bit spicy, but it's delicious.

At this time, a young man in shabby clothes helped the woman into the noodle shop.

The waiter put the towel on his shoulders and walked up to him with a smile on his face.

"What do you two want to eat? We have fried noodles, sesame cakes, meat buns, braised sheep's trotters..."

"Okay, first give us a lamb leg and ten bowls of oil noodles." The young man said calmly.

"Ten bowls?"

"Yes, ten bowls!"

"Okay, you sit down first."

The waiter nodded with a smile and shouted at the top of his lungs to the chef.

"One leg of lamb, ten bowls of oil and noodles!"

After the store clerk left, the young man looked around and helped the woman walk towards the window.

"Brother, the store is full of guests. Can you let me and my wife sit at the same table as you?"

Realizing that the store was indeed overcrowded, Fan Xin winked at a few guards pretending to be servants.

The latter stepped forward to search and found that there was no danger before getting out of the way.

"Then sit down and eat together."

"Thank you."

After the couple sat down, they glanced at You Po Mian and swallowed.

Fortunately, the leg of lamb and noodles were both ready-made. After a while, a leg of lamb and ten bowls of fried noodles were served.

Looking at the tempting mutton, the couple looked at each other, grabbed the mutton and gnawed it into their mouths. It tasted delicious.

Finally, I took two mouthfuls of mutton soup to rinse my mouth.

Looking at the two people patting their bellies, Fan Xin put down his chopsticks and asked with a smile.

"Brother, don't you feel full after eating so much?"

The young man made a break and waved his hand.

"This little bit of mutton isn't too much. I'll just go out for a walk later."

When he said this, he rolled his eyes and suddenly came over and whispered.

"Brother, meeting is fate. Do you want to have a good future?"

"Oh, brother, does he have some connections?" Fan Xin felt a little surprised. The person in front of him didn't look like he had connections.

The young man glanced around and whispered to Fan Xin.

"To be honest, the wife next to me is no ordinary person. She is the most beloved daughter of the current Queen Mother, Princess Taiping."

"And I am not an ordinary citizen. You know Fan Shaoqing, who beheaded more than 300 corrupt officials in Youzhou some time ago."

"It's the scumbag!"

 I have been suffering from low-grade fevers recently, and my condition has declined a bit. After I am discharged from the hospital the day after tomorrow, I will regroup and finish writing the upcoming drama. Thank you for your encouragement.

(End of this chapter)

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