Chapter 151 Who wrote this complaint?
"I accept my order!" Zhang Huan took the golden dragon sword and led the people out of the inn.

Looking away from the window, Princess Taiping frowned slightly.

"The armor and weapons are manufactured by the Shaofu Supervisor, and are inspected by the Weiwei Temple before being distributed to the various armies by the Ministry of War."

"Until the frontline sergeants obtained weapons, a total of three ministries and yamen were involved."

"This does not include the local yamen that provide materials and the military generals who resell military supplies."

"With such a huge force, no one would dare to accept it. Are you sure you want to bring this big case to light?"

Fan Xin glanced at her and said calmly: "Senior Zhou Tong Yijie dares to risk his life to seek justice for the fallen soldiers."

"How can I, the dignified Minister of Dali Temple, have any reason to back down?"

"The most important thing is that what I hate most in my life are people who make it difficult for the country to make money."

"It's okay if I didn't know before. Now that I have the clues, I have to dig out these moths and give justice to the soldiers who died on the battlefield!"

Seeing that Fan Xin was determined to intervene in the case, Princess Taiping no longer tried to persuade her, but said.

"This case involves a lot, and there are several people you need to pay attention to."

"Which ones?"

"Cheng Shan, Minister of the Ministry of War, is the son-in-law of the Xiao family in Lanling and has a very close relationship with Wu Chengsi."

"The remaining ones are Li Yuanpei, the minister of the temple, and Wu Changnan, the eunuch of the young mansion. These two are both royal family members and worthy of the title of county prince."

"In terms of rank, I am the same six ministers and nine ministers as you, but my title is several grades higher than yours. Even the queen mother has to give them three points."

Hearing that these people were so powerful, Fan Xin's eyebrows showed a trace of solemnity.

Princess Taiping is right. The identities and backgrounds of these people are too great. It will definitely not work to lead people in like before.

We must find a way to block the mouth of Youyou in the world, and then get the support of the Queen Mother to catch all these old immortals.

So is there any way to do this?

Fan Xin fell into deep thought.

a long time.

He looked at Princess Taiping inadvertently, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Have it!"

"any solution?"

"Come here with your ears!"

Fan Xin whispered something into Princess Taiping's ear, which made her nod.

"Okay, I will go back and send someone to the young master's office right now. You can go and invite the queen yourself."

Just as the two were making preparations in an orderly manner, Zhou Tong came to the door of Dali Temple with the certificate.

Seeing that he was a young man in shabby clothes, the temple guard guarding the gate was angry.

"Let's talk about it first. If you want to file a complaint, you have to pay the entrance fee of [-] yuan. If you don't have the money, get out of here and save your time!"

Zhou Tong cupped his hands with a smile on his face.

"The two policemen have prepared the money. I hope you can hand in the confession on behalf of the common people." After saying this, he took out the paper and handed it to the temple attendant.

The guard weighed the copper coins in his hand and took the paper with satisfaction.

"You wait here, I'll go in and inform you."

After giving some instructions to his companions, the guard took the papers all the way to the atrium study room.

"Reporting to Jiang Shaoqing, there is a commoner outside the door who wants to file a complaint. Do you think you will accept the case?"

"Bring the paper over to me and take a look at it." Jiang Shaoqing picked up the tea cup and took a sip, looking at the paper on the table.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't look at it. He immediately jumped up from his chair when he saw it.

"Quick! Open the door immediately and invite the complainant in. I will go to court on the spot for questioning!"

Seeing Jiang Shaoqing's panicked look, the guard said in confusion.

"Shaoqing, a common citizen shouldn't be so grandiose, right?" "According to the rules, we usually eat the plaintiff and eat the defendant. The formal trial is only when the profit and water are drained. How come you are promoted to court now?"

"Asshole! This is Fan Siqing's handwriting. Who dares to fool him?" Jiang Wen glared at his subordinates: "Why don't you hurry up and invite someone here!"

"You little man, go now." Realizing that something was wrong, the guard quickly ran towards the gate of Dali Temple.

at the door.

Zhou Tong glanced at the closed door, his palms full of sweat.

This was already the third yamen, and he really didn't know what to do if he still refused to accept it.

The guard on the side couldn't bear it and said, "You'd better go back. There's no need to ask for more money."

"There are big figures behind the Ministry of War, Weiwei Temple and Shaofu Prison. No one in the world, let alone us, would dare to accept such a petition."

"No matter how much money you spend, it's just in vain."

Hearing this, Zhou Tong reluctantly held up his hands and said, "May I ask Master Cha, is there no one who upholds justice in this world?"

"Well..." the guard hesitated: "There is really one person who dares to uphold justice."

"But Fan Siqing and the princess went on a trip to the mountains and rivers, and no one knows where he is."

"You'd better get rid of this thought as soon as possible."

Seeing that even the people in Dali Temple had no hope, Zhou Tong's last bit of luck was gone. He thanked the guard and planned to return to the inn.

Everything that needs to be done has been done, and there is nothing the yamen can do if it dares not accept the case.

At this time, the closed door suddenly opened, and the guard who had gone in to report earlier trotted all the way to Zhou Tong and said respectfully.

"Sir, wait a minute, Jiang Shaoqing said he has accepted your case..."

"Accepted?" Zhou Tong was startled and asked in disbelief.

Just now the guard told him that no one dared to take this case, why did he take it again in the blink of an eye?
As if he knew what he was thinking, the messenger guard smiled slightly.

"Young Master, there is no need to be surprised. Our Dali Temple is a place where laws and regulations are upheld, and we dare to face all powers."

"We haven't paid much attention to just a few yamen."

At this point, he made an invitation gesture: "Sir, please come in. Jiang Shaoqing is waiting in the lobby to interrogate the case."

Zhou Tong couldn't believe that the scene before him was real until he entered Dali Temple.

Dali Temple actually accepted the case that no other yamen dared to accept.

What shocked him even more was that he only accepted the case, and even went to court for questioning so quickly.

You must know that in the past, it took three months at the fastest to be promoted to a hall in Dali Temple.

Arriving at the entrance of the lobby, Zhou Tong was about to go in when he was stopped by the guard on the side.

"Sir, please keep the entrance fee you paid. Our Dali Temple clearly stipulates that officials must enforce the law impartially and must not take advantage of the people."

After collecting the copper coins, Zhou Tong handed them over with emotion: "Everyone used to say that Dali Temple was a skinned chicken. After picking off the plaintiff and the defendant, I still believe it."

"Now it seems that the rumors cannot be believed. Farewell!"

After saying this, Zhou Tong resolutely walked into the hall, knelt on the ground with a bang and said loudly in front of the three squadrons of temple soldiers.

"Zhou Weiwei's forward camp Zhou Tong sued the Ministry of War for reselling military supplies, and asked Dali Temple to seek justice for the soldiers who died in Yingzhou!"

Jiang Shaoqing looked at the people in the hall and said calmly.

"Zhou Tong, I'm asking you who wrote this petition?"

"Return to the Lord, brother in need."

"So that's it." Jiang Shaoqing rolled his eyes, then walked down the hall with a smile on his face and personally helped Zhou Tong up.

"Don't be nervous. When you arrive at Dali Temple, you will treat it as your own home. If you have any grievances, feel free to complain."

"I will definitely make the decision for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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