Chapter 197 ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.


Li Dan knelt on the ground and cried loudly, feeling sad for losing the throne and relieved that his years of imprisonment were over.

However, no matter how much he thought, he could not change the destined outcome, and that night he officially announced his abdication to the Queen Mother Wu Zetian.

For a time, the world was shocked, and the government and the public were shocked. Minister Li Tang, who had failed in the restoration, cried bitterly after hearing the news and chose to hang himself in prison.

But more people are celebrating this rare and unprecedented event.

The next day, Shangyang Palace.

Seeing Wu Zetian wearing a five-clawed golden dragon suit and sitting high on the dragon chair, all the officials headed by Di Renjie bowed down and paid homage.

"I see your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Everyone, please be safe."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After the ministers stood up, Shangguan Wan'er took a step forward and slowly unfolded the imperial edict in a clear voice.

"Haotian has a destiny, and the emperor accepts it. Heaven intends to enthrone me. Although I am afraid, I dare not resign. I can only repay it by working diligently for the people."

"Therefore, the name of the country is changed to Da Zhou, and Luoyang, the capital of gods, is designated as the capital. This is the decree!"

"Long live my emperor, long live the emperor!" The ministers shouted again in accordance with the rules.

Shangguan Wan'er then took out another copy of the imperial edict and read it.

"Although I have ascended the throne, I am fully aware of the difficulties faced by the common people in our country. Only the monarch and his ministers working together with one heart and one mind can bring prosperity and peace."

"Therefore, Di Renjie was promoted to the position of internal historian, and Doctor Yinqing Guanglu was given the title of fully responsible for the center of Fengge Luantai."

"Chun Guan Shangshu Wu Sansi was promoted to the title of King of Liang, and Wu Chengsi was promoted to the title of King of Wei."

"Zhang Jianzhi, Wang Xiaojie, Jing Hui, Yuan Shuji, Zong Chuke, Lou Shide..."

Following a series of canonizations, everyone nodded with satisfaction.

I have to say that the rewards this time are indeed generous, and the worst ones have been upgraded by two levels in a row.

When she thought of Li Dan, Shangguan Wan'er gave him a cold look and said.

"Li Dan's filial piety is very gratifying to me, so I allow him to move into the East Palace as the prince."

After hearing these words, the ministers had different expressions, some were pleased, some were frowning.

Just when everyone had different thoughts, Li Dan walked out of the queue and bowed.

"Your Majesty, I am extremely exhausted physically and mentally after living in the deep palace for a long time. It is not suitable for me to continue to stay in the East Palace."

"Therefore, I am willing to give up the position of Crown Prince to Luling King Li Xian, and I ask for your permission!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole palace was in an uproar. No one expected that Li Dan would be willing to give up his position as crown prince.

Especially Wu Sansi stood up directly and said: "Your Majesty, Li Xian's behavior is cowardly and unfit to be the crown prince. I thought I could choose one from the direct descendants of the Wu family."

Although Wu Sansi did not say it clearly, he was Wu Zetian's nephew and was most likely to be named the prince.

Di Renjie naturally wouldn't let him succeed, so he stood up and said solemnly.

"The words of King Liang are extremely confusing. Since ancient times, the prince of the East Palace has been selected from the emperor's descendants. Now that several of your highnesses are still here, why are you, a nephew, joining in the fun?"

"You!" Wu San thought for a moment and stared at Di Renjie with a livid face.

"Okay, I have my own opinion."

After stopping the two of them, Wu Zetian looked at Li Dan with a complicated look in her eyes.

"Dan'er, have you made up your mind?"

"My son has made up his mind!"

Wu Zetian was silent for a while and said: "That's all, since you have no interest in government affairs, then I will make you the Prime Minister."

"Change Li Xian to the title of Prince of the East Palace."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Seeing that Li Tang's bloodline was crowned the prince, some ministers, including Di Renjie, breathed a sigh of relief.Only Wu Sansi's face was very ugly. He did not expect that the emperor would actually turn to the Li family.

After handling the prince's affairs, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became solemn, and everyone knew it was time to talk about business.

This time Fan Xin made an astonishing feat, and the court had to give him an explanation both publicly and privately.

Wu Zetian said calmly as his eyes swept over everyone in turn.

"Fan Xin made great contributions in the First Battle of Liangzhou. How do you think he should be rewarded?"

After hearing this, Wu Chengsi stood up and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, I think I can reward Fan Xin by canonizing him as Duke of the country."

When they heard this, everyone thought they had heard it wrong. It didn't seem true that Wu Chengsi, who had always disliked Fan Xin, wanted to make the former the Duke of the country.

In response to everyone's surprise, Wu Chengsi sneered in his heart and thought it was stupid.

Fan Xin is dead, so what's the use of making him a prince.

The most important thing at the moment is to restore the image in the emperor's mind.

Sure enough, Wu Zetian nodded with satisfaction.

"What the King of Wei said makes sense. Let's do this. Fan Xin will be granted the title of General of the Second Rank and will be promoted to Duke of Yan."

Wu Chengsi...

After the dispersion of the dynasty, Di Renjie followed Wu Zetian to the Imperial Garden.

"Your Majesty, it is extremely glorious for Fan Xin to be ranked as the second-ranking General of the Auxiliary State and Duke of Yan at the age of more than 20 years old."

"Presumably he knew it was time to rest in peace. You don't need to feel sad anymore."

Wu Zetian sighed and said sadly: "I am worried that Taiping will not be able to accept the news of Fan Xin's death. After all, they have just been married not long ago."

Speaking of this, Wu Zetian seemed to have made up her mind: "That's all, I will go and tell her the bad news myself."

After saying that, Wu Zetian flicked her sleeves and robe and sat on the imperial court to go to the general's mansion.

When the guard guarding the gate saw the emperor coming, he knelt on one knee and bowed his head.

"See Your Majesty!"

"Everyone, get up." Wu Zetian looked at the inner court and said calmly: "How is the princess doing recently?"

"Back to Your Majesty, His Majesty has been very busy recently and has built ten giant money vaults in the palace."

Hearing that her daughter was living such a fulfilling life, Wu Zetian sighed secretly and wondered how uncomfortable she would be when she learned that Fan Xin had died for her country.

Indicating to the guards that there was no need to roll call, Wu Zetian walked straight into the courtyard and saw Princess Taiping directing the servants to carry boxes of golden bricks into the treasury.

"Hey, why are you here, Queen Mother?" Princess Taiping wiped the sweat from her forehead and said with a smile.

"I'm here to tell you some bad news." Wu Zetian said with a heavy heart.

"Fan Xin died for his country in Liangzhou."

According to Wu Zetian's guess, her daughter would cry at least once after hearing the bad news.

What surprised her was that Princess Taiping just sighed, and then continued to direct the servants to carry the silver bricks as if nothing had happened.

"Taiping, aren't you sad when Fan Xin dies?" Wu Zetian frowned.

Princess Taiping didn't take it seriously and said: "What's the use of being sad when everyone is gone? Mother, please go back first. My daughter will come to the palace to see you later."

Seeing her daughter busy carrying gold bricks, Wu Zetian left the General's Mansion with a gloomy expression.

The more she thought about it along the way, the more wrong she became. Her daughter knew that she must be hiding something from her.

Thinking of this, Wu Zetian ordered the guards to return to the vicinity of the General's Mansion and secretly stare at the gate.

She wanted to see what her daughter was hiding from her.

As the sky gradually darkened, the originally closed door suddenly opened.

I saw Princess Taiping walking out. She looked around first, then quietly blended into the night with her four guards.

"Follow me!" Wu Zetian took a deep breath and said.

(End of this chapter)

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