Chapter 20 Wu Zetian’s Worries
As soon as these words came out, the whole palace was in an uproar. No one expected that Langya King Li Chong would rebel.

Especially the ministers who supported Wu Zetian felt even more uneasy after hearing the news.

Bozhou is too close to Luoyang. Once the rebels cross the Yellow River and invade Puzhou, they will reach Luoyang in a few days.

By then, given the grievances between the Li and Wu families, Li Chong will definitely kill them all.

Thinking of these, Wu Sansi, the Minister of Rites, walked to the middle of the hall and cupped his hands.

"To inform the Queen Mother, Bozhou is located on the north bank of the Yellow River. Once Li Chong leads his army across the Yellow River and invades Puzhou, it will surely shake the world and shake up the country."

"If princes Li and Tang continue to interact with each other at this time, Luoyang will definitely be in danger."

"So I think the court should send a general as soon as possible to destroy Li Chong in Bozhou before he crosses the Yellow River!"

Wu Zetian sighed secretly in her heart. Originally, she thought that after Xu Jingye's incident, the Li and Tang people would be more honest, but now it seems that her thinking was too simple.

Wu Sansi was right. Once Li Chong's rebels were allowed to cross the Yellow River and invade Puzhou, it would arouse the rebellion of the people of the world like a spark that started a prairie fire.

Li Chong is still capable of attacking Luoyang. What if all the kings of Li and Tang rebelled together?
So she must stop Li Chong's rebels in Bozhou no matter what!
"It's a pity that the officials in Bozhou are dying and surrendering. Only Wushui County is still resisting. I don't know if they can hold it."

After suppressing her thoughts, Wu Zetian turned her head and looked at Li Dan on the dragon throne.

"How does the emperor think this matter should be handled?"

Feeling the vague murderous intention in his mother's tone, Li Dan felt a chill in his heart and said quickly.

"Mutiny and rebellion have always been prohibited by national law. All decisions must be made by the queen."

Wu Zetian's eyes stayed on her son's face for a long time. After finding nothing unusual, she looked away and looked at Wu Sansi again.

"What Ai Qing said is reasonable. Who do you think is appropriate to send to quell the rebellion?"

Wu Sansi had already thought about the candidate, so when Wu Zetian asked about it, he hurriedly said.

"Back to the Queen Mother, I think General Qiu Shenji of Zuo Jin Wu Guard is more suitable!"

Upon hearing this name, the ministers frowned, as if they did not expect that Wu Sansi would recommend him to quell the rebellion.

This person is not very capable, but he is ruthless and ruthless. Together with the cruel official Zhou Xing, he is known as the two evil spirits of the Tang Dynasty.

A few years ago, because he forced Prince Zhanghuai to death, he was sent to Diezhou as the governor by Wu Zetian.

At this time, Wu Sansi proposed that he serve as the counter-rebellion general, obviously wanting to kill Li Chong and his son.

After thinking about this, Xiao Shude, the imperial censor of the Tang Dynasty who supported the surname Li, immediately stood up and angrily shouted.

"This is nonsense! Qiu Shenji forced Prince Zhanghuai to death, and he is still guilty to this day. What qualifications does he have to serve as a counter-rebellion general!"

"That's right, Qiu Shenji has never been on the battlefield. Who will be responsible for the loss of troops and generals?"

Facing the angry rebuke of the two veterans, Wu Sansi didn't care at all and said with a strange tone.

"The two censors are so obstructive. Are they trying to buy time for Li Chong so that he can fight to Luoyang?"


Seeing the two sides arguing in the court hall, Wu Zetian's face darkened and he slapped the armchair heavily.

"Okay, everyone, please step aside!"

Seeing the Queen Mother's anger, both sides glared at each other and returned to their ranks.

After the main hall became quiet, Wu Zetian said coldly with phoenix eyes.

"The current situation is urgent. Once Li Chong is allowed to break through Wushui County and invade Puzhou, the imperial court will be extremely passive."

"Therefore, the imperial court should send troops to suppress it as soon as possible."

"Come here, draw up an edict and appoint Qiu Shenji as the general manager of Qingpingdao's march. He will immediately lead the Zuoying Yangwei army to Bozhou to quell the rebellion. No mistake!" Seeing that the imperial edict had been issued, Minister Li Tang, although he was unwilling to do so, also We can only leave it at that.

After the court was dismissed, the ministers dispersed one after another, leaving Wu Zetian alone on the steps.

A moment later, a female general wearing armor walked into the hall, knelt on one knee and said.

"My lord, Xiao Jing, the general of the Imperial Guard, is here to see the Queen Mother!"

"Get up."

"Thank you Queen Mother!"

Wu Zetian glanced at the female general and said calmly: "I want to ask you, has Li Dan done anything unusual recently?"

Xiao Jing bowed and said: "Your Majesty has been staying in Tai'an Palace recently. Except for meeting Princess Taiping once, he has not met any ministers named Li."

"According to the maid who attended his bedchamber, His Majesty Li Dan was obsessed with calligraphy and painting. He often told people that being an emperor was too tiring. It would be great if he could take off his burden and focus on the mountains and rivers."

After hearing these words, Wu Zetian's tense face showed a rare smile.

"Dan'er has liked these things since she was a child. I didn't expect that she would still be so leisurely and elegant after becoming an emperor."

"That's all, let him go." When Wu Zetian said this, he seemed to think of something.

"By the way, what is the name of the Wu Shui County Magistrate who is currently resisting in Bozhou?"

Xiao Jing was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect that the emperor would ask a small county magistrate, then she thought about it and said.

"Go back to your Majesty, this person's name is Fan Xin."

"Fan Xin..." Wu Zetian thought about it for a moment, then burst into laughter: "What happened to me recently? I actually have expectations for a small county magistrate.

"Li Chong's personal guards are all elite, and they are no match for the ordinary garrison. How could he, a county magistrate, resist the rebels?"

"I guess he died on the battlefield by now." After saying that, he shook his head and left the main hall of Shangyang Palace.

What she didn't know was that Fan Xin was not dead but was still alive and well.


After stabbing the enemy to death, Fan Xin wiped the blood from his face and looked at the enemy retreating like a tide, with a trace of pleasure in his eyes.

After two consecutive days of intense fighting, they successfully repelled more than a dozen enemy attacks and safely moved the women and children to a safe place.

The price was that the defenders on the city wall lost hundreds of people, and even he himself suffered several injuries.

"Master, are you okay?" Seeing Fan Xin's clothes stained red with blood, Liu Zi almost burst into tears and yelled at the top of his lungs for the doctor to come over quickly.

"Why are you howling? I'm not dead yet." Fan Xin glared at Liu Zi, covered his wound and staggered towards the south wall.

During the bloody battle just now, the most enemies came up here, and many brothers who were defending the city died here.

Seeing Fan Xin coming, Zhou Dianyuan hurriedly ordered his doctor to treat his injuries.

"Forget it, my injury won't kill me. Let's stay close to the injured brother first." Fan Xin waved his hand to reject Zhou Dianyu's proposal.

The jailers also suffered heavy losses in this bloody battle. There were more than 30 of them when they climbed the city wall, but now only six are still alive.

Signaling the sergeants to clean up the battlefield, he came to Lin Tie's side.

"How's it going? Is there any movement in the camp opposite?"

Normally Li Chong's army would attack to the top of the moon, but now he has withdrawn his army early, which is a bit abnormal no matter how you look at it.

(End of this chapter)

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