Chapter 214 The secret to promotion!

Coming out of Shangyang Palace, a group of veterans from the martial arts department chased after him and said anxiously.

"Your Highness Prince Liang, this boy Fan Xin clearly wants to cause harm."

"Where can we go to make political achievements in this peaceful situation? We can't arrest a few corrupt officials to make achievements."

At this time, the Minister of Punishment said something meaningful.

"There are only two kinds of achievements, either military merit or political achievement."

"Political achievements take too long to be effective, but military achievements have immediate effects."

"We can start from this aspect to seize the opportunity."

Everyone's eyes lit up and they all looked at the Minister of Punishment. Wu Sansi couldn't wait to say.

"You mean to ask me to write a letter to Ge Hong, the governor of Lanzhou?"

"Yes, Gannan Road is one of the only turbulent places at the moment. As long as Ge Hong wins a few decent victories, are you still afraid that you won't be able to enter the cabinet?

Wu Sansi said a little uncertainly.

"This is a good idea. Ge Hong was just a cook before. It might not be appropriate to let him lead troops to fight."

"Even Fan Xin, a man with great military exploits, could barely defeat the powerful Tibetan enemy. Wouldn't he be risking his own death if he went there?"

The Minister of Punishment coughed, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Who said he should be allowed to fight against Tibetans, thieves and bandits?"

"Didn't Qingzhou Governor Li Tai'an just wipe out the bandits in Wagang Village some time ago?"

"He can also imitate the gourd."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this.

"Wonderful, just by relying on this move, His Royal Highness Prince Liang will be sure to enter the cabinet and pay homage to the prime minister."

Wu Sansi also patted the Minister of Punishment on the shoulder with a smile on his face.

"When I enter Fengge Luantai, I will definitely ask your Majesty to grant you the position of earl."

The Minister of Punishment smiled and saluted: "I am willing to do my best for the prince."

"Okay, you go back first. I will go back and write a secret letter to Ge Hong and ask him to lead troops to encircle and suppress the bandits!"

Returning to the mansion, Wu Sansi wrote a secret message overnight and ordered people to send it to the Lanzhou Governor's Mansion at an accelerated speed of [-] miles.


Lanzhou, Qingyun Tower.

As a rare luxury restaurant in the northwest, it is an important resting place for merchants passing through the Silk Road.

Here, businessmen can not only eat Guanzhong Saozi Noodles, but also experience various delicacies from the Central Plains region.

It can be said to be a unique top restaurant in Lanzhou.

But today, the atmosphere here is a bit tense. Dozens of guards from the governor's office are guarding the gate, looking like they should keep strangers away.

The second floor.

A fat man wearing a red official uniform, accompanied by his staff, sat at the table with his eyes closed, as if waiting for something.

a little.

The female shopkeeper of Qingyun Tower led two cooks over.

"Gesser Ge, the top-quality mutton soup you ordered is ready. Please taste it."

As he spoke, he motioned to the waiter to put the mutton soup in front of Ge Hong.

As the waiter gently opened the lid, a strong smell of mutton wafted out.

Ge Hong sniffed, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the haggis soup in front of him.

"The mutton is not overpowering, and the taste is delicious. It should be an alpine lamb less than three months old."

"Not bad!"

After stroking his beard and saying a few words of praise, Ge Hong said calmly to his staff.

"Bring me my cutlery."

"Yes, Fu Zun."

The aide opened the box and took out a pair of gold bowls and spoons and placed them on the table.

Ge Hong picked up the golden spoon and scooped some mutton soup into his mouth, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"Fu Zun, do you think this year's business tax can return to normal? Our store has been losing money for half a year."

The female shopkeeper took the opportunity to laugh with her.Ge Hong glanced at her, put down his spoon and wiped his hands.

"Jin Niang, it's not that I'm unreasonable, it's just the imperial court that's pressing me hard."

"The prince has said that Lanzhou must collect 80 copper coins this year."

"If you can't hand it over, I can only pay for it out of my own pocket."

"So we have to suffer for businessmen like us."

The female shopkeeper became anxious upon hearing this. According to the rules of previous years, they only had to pay [-]% tax.

As a result, since Ge Hong came to Lanzhou, he directly raised the commercial tax to [-]%.

If this continues, her restaurant will close down within half a year.

Thinking of this, the female shopkeeper took out twenty strings of brocade silk from her sleeve, put it in Ge Hong's hand, and begged.

"Ge Jishi, a little thought is not a sign of respect. I hope you can show your kindness and save the shop."

"My little girl will definitely repay your kindness in the future."

Hearing this, Ge Hong twirled the thickness of the brocade silk and sneered disdainfully.

"What a thoughtful person. Who do you think I am?"

After saying this, he patted the brocade silk on the table and stood up.

"Jin Niang, let's not tell secret stories. We must hand over [-]% of the restaurant's share and marry this official as my concubine. Only then can this matter be over."

“Otherwise, you’ll just wait to close down your business!”

The female shopkeeper's expression changed, and she knelt on the ground with a plop and said pitifully.

"Ge Jishi, Qingyun Tower is a property passed down from the little girl's ancestors and must not be handed over."

"Please spare the little woman.

Ge Hong looked down at the beautiful woman and sneered.

"Well, since the female shopkeeper is not willing to marry me as my concubine, there is nothing more to say."


Ge Hong shook off his sleeves and strode away. Looking at their backs, the female shopkeeper slumped on the ground with a look of despair.

After a while, several Lanzhou officials with swords in their hands came to Qingyun Tower and first fined the female shopkeeper two copper coins on the grounds that the mutton soup was unclean.

Immediately afterwards, Qingyun Tower was ordered to close down for rectification due to incomplete procedures.

To return to normal, the female shopkeeper must go to the Governor's Mansion in person to apply for the relevant deed.

As soon as the Lanzhou officials left, a few grinning gangsters broke into the store and occupied all the tables, eating and drinking wantonly, preventing diners from entering.

In just one day, the famous Qingyun Tower was reduced to a deserted place.

Looking at the messy lobby, Jinniang and her husband hugged each other and cried.

"Madam, our old store that has been in business for 50 years has failed like this. Why don't we go to the capital to file a lawsuit?"

Jinniang's husband said sadly. .

The female shopkeeper shook her head with a pale face: It's useless. The Lanzhou government specially sent spies at the city gate to intercept those who came to Beijing to complain. "

"Once discovered, it will only lead to a worse death. Let's go back to the village to hide and wait a few years before talking about it."

"Hey, this world is over..."

Governor's House.

Ge Hong wore an apron and stood in front of the cauldron, holding the spoon himself. Several of his subordinates stood on both sides of the hall with their heads bent.

"How about it? Have the restaurants in Lanzhou agreed to hand over their shares?"

"Hui Fu Zun, apart from Lanzhou Noodle House's escape, only Qingyun Tower did not agree."

"The person who intercepted and complained this morning saw them returning to Fengshi Village."

"Hmph, stubborn fellow!"

Ge Hong's eyes flashed fiercely, and he slammed the spoon on the pot table, which frightened all the officials and quickly lowered their heads.

At this time, an official in green robe walked in holding a secret message.

"Master Fu, His Royal Highness Prince Liang has sent you a letter!"

Ge Hong signaled everyone to step back, took the letter and asked curiously.

"In previous years, the filial piety was shipped to Luoyang at the end of the year. Why are you in a hurry this year?"

(End of this chapter)

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